GoT vs Avengers : The Ultimate Face Off

Rohan Ajith
Published in
8 min readApr 25, 2019

If you are planning to watch the previous seasons of Game of Thrones and all the MCU movies up till Infinity war, spoilers ahead!!

A girl marching through the forests of a land she has never seen or heard of before on her quest to rejoin

what’s left of her family. She has eliminated all the people who betrayed her family on her journey. She comes across a building on the opposite side of her path. She goes and reads the sign. “B A R” it said. With a confused gaze she steps right in.

She has never seen a place with lights like these and people looking at a thing on the wall, yelling to change channels. She stumbles upon a man who kept on saying the same thing.

Man : (talking to himself) I have to bring them back.

Girl : Who are you, dear sir?

Man : Does it really matter now?

Girl : A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell.

Man keeps on drinking without paying much attention to the girl. Then after taking two more sips of that old rum, the man looks at her, a bit confused.

Man : What did you say your name was again?

Girl : A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell.

Man : Oh that’s why winter was late this year. Winter Fell and it couldn’t get back up?

(Intense staring continues)

Man: Okay……you are not one for jokes, are you? Well, I’m Tony Stark of Manhattan……Hey wait a minute. Arya a Stark as well?

Okay jokes aside! That joke would have killed it in King’s Landing just like Ned Stark. Remember Ned Stark? The guy everyone loved in Season 1. The protagonist of the show. The person we thought was gonna win the Game of Thrones. Well, people who sat through the mediocre first season, you never saw this coming although winter did come eventually after 7 seasons.

People: Ned Stark is definitely a good guy. He won’t be killed off.

George R.R. Martin : Hold my beer.

The same was said about Robb Stark. He died as well. Sure, the Starks were amazing fighters whose battle plans were really good but their empathetic side got the worst out of them. And remember that classic glory shot of all the Avengers in a circle fighting the Chitauri with that dope background music? Five years later, that scene still gives me the chills. But each year, more number of heroes are added to the Avengers “shawarma” squad and yet what happened when Thanos snapped his fingers? You know the rest.

The April of 2019 is one of the most anticipated months yet. Simply because two of the top most hyped showpieces of the movie and TV categories are finally here. Avengers and Game of Thrones! Some people watch one of them, while some watch both and then there’s the other category of people who spam on Instagram and Facebook with “Am I the only one here who doesn’t watch GOT” or “I haven’t watched Infinity war because I love DC”.

We would think both are different, in the sense that one of them is a TV show, and the other a movie. But thinking about it with a deeper perspective, both of them actually have a similar plot:

Good guys team up to fight the bad guy while there is an argument amongst the good guys leading to a conflict but at the end all is well when they finally put aside the differences and defeat the bad guy whilst a new enemy arises who no one ever saw coming.

I’ve always wondered about this. In both these universes, it’s always war and bloodshed and stuff like that. Why can’t they make a movie wherein the Avengers take a vacation after fighting the bad guys. Like Avengers 5 : A trip to Spain with Thanos or a dance off between the Starks and the Lannisters on who gets to sit on the Iron Throne. Hey! That would be a fun idea! No one else is interested in this? Just me? Oh. Okay. Moving on.

So since we are gearing up towards the release of Battle of Winterfell and Endgame I thought why not write an article about the ideologies some of the characters have expressed in their respective universes.

Captain America And Jon Snow

These two were driven by the love for their respective partners and the people they fight for matter the most to them. They put everyone else before their own selves. While I’m saying that’s a good thing to do, it has a major chance of backfiring. Remember Captain America, instead of crashing into a barren space in the city, crashes into a huge chunk of ice so that no one is hurt, getting himself stuck in ice for 70 long years and Jon Snow who first saw the wildlings as savages and started considering them as humans, trusting them and fighting for their rights only to be killed off by his own band of people, the Nights Watch. Sure both of them came back to life (because the plot needed them to) but still they go about making dumb decisions.They are good leaders and excellent fighters who could have fought their battles more intelligently if they used their heads a bit.

Thor and Jaime Lannister

The two characters with the best character development in their universes. Nobody cared about both of them initially but now everyone goes gaga over them after seeing their journey, a journey that made people change their perspectives about them. They are kind hearted with simple desires, they are not hard to please, and tend to make good friends with people. They make impulsive decisions and fix their mistakes rather than simply sitting idle and regretting their actions. They don’t follow the rules and more often live life on their own terms. But who are they vulnerable to, the most? Their siblings. Inspite of knowing that their actions are wrong, due to family values they just watch them commit those evil crimes and they take the necessary action only when things get very bad. They still trust and believe their siblings after the things they do, willing to forgive them pretty quickly. For Jaime he incests on loving his sister (GOT fans booing in the distance), while Thor has a special connect with his brother whom he low key loves (Avengers fans join the booing crowd) inspite of all the things they’ve done.

Tony Stark and Cersei Lannister

We all know that both of them have a different endgame (booing intensifies) but these two are very good at communication and tend to win every discussion they end up in, both having a charming playboy persona. They are very much self obsessed, caring more about what happens to them than others. They are very restless and like taking risks, challenging people they should not. Cersei challenged the sept and they took her in as prisoner while Tony Stark aka Iron Man was challenged by his father’s former ally Obadiah Stane in taking over Stark Industries. The risks taken by the both of them payed off in the end when they defeated their enemies and had the last laugh.

Littlefinger and Loki

It’s time to take a look at the baddies. So when we watch them on screen, our perspectives keep on swinging. By their actions, we come to know that they have evil motives and suddenly when they do something for others we feel like they are good people but then we get to know their real intentions behind their schemes, and then the bad perspectives we had earlier come back. Sometimes we even stop and take a moment to realise that we should never have trusted them in the first place. Littlefinger plays a part in Ned Stark’s death but helps Sansa escape King’s Landing only to know that the reason for helping her is because he loved Sansa. Loki helped Thor in defeating Malekith (that forgettable villain in Thor 2) only to banish his father from the throne in Asgard. Their key is to live life fully and in whatever way they want at the expense of destroying the life of others. If a greater force of evil or the people who they feel threatened by approach, they either eliminate the threat or get easily killed off by their enemies. It’s one or the other, there is no middle ground.

Thanos and Daenerys Targaryen

Danny aka Daenerys wants the Iron Throne (Not gonna get it are ya?). Thanos wants to wipe out half of the universe. Both are honourable people who stay true to their word and are ready to destroy anything or anyone who stands in their way. Danny is more compassionate when compared to Thanos. That dude cares only about his gauntlet. They are willing to kill even the members of their own family to reach that final goal of theirs. Too damn overpowered when they have their respective weapons with them.

Danny and her dragons. Thanos and the gauntlet. Still a better love story than Twilight.

They both believe that their plans are the most appropriate ones and even if their advisors warn them against it, they still go with their original plan. Both are ignorant in their own ways. Also, their plans are often based on a large scheme, so it takes time for both of them to implement them. That is why Thanos took 5 years to come for the gauntlet and Danny took 7 seasons to reach Winterfell.

Even though both universes are fictional and all the powers they have are exaggerated, sometimes the traits that these characters possess can be associated with traits we all have. That does not mean you can turn into Hulk and smash stuff or walk through fire like Daenerys can. But hey, if it’s a consolation, you can always learn archery and call yourself Hawkeye or learn to shoot and wear a black latex suit making you a real life Black Widow. But I would advise you to go for a safer option like learning guitar, playing sports and learning to cook. Also I hope that the Avengers defeat Thanos in a good fight instead of them forgiving Thanos because one of the Avenger’s mother has the same name as Thanos’s mother.

Before I conclude, a quick unpopular opinion. How many of you feel that Tyrion’s character is getting worse with every season? From making intelligent quips in Kings Landing to helping Daenerys make bad decisions….It’s just lazy character writing. But forget all that. I’d still watch both of these works on any day, all over again.

