Growing Blues

Aswathy S
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2021

It rains in a language we learn

On small legs and sunlit eyes

One we let go of on a sunny day

To learn a tongue that is ours alone

Made out of dew drops on transient days,

And all the thoughts we collect in ceramic jars

Fragile and crestfallen

At all this love we never accounted for

But on some evenings,

With the sun weaving orange

Into the air around us in shimmering streams

We may hear that old tale

And remember its meaning once again

Of the warmth that lives inside storms

A story that translates

Into the words we forge

From liaisons into a livid sea

Only on a dusk

When the sky forgets

About all the shades of blue

We first learnt it from.

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