Hackathon: Transform Hidden Ideas into Reality

Joel V Zachariah
Published in
11 min readJul 22, 2018

We all have ideas within our minds — some with the potential to revolutionize the world while others being simple and personal. No matter which category they may fall under, it is your original idea, your brainchild that developed from the experience and knowledge gained over time. Most of these ideas overcome a hurdle previously faced. When an idea solves a problem, it opens the door to several more possibilities and unexplored paths.

Note down those ideas

Yet, many of our ideas fail to meet the light of the day. Why is this so?

“No one liked it”
“I did not know how to build it”
“It was childish”

There is a huge gap between ideation and execution. When Uber brought the idea of connectivity to help customers find a ride, many people came out saying “I had that same idea a long time ago”. Yet, Uber made it happen in the best possible way. Similar to this, there are several ideas that people think of, but only a few take a step and execute it. The fear of taking the first step hinders many from even trying.

These are some common thoughts people have in this regard:

I am not all that creative enough.

Creativity does not come out of the blue, where one simply starts off and takes the world by surprise. People find answers only when a question is posed. Creativity needs a purpose and motion to go forth. So look closely around you. Try to spot a silent problem, and think how one can overcome it. Creativity takes time and a lot of attempts, because once our subconscious mind finds a pattern, everything rolls faster.

The splendor of Disney ( Travis Gergen on Unsplash)

Many did not consider Walt Disney to be creative. He was in fact fired from a newspaper company because they felt he lacked this element. Instead of accepting it, he worked hard and started “Laugh-O-gram” animation studio which unfortunately did not last long. After several more criticism and failures, the pioneer made a few films that became classics in time. Today his name is well renowned and respected for making children’s favorite character ‘Mickey Mouse’. Surely we all can keep looking for growth in creativity.

I shared my idea with others but they laughed at it.

When Joe Gebbia, Nathan Blecharczyk and Brian Chesky pitched their idea of starting a system where people would open their homes to strangers to stay, several potential investors laughed at it, saying that due to the safety risk, this would never take off, and people would never rely on this system. Joe was faced with the challenge of designing a trust system where both the parties would feel safe, and he kept failing, as many more people started backing off. Despite all that, today the company the three started, Airbnb, is valued in billions of dollars.

The founders of Airbnb (Source: inc.com)

They kept trying even when people laughed at them because, for every ninety-nine people who dismiss your idea, there is bound to be one who takes it seriously.

But my idea is tiny and silly!

Your idea might be tiny and silly today because it is on the way to evolve into something more noteworthy. What started off as a simple interface to interact with other students at Harvard University transformed into the huge social media website called Facebook. They were not the first people to think of online interaction, but in time Facebook gained popularity due to their innovative style.

Facebook’s versatility in todays world ( Tim Bennett on Unsplash )

An idea being judged as “silly” is probably being filtered through a biased lens, or you are not looking at it the right way. Figure out which one of the two it is.

What if I make a mistake? What if it fails?

We all are familiar with Amazon, the online marketplace. But this refined version happened after several mistakes and failures from its CEO, Jeff Bezos. He had several ideas such as online auctioning website, yet they all failed. He learned customer preference and tuned accordingly. It was his will to adapt and learn from his mistakes that made him one of the most recognized entrepreneurs in the world.

Jeff Bezos (Source: financialexpress.com)

Failures are the stepping stones of success. When things fall apart, take a moment to consider why so. Was it the way you did it? The way people received it? Or mere bad luck? After figuring this out, try again, this time with greater thought and insights. Maybe in time, your idea will reach the most refined version.

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up”
-Thomas Edison

Alright, but how do I go about? No one’s there to help me out!

Many a time, the lack of direction, the right degree of support and the fear of failure are why these ideas never meet the light of the day. If the environment you are in is not supportive, and the internet is not guiding you, then you need a community that understands and can provide support to your requirement.

You need a judgment-free environment to tinker and make mistakes, all while learning the way. And we have quite the solution for you: Hackathon

What is a Hackathon???

Hackathon is an event where tech enthusiasts gather together to form a product (or a smaller version of it) under a stipulated time, all from scratch. They either come as a group or make new friends at the venue. Usually, hackathons involve technology but do not need to be so as Dave Fontenot mentions in his TEDx talk.

When minds unite and positivity fills the air, wonders can happen and history can change. Unlock the open innovation in your vicinity

Hackathons are the ideal platform for people with ideas and tools to unite and spend 24 hours to bring their dreams into reality. To speak in more clarity, Hackathons are events where people from various backgrounds (technology, entrepreneurship, designing and so on) spend 24 to 72 hours at a location to work as a team to build their product from absolute zero towards at least a prototype (model) to explain and show the features to others.

Gather as a team and code your idea

To put it in simple words, people put aside everything and focus on one idea continuously! There usually is a theme around which a hackathon is organized, and so people try to find solutions that fall in the same domain.

But what if my idea is not all that techy?

Are you certain? Can you insert an element of technology into your idea? The internet has far-reaching impacts and thus can facilitate the process of connecting people with your product. In today’s world, the smart phones wield massive potential as a one-stop interface to find requirements. Going for a hackathon can help you get insights on how to better enhance your idea by talking to fellow participants and understanding the different available options.

Interact and figure out how technology can better facilitate your idea

Who can go for a hackathon?

Anyone can go for it. Hackathon is all about the positive energy to help one another climb up and present the best version of their idea possible within the time limit. The community present is not one that tries to dominate the rest by showing off their knowledge, but rather a patient and persevering lot that smiles wholeheartedly. Newcomers are always welcomed and there is a scope of learning for everyone. The ambiance is set to provide focus and purpose to pursue your code.

And it does not have to be only about pure software. You can even build robots, cool smart devices, and so on. The possibilities are endless.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” — Albert Einstein

Why should I go for a Hackathon?

From experienced programmers to absolute beginners, you can find everyone at a hackathon. This is due to the fact that learning is a never-ending process, and hackathon provides that opportunity for all, irrespective of the level of proficiency and experience. Don’t believe me? Take a survey of hackers after a hackathon, and everyone will have a thing or two to say in regard to what they learned new.

Some hackathons even have parallel tracks of short seminars to help participants improve and get better. Hackathons are the place for people to make mistakes without the fear of being judged for it. Open creativity will help others to climb and find their way beyond the network. More importantly, your ideas will be implemented faster than ordinary ways.

Okay, I admit. I am not good enough at tech yet. Shouldn’t I prepare and go?

This is the highlighting feature of any hackathon: You can go as a complete beginner for your first hackathon! The volunteers and mentors present at the venue can help you find a suitable project and support you to get started in coding.

You do not need to be an awesome coder to go for a hackathon. It works the other way round, that is, you go for a hackathon and emerge as a hacker. Like how Dave Fontenot says, one becomes a painter after he starts painting.

The wonders of Hackathon

If you do not know to code, one can spend a couple of hours at the venue learning from online tutorials and resources regarding the same. And trust me when I say “Anyone can code!” It is not a black box where one gains awesome intellect beyond comprehension. All you need to learn to code is patience, perseverance and resource!

To do so, hackers dissect their end goal into intermediate steps and find means to tackle each checkpoint one by one. One could even argue that people use this technique to approach any problem, like how Jordan Peterson teaches his students.

What is now proved was once only imagined.” — William Blake

Hackathon sounds competitive? How would I make it through?

This is the best highlight factor of a hackathon: It is not a competition, but rather a collaborative movement.

You can find teams hearing your ideas and sharing their knowledge all for a better end product at the hackathon. This kind of bonding works in a hackathon mainly due to the fact that everyone is working on different ideas, and having a blend of thoughts will provide a brighter and better experience for everyone. Of course, the hackathon may have a winner at the end based on the scope and level of impact that a product may have, but that does not stop you from reaching out and getting help! Everyone here is present to see amazing ideas and watch them work in action. So help is just a step away.

Collaboration over competition is the spirit of Hackathon

How would I survive through the 24 hours of coding?

While most people binge code all night long to get their product up and running, everyone recommends people to take rest by sleeping for a few hours in the long night. If you are lucky, the hackathon may have a recreational area where one can relax by playing some foosball, or a cafeteria to have a quick meal and so on. Creating the best out of your product requires sound and energetic minds to work and find solutions.

Does the hackathon formula really work?

Yes, if you read about hackathons from the past, many teams have been able to convert their ideas into reality and some of them have even succeeded in taking it into the real world as an establishment. Microsoft’s SeeingAI that is a huge success today was actually an idea that 2 tech enthusiasts built at a hackathon and later scaled it up. You can read about my hackathon experience to get an idea.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

What if I am the opposite, one without idea but skills to build a product? Hackathon’s are not for me right?

You’re wrong. This is the best and final secret about hackathons: You can turn up for a hackathon blank minded and find a team that needs the skills you posses. Though it is recommended one must come with an idea, numerous hackathons have witnessed last minute wonders where people who need particular skills to build the product find the right person to aid in the process at the venue! So go ahead, take the leap and see who’s idea you magnified and make better :)

Okay, I am all into this. Where can I apply and get started?

Several hackathons are being organized these days, below we have a few noteworthy ones coming in the near future, both online and offline:


It is a hackathon organized by Govt. Model Engineering College, to find solutions to the following themes: Zero Carbon Revolution, Sustainable Energy Conservation, Care for Women Health and Hygiene, Safe cyberspace for Children, Innovations, and Aid in Agriculture, Tackling Natural Disasters. The hackathon is on 4th and 5th of August, 2018 at KTIZ, Kinfra Hi-Tech Park, Kalamassery, Kochi. You can click the link below to register.


Several online and offline hackathons can be found on this website and keep updating, hence offer a variety of themes to explore.

Angelhack Global Hackathon Series:

Angelhack is a global hackathon organization that conducts hackathons at over 50 cities worldwide, several of which are in India. They provide an excellent ambiance and an opportunity to code and grow, with workshops to help learn better. You can find a hackathon near your place by clicking over here.


Hacktory is a community organization that connects students, graduates, and enthusiasts with disruptive companies. With a goal to introduce students with new evolving technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Augmented Reality etc.

Hackathon tracking websites:

Stay updated with hackathons, both online and offline from this website, and participate in the ones that best align with your interests.

Can’t find a nearby hackathon? If you have been to a few, why not start your own?

So pack your bag, put on your thinking hat and go for a hackathon. With a collaborative gathering, positive environment and continuous learning system, anyone can learn to convert their thoughts into reality at a hackathon.

Go ahead and find the nearest hackathon

