Heaven’s Door

Reshma Daniel
Published in
1 min readSep 28, 2020

Of all the intricate questions and obscure answers,

One, in particular, remains eternally a mystery,

And though we feel it and sense it in others,

We wander the worlds in hopes of discovery.

Day and nights, we’ve spend asking ourselves,

What is God and where do we find Him?

We read all the books that we find on the shelves,

In hopes, it takes us to a place to begin.

We seek for the miracles with which we’ve defined Him,

And search through the skies in hopes we could glimpse Him,

When would we realize that this force we endlessly seek,

Hides in our hearts and awaits our reach?

For what beauty could the skies ever hold,

When compared to a soul that relentlessly loves,

And what other in the universe could throne an affectionate God,

Than a heart that transcends its chaos with love.

