“I’m lonely, and I love it!”

Ashwin V Prabhu
Published in
4 min readSep 24, 2019

How does it feel to be in a crowd and yet feel lonely? How does it feel to be cared by lots of people and yet feel ignored? How does it feel to be able to give company to yourself when no one is around?

It is the feeling of being an introvert.

What happens inside an introvert’s mind, remains inside that mind, most of the time. But on those rare occasions when it comes out, it comes out as a great idea.

Introverts aren’t extra special, they’re just different.

Introverts aren’t ignored, they’re reserved.

Introverts aren’t uncommon, they’re hidden.

The thing about this trait is, someone that looks dark from outside might be the brightest one on the inside. It’s true that appearance doesn’t define a character, just like words don’t define thoughts. What’s inside that small person would be a huge world, a world filled with emotions that were well hidden, a world with talks that ‘could have been’, a world that’s well nurtured to suit a certain individual.

Introversion isn’t a birth trait. It’s adaptation. And adaptation leads to classifications. And that’s how introverts differ among themselves. Broadly, the main types are:

1. Social introverts

No, these are not introverts who like to be social. These are introverts who prefer being alone. They may not be nervous around a group of people, but they feel much better being alone. They prefer solitude. That’s how they get their energy. But they are drained mentally, emotionally, or even physically, when they are around a lot of people. THEY ARE NOT SHY. They are just introverted.

2. Thinking Introverts

Yes. Everyone thinks. What makes these introverts special is that they think like “everyone”. They have a head-space, filled with fantasies. A world full of imagination. A world with a lot of self analysis, undone conversations, rebellious decisions, heroic scenarios. A world that’s normal to them but not so normal to someone who’s not introverted. Introverts are special, so are their worlds.

3. Anxious introverts

You got that right? These are the type of introverts that actually don’t like being around people, not because they want to be alone, but because they can’t handle anyone. A crowd makes them anxious, or even a thought of such a situation does it. They think about their previous experiences, which were obviously bad because of their particular trait, and these thoughts lead them to more such troubling situations. And ultimately, they can’t do anything, because they don’t even want to ask for help. Sometimes it’s sad being an introvert.

4. Restrained introverts

Well these are the people who you see posting stuff like,

“I’m shy at first, but I do the stupidest random things when I get comfortable with someone.”

These people like to have some company, but only from those selected people whom they are comfortable with. They take their time, observe, and adapt to people around them which makes them rather special. And once you befriend one of them, you get to experience a wonderful world in the best way possible.

Now take all these traits and mix them in different proportions, and you won’t get a typical type of introvert, because they’re all different and unique. And as a person who considers himself an introvert, I don’t represent them, because it’s not possible for a single mind to represent these many complex minds.

But what I can assure you is that inside every introvert, there is an extrovert, which makes them more fun to be around than what you see on the outside. It’s like solving a puzzle, and once you get through to their inner self, you’ll experience something which isn’t out there for everyone.

“I’m lonely and I know it,

I care but I don’t show it,

People surround me but I just chuck it,

I’m lonely, and I love it!”

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Ashwin V Prabhu

“Expression is a part of life, and writing is a part of expression.”