In Conversation with Sana Khader

Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2018

In the age of rampant social networking sites it is curious to find someone who connects through postcards and letters.

Meet Sana Khader, a 22-year-old engineering student from Kozhikode who is noted for her hobby- Pen paling.

Well-known in Instagram as ‘Zannist’ (a combination of ‘Zana’ and ‘artist’), she writes a great deal of letters every week to remain connected with her pen pals from various countries. Sana believes in spreading love through her letters and pen paling for her is a vicarious experience.

We were able to get a hold of this snail mailer, amidst her exams, to share her ideas on “handcrafted fun”.

  • What inspired you to engage in pen paling and making handcrafted items?

I’m very passionate about art and craft. I’ve been doing modest paper works since my playschool. I love colors and enjoy playing with them. I enjoy collecting things such as papers and card boards that are out-dated and bringing them alive through art. I started pen paling for the same reasons, to understand other people and their culture and to collect postcards and study about them.

  • From the grand collection of souvenirs you have been gifted over the past few years, which of them is the most memorable?

A handmade doll gifted by a pen pal of mine from Finland. She customized it for me.

  • Have any of your pen pals ever taught you a life lesson? If so, what was the lesson and how did it affect your perception?

Yes! My pen pals have made me live my life to the fullest. Each letter from them is enriched with immense positivity and a new perspective to life. I have realized that life is all about savoring the little moments and everything else is secondary.

  • What was your mind set before delivering your Ted talk? And do you feel you presented yourself, your ideas and ethos during the talk?

No, I believe I wasn’t able to do my best there because my dad’s health wasn’t that well and my mind was deeply disturbed.
But on the bright side, I did talk about what I am, how I managed things between the hectic schedules of engineering, about art and how I earned money independently. The audience did praise me after the talk, so I guess it was a good one.

  • Who is that one celebrity whom you would love to have a meeting with?

I wanted to meet APJ sir in person and share a chat. I love his vision and thoughts. But, that’s not going to happen anymore. Apart from him, there isn’t any one in specific I’m crazy about although I would love to meet SRK.

  • Why did you choose to converse through letters over other means?

The pleasure you get when you write a note and then admire its beauty is inexplicable. Letters do tell stories. They’re real and don’t hide feelings.

  • How would you feel if you met any of your pen pals face to face?

I would be in my 7TH HEAVEN! So far, I haven’t met any of them.
But if god wills, I’ve plans to visit all these countries and surprise my penfriends.

A pen pal letter and a hand made twist-up card for Tabby in Poland!
  • If travelling to different countries to make new friends and writing letters were equally easy to implement, which of them would you choose as the best way of conversing?

I would choose the second one.

  • Has there been any work of yours which was met with derision and scepticism from the public? How did you deal with the situation?

I post almost all my works on my Instagram page ‘Zannist’. So, I do encounter things of this sort often. But there isn’t any point in worrying over them.

  • Among the many loving letters you wrote, which of them is your favorite?

The one I wrote to my best friend Alicja in Ireland. I am very much attached to her through letters. We literally exchange feelings through ink and I am glad to have her as my pen pal.

  • Being a talented artist, what are some of the most essential items in your art kit that you can’t do without?

I always carry a journal, a note pad and few color pens with me because I doodle when I feel like.

  • Last but not the least, which is your favorite PaperKin article so far and why?

I loved the article related to ‘Jugaad’. Loved the content and every single thing is true and very relatable.

Besides engaging in letter writing, Sana is an expert in handcrafting albums, scrapbooks, personalized cards and many more. She handles daily orders through her page for customized handicraft gifts.

Checkout @zannist for more of Sana’s crafts!

