Like snowflakes

Part 2:

Hisham Hashir
6 min readJan 9, 2021


‘She looks more beautiful than ever!’ Theo noted as she flashed her pearly white teeth to a customer in front of her, stealing his heart as well.

Hurriedly, he withdrew his wayward gaze and focused on the sheets in front of him.

He began writing furiously.

“Panting as he ran into the Cafe, he rushed his eyes through every face inside. He could hear the whispered hushes, the cameras clicking and the withdrawn breaths of all his ardent fans. And yet, that was not what he came inside so hastily for. When his gaze finally did rest on the person his heart was yearning for, he felt a rush of relief running through him.

As soon as he saw her, something deep and ancient inside him seemed to have awoken from its slumber, a wayward summer breeze seeming to playfully waft into the coffee shop making her electric blue streaked hair dance in ways that even the world’s best would find themselves struggling to reproduce. Her very face began to look ethereal.” Theo’s heart began to dictate.

An enthralling new world began to take shape in the abyss of his heart, wrapping him in its pampering comfort just like a mother wrapping her chubby toddler in her arms.

Inside Theo, no Abraham, a courage that was never there seemed to gush out. No longer was he covered in tubs of fat or obese, instead he was confident and his body was chiselled as if he were a Greek god.

With great panache, he walked right up to Aphrodite in human apparition standing in front of him as their gazes grew steamier by the second.

Sweeping away everything on top of the tabletop, he jumped right over it. He grabbed her by the hands and pulled her closer to himself. He could feel her warm breath falling on the nape of his neck, and her chest heaving, pressed against him. Moving his gaze from her face, he stared into her gleamy eyes- And in them, he found a sight more beautiful than all the starry skies put together. Within them, he saw his own Moon, and a sparkle brighter than even the most twinkling of stars.

The heartthrob of Malayalam Cinema, Abraham melted apart like butter in a hot pan under her gaze.

With a sudden jerk, Abraham pulled her face towards his. Those starry orbs were right in front of his eyes, and her sultry breath fell on his face. Moving his lips against hers, he greedily ran his tongue through every part of her mouth with the same desperation as if he were a man finally breathing in oxygen after an eternity without it. All the parts inside it were more familiar to him than the back of his hand, and his tongue made sure no part was left untouched.

“Sir…” She moaned out, in between the gluttonous kiss.

His fingers started to roam all over her.

“Sir your bill!” with a sharp shrill, Theo’s greek physique disappeared behind layers of fat and he walked among men once more.

The young woman stood in front of him with a pleasant work smile perfected after countless hours of practice- A stark difference compared to the sensuousness he had seen just a few moments before vividly.

“It’s almost closing time.. and you’re the only customer left.”

Startled by the time that went past in a swish, all Theo could see around him were empty seats.

“Oh yeah, yeah!” he nodded his face beet red.

Quickly fishing out the money, he scampered away with embarrassment.

Henceforth, the pattern repeated itself over and over again until his deadline was over. Jagdish, or Jaggu as his close friends called him, had finally given an Okay to the script.

Theo had finally done it, he had gone over and beyond the mountains and sea and scaled all the challenges life had thrown at him. He had finished the marathon at last.

That little boy who would skip on Madrassa during the weekends to watch the latest films with starstruck eyes was no more. In its place was a grown man whose films were going to be played in the very same theatre.

And it was in the celebrations of his story of a big shot celebrity falling in love with a common woman, blowing apart all the boundaries between them and fighting against the hierarchy that he decided today was the day.

“A story full of emotion and heart” was what the reviewers called it.

Today was going to be the day he asked the heart of his story out. If he could risk his entire life on the hopes that someday he would make it big as a writer, even when it was barely distinguishable, then risking his pride for a woman he desperately yearned for was quite alright in his books.

With a spring in his steps, he walked onwards to his second patch of heaven under the snowy skies of Shimla. What a wonderful idea it had been to relocate to Shimla to get inspired!

As a grin split out in his face, from ear to ear, he hopped onwards to the coffee shop sidestepping a heavy crowd on the way.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump! His heart beat over and over again.

It seemed to have been replaced by that of a Pygmy Shrew’s beating well over a thousand beats per minute!

There wasn’t a single body part of his that wasn’t trembling with excitement. His head was so lost in the clouds that even his feet didn’t touch the ground.

Pulling his thick black jacket closer to his body and brushing away the snow on top of his snowcap, he moved his gloved hand over the metal bar in front of him filled with nervous excitement head to toe. Pushing the door similar to countless times before, he could see it all within his mind: numerous people minding their own business and an angel in the midst of them. Yet the door didn’t budge even an inch.

It was at that moment that the “closed” sign hanging on the side of the shop caught his eyes.

All the excitement within him deflated, akin to a hapless balloon getting popped by a sharp and ruthless needle.

Walking desolately along the roadside, with his hands in his pockets, his head facing downwards and body drooping, the city seemed just a bit colder.

As his feet dragged him along, he saw a familiar face tucked inside an adjacent alley, enjoying the feeling of a warm cigarette butt pressing against his cold lips.

A small smile of recognition flashed across the man’s face.

“Hey, Bro! Theo, Wassup Man? Long time no see.” It was Sourav.

Shuffling his heavy feet across the cold ground, Theo walked up towards Sourav while trying his best to avoid the smoke that came forth with intent.

“Mr.Big-Name-Writer, so what’s the plan next now that your debut is going to hit the screens soon?”

“Haha, nothing too soon. I’m still thinking of a second screenplay-it’s not finalized yet though.” Theo replied.

A few more awkward moments passed between them.

“Hey Sourav Bhaiya, you’ve any idea why the coffee shop didn’t open today?”

“Oh yeah, even I came all the way here for a good ol’ shot of my expresso you know? Sadly it didn’t open today ’cause one of their employees suicided ’cause of depression.”

“Who’d be so stupid as to suicide, though?” Theo asked in contempt.

“I know right, you remember the cute goth chick with the blue hair? She’s the one. Crazy how far these depressed dudes go, these days.”

To be continued…

Join us tomorrow to read the third part of this wonderful piece! And stay tuned for the next 2days to read the entire story with all your heart! Follow us on Medium (PaperKin) and turn on the notifications so as to not miss the best of us. Follow us on Instagram (@paperkin_blog), Twitter (@kin_paper) and LinkedIn (PaperKin) too!



Hisham Hashir

I murder English with a pocket pen and bits of crumpled paper.