Mind Mask

Janice Jons
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2020

When did it come to this?

Isolation never felt so mesmerizing.

Last year overlooked in a crowded space,

This time in the middle of a crowded mind space.


A lurking discrete world unfurls.

She watches an image form, a house of some sort.

She never knew how many layers her mind had.

Not until she delved to the very back.


How many monsters lurked beneath the bed,

How the dark store room behind the steps were covered with cobwebs.

The roof has a false ceiling.

There’s darkness above it till it hits the rim.


There’s a window, letting a narrow block of sunshine in.

But the windows are sealed.

Just thick tempered glass blocking the wind.

But letting the trace of light in.


There’s a room with pink walls and violet shelves.

Lined with candy cane artworks and wax crayon boxes.

The mirror shows a child and her eyes seem so bright.

But the window in this room is covered by blinds,

It’s just a little shell of solace.


There’s a boarded-up cupboard filled with horror stories and dark secrets.

It opens up to a new room.

There she sits. In a grey room. Numb.

With a blank stare at the white wall, living in a fictional world.

This room starts to shrink but to the girl inside, it keeps closing in.


There’s a type of alluring yellow vine growing outside.

The whole sight is hazy and transfixed.

The neighbour smiles through the far window from the house on the other side.

They can leave. Hand in hand with family.


The amber door at the front of this house

Is bolted shut with iron clad locks.

She looks out the window again.

Longing fills back into her heart.


This time the door has no lock. But it also has no handle.

It remains sealed shut.


Someone calls her name.

It sucks her out of this mind vortex.

She takes her keys, checks the time on her phone and zones back,

And leaves the house wearing a mask.

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