Mind -The Illusion Ruling Us?

Ranjana Reghunath
Published in
6 min readOct 8, 2019
source: wakeup-world.com

Mind- a crafted masterpiece that rules the world!
The threads of memories that have been woven into this mysterious entity are quite huge in number to count.

Looking back on life, have you ever wondered how the mind plays a greater number of roles than a dramatic actor? Be it a best friend next door, or the chaotic one that pinches you off of your sanity and after all this if you are in dire need of a cure, then the therapist at your service!

And that composes the world’s best Illusionist!

We see what our mind perceives. So what if everything that we see is a lie? The truth indeed is baffling.

Let me give you an example of a slip in the memory (or memories)..

The Mandela Effect.

Photo by Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash

It is basically a clear memory of something that has never really happened. Curious?

The idea germinated from the controversy over the death of the famous revolutionary Nelson Mandela. People across countries claimed that he died during his tenure in prison. i.e, in the 1980s. But the reality being, he lived on for three more decades (that is) until 2013.

Well, this mis-remembrance of events didn’t occur to just a few, but to thousands of people who insisted on having an undiminished memory of seeing a news coverage on his death, including his widow’s speech!

Is it some witchery or rather the trickster mind riling on targeted people?

Desires … a never ending loop of illusions.

source: readunwritten.com

… a never ending loop of illusions, but nevertheless, the whole world runs on the same!

A melt down cake placed on a plate with hot chocolate flowing through its vents can make anyone drool instantly!

But how much of it can fill your tummy? Well, even if it fills your stomach, the sugar hangover that persists after, compels one to push the pause button. The very idea of chocolates again for the day is nothing short of a nightmare!

The mind makes everything look so intriguing until the point of satisfaction is reached and after that, the desire drifts away to something more intriguing like a sneaky sodium rich pizza.


Things can get a little spooky sometimes. Paranormal activities may or may not be the gospel truth but the thing playing out in your head is even more interesting!

A counterpart of nightmare on elm Street…. The shower ghost!

Most of us tend to use some product while showering that demands closing our eyes until it’s washed off. There are times when people get the eerie feeling of a ghost peering right back at them. Imaginations vary from a serial killer standing right under the shower to spiders crawling all over the body, but the source is the same.

The sole advantage of this illusory effect is that the duration of shower will be cut short by a great extent, thereby preventing wastage of water.

source: www.quickmeme.com

Bloody Mary bloody Mary, are you there? The teenage attempts of summoning the haunting face of Mary in the mirror. The giggles that follow are explicit to a fun-filled night!

The scientific explanation for the same is that staring at a mirror for a long time can create an illusion of deformed faces.

In a nutshell, the mind plays with you. A sad plight that can make you afraid of your own shadow!

The Mind plays Mind Games

Ever felt like the mind considers you as a target to toy with? If you haven’t, its mere ignorance.

The so called “anxiety disorder” is something many of us face in our day to day life. The sudden thought of “did i actually lock the door” or “did i actually switch the lights off” leads to a dozen rechecks and a nagging uncertainty. The imaginations of break ins and lost valuables can be the reason behind sleepless nights that rob vacation tour’s fun and peace.

Yes… Psychologists might say its just OCD kicking in. But, give it a thought, isn’t it the miser mind tricking you!?

Stress, anxiety, depression etc candidly and ignorantly become a part of life. Mind is matured enough to recognise this, yet we continue to live in its unhappy bubble.

Tick-tock, Tick-tock, can you hear the clock?

Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

The clock shudders with every movement.

The ticking clock and a busy schedule are running at the same pace, in a race to dominate the other. Keeping calm in the chaos is not an easy task and this may push us into the gravity of chronic stress.

The only loophole out of this mess is to love yourself.

Yes! It is not about self praise or self dominance. Self love is all about appreciating the one good thing that you posses over the one bad thing. Make sure to take some time off of your schedule to take care of yourself.

Some tips to bliss

Photo by Lindsay Moe on Unsplash

Like a popsicle that summons the cry of a 3 year old, there are simple tactics to calm the mind.

The three sips of sanctity.

Nothing goes beyond the age old tea making ceremony (called way of tea) to calm your senses. Select a scenic landscape and lay down the table for perfectly blended green, black or macha tea. All it takes is three sips of divine pleasure to kick start your mind.

Make yourself comfortable

Decorating the house or room to your own taste can accentuate positive mental health. A glum day can be brightened up by letting the sunshine in through the windows. Also adding on some colours such as captioned cushions, trinkets or flower vases can trigger a childish enthusiasm.

Let’s go by the Japs belief

The surroundings have a whopping impact on our mental aura.

The emotional vibrancy between two places, for example a forest and a desert, is quite distinguishable. The summer sunshine, the spring hues, autumn leaves and winter frost transcend the mental vibe in their own way. Relishing in the beauty of nature can be the best way to glean the benefits of a happy and pleasant mental health.

That’s not all! Exercise, meditation, a spa day, a musical evening can act out as rejuvenating stress busters.

As deep as the ocean yet shallow as a pond. A healthy mind ensures a healthy living.

In case you are having a bad day just give it a thought…

A dream inside a dream. i.e, we wake up in the middle of an ongoing dream to realize that that too was a dream! What if everything that’s happening right now is just a fantasy being playing out inside our heads. Its wise to neglect the bad ones and live up to the good ones .

So lets make sure that our mind blooms like the sunflower that embraces the sun, until the curtain of life falls!

