Personal Strategy Management — 101

Sankara Narayanan
Published in
7 min readFeb 9, 2020


Every individual or organization has certain goals in their foundation and start working their way towards that. While most people take their time in getting their basics right before jumping on to big gigs, others start chasing their dreams of conquering the universe right from the word ‘go’.

It is definitely good to have ambitious goals. But as we keep crossing one after the other, towards a bigger and(not necessarily) a better number, we might lose sight of our original purpose. So, what’s the purpose for an individual and how does strategy come into picture?

A quick overview of strategic planning process(adopted in organizations) would involve the following steps.

  1. Vision/Mission and Goals
  2. Research and Analysis
  3. Formulation/Objectives
  4. Implementation
  5. Evaluation and Control

Disclaimer: Although, details of the strategic planning process is not explained in detail, the article is aimed at giving an idea around how to relate it to personal strategy.

Start with ‘Why’

It might feel like we’re following Simon Sinek’s footsteps here(in fact, we actually are), but even Strategy Management 101 teaches us to start with the vision.

