Rising From The Drops

Vishnumaya S Unni
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2020

Ever thought of rain as being with its own emotions? One that drizzles while calm and drenches when angry. But not today. Today it’s just hurt. I believe the recent melancholic rainfall as an expression of the sorrow of our mother earth. Like the loud wails of a mother who lost her child. If only mother earth could speak. If only she could…

Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash

An Elegy.

It ‘rained heavily’ that dark night,

It was hard to battle that final fight.

Of course, there was thunder coming out loud,

But I tried to quieten not wanting to be found.

I also did see the incoming winds and gusts,

But I didn’t see the incoming wars and blasts.

Like those wet winds sweep the dry leaves,

I was also alone to weep on my wet sleeves.

I picked up a tissue to clean my mind and nose,

Like I use a cloth to clear the fog in my windows.

The tiny droplets had a throb,

Very much similar to my sobs.

Each drop dripping to the ground below,

Like each drop sadly soaking my pillow.

The lightning struck from the black sky above,

It struck my heart to be so far from his love.

The raindrops fell hard on my dead dreams,

Like the teardrops fell heavy on my chubby cheeks.

That only moment you want coffee and cuddles,

Trying to handle the sorrow and struggles.

I waited for the storm to go away,

And forget what happened this May.

I could only think of him and our terrific times together,

Disappointed now to see the parity in the weather.

I miss him as I see the dewdrops kiss green leaves,

Now my soul is touched cold as he finally leaves.

But I shall rise and shine once again like the sun,

Because up above in heaven, waiting to see it, is my son.

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Vishnumaya S Unni

🙃 An engineer turned start-up lover with a loud laugh, and a passion to play with words. Esoteric like an unrhymed poem, anytime ready to visit Hogwarts. 🙂