The Sun That Never Sets

Olivia Thomas
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2020

He kept her lively,

Losing himself in her smiles,

Making his love feel so worthy,

Like the Sun that coloured the flowers.

Should love always be roses and hearts?

For the kinds she saw around,

Were ones for whom ‘forever’ was just a bait,

Supinely indulgent in dopamine rushes.

But he loved her with all his heart,

Never for always happiness and pleasing,

As he prepared her for life, not appealing,

Since he knew forever wasn’t meant to be.

He held her chin up through whatever she faced,

Helping her achieve what she loved,

Constantly believing in her,

He glared bright above her.

Endless sacrifices countless in itself,

In her, he found his own life,

Never grumbling in the slightest of ways,

He gave her all his tenderness.

For her a best friend,

And her first love,

Guiding her like a guardian angel,

Wrapping her like a warm blanket.

Hurting her at times,

With persistent noes for the despised,

He cried inside for every tear she shed,

Kissing her after she fell asleep.

For he stood strong not trembling and tireless,

To make her the best and to give her the best,

Not falling for her tears,

Equipping her for the World.

He never loved anybody so much ,nor did she,

And now she realizes,

that this eternal love,

Made her who she really is.

The only forever she believed in now,

Redefining true love that’s sometimes too bright to let you see properly,

Like the Sun that never sets,

Her father, the love of her life.

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