
Nimisha Maria
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2020

Our eyes meet again,

Every meeting, a surprise.

A secret held captive between our eyes,

Reminding me of a long lost enemy.

I flee that haunted town,

Our home, our memories

And our buried yet permanent ties.

Trying to evade your scrutiny forever.

But nightmares do follow,

Some in color, some bathed in blood,

Some with your dying screams ringing aloud.

When will you let me go, sister?

“Twins” they said, identical they didn’t.

One a scoundrel, another a princess.

Separate beings, imprisoned in duplicate faces.

You flourished, while I withered.

Misery and loneliness ailed me.

Always the shadow, the second choice.

Little did I know your easy smile and bright eyes,

Were steadily turning everyone towards you.

A perfect family, until it wasn’t.

Debts, hunger and the cold,

Crept uninvited into our privileged world.

My spirit broke, but yours never did.

While I wallowed in despair,

You were the angel in the night.

My mistakes were dealt with outright,

While yours were deliberately forgotten.

With promises of cheap revels I drove you

Like a lamb to the slaughter.

When I missed the turn to the town centre

Did it set your warning bells ringing?

I chose the lake for its frigid cold.

Too many visitors gave too little leads.

To end up choked by the water weeds,

Were you destined to die there?

My departure after the mourning went unnoticed.

With no trace left behind, no setbacks,

Pretending I was fine, denying the facts

I went leagues away to start anew.

I rose up to embrace the world,

Now I wasn’t a shadow or a choice.

I can touch the sky and meet the rays

Of the sun reflected from my mirror.

Our eyes meet again,

Every meeting, unbearably hideous.

You stare back at me with your gleaming eyes,

Through mirrors that drowns me with you once again.

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