Why a tech blog?

Jason Luce
Paperless Parts Tech Blog
3 min readApr 24, 2024
Hackathon 2023

Welcome to the Paperless Parts Tech Blog! This platform will serve as a window into the product, design, and engineering heartbeat of our company, offering insights, sharing ideas, showcasing the innovative work we’ve done, and learning together as a community.

In his book “Start with Why”, Simon Sinek states “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.” This resonates deeply with me. Our blog is more than just a collection of updates and insights; it’s a manifestation of our core beliefs and the ‘why’ behind our actions. We believe in the power of technology to transform lives and industries. We are most passionate about our own mission — making manufacturing more accessible — yet also believe that, as a global tech community, we have the opportunity to share our learnings and achieve far more together than we can separately. Here’s why we’re starting a tech blog.

Share knowledge. In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, keeping up requires constant sharing and learning. This blog reflects our desire to share our evolving knowledge with the global community, impacting everyone from new tech enthusiasts to software gurus to long-time industry experts in manufacturing.

Foster collaboration. Our blog is designed to be a collaborative space where ideas can be exchanged and innovations can be sparked. Collaboration is at the heart of how we operate at Paperless Parts — “We are a Team” is one of our core values — and at the heart of what makes technology so impactful. By sharing our experiences, learnings, and insights, we hope to foster connections that extend beyond the digital realm of this blog.

Showcase innovations. Our R&D team is composed of smart, innovative, and passionate people who have great ideas, have accomplished great things, and learned many lessons through successes and failures. We are particularly excited about the innovations we’re pioneering. Each project and breakthrough is a step towards revolutionizing the manufacturing industry and improving the businesses and lives of all of those involved in it. This blog will give you a firsthand look at these efforts, showing you the ‘what’ that supports our ‘why.’

Build community. This initiative is anchored in a goal of building a community of talented individuals who are passionate about leveraging technology for better outcomes. Each post and update is an invitation to join us in our mission.

Have fun. Let’s face it, we all work very hard. At Paperless we have an incredibly hard-working team that tries their very best to make our customers successful every day. We take our jobs seriously. We also enjoy the work we do. One of my goals with this blog is that our team members have fun learning, writing, sharing and reflecting upon all of the great, and not so great, moments that are the shared experiences that make us who we are.

At Paperless Parts we talk a lot about kaizen — the process of continuous improvement — and we expect this tech blog to evolve over time. We’ll learn through everything we write, and try to improve what we do, and how we share it, each and every day. We are excited about the road ahead and the stories we will share. Thank you for joining us on this journey!

Jason Luce
Chief Technology Officer



Jason Luce
Paperless Parts Tech Blog

Father. Husband. Leader. Believer. Mentor. Techie. Adventurer.