My love affair with food.



Every time I think of my childhood, I try to think about my hobbies. I had none sadly. Which is not weird to me because what would I be doing to while away my time? I was watching TV. How would I have a hobby?!?

I always associated kitchen chores as a domesticated task and I really left no stone unturned to belittle it. I saw no men in it. I saw no men supporting it. And I didn’t want to be the woman just cooking food here. I wanted to be the man! (Yes! I know we are way more than that!)

Little did I know that I would think the exact opposite years later. And this is not a mid life crises! Nor pre-mid life! Nor post!

In 2010 , three beautiful people came into my life , Gary, George and Matt into the idiot box I was so hooked onto. To be honest these were the first men I saw who were passionate about food and cooking! And I thought how strange, they are gleaming in the kitchen, sunlight radiating from their heads. A real vision they were! Okay, maybe it had to do with the shooting location, the stunning sets and their glorious pantries. These men were chefs and food critics, that’s fine. But they were so passionate about the thing they do. Even a sprig of coriander made them happy! They had this unusual love and gratitude towards every crop, every vegetable, every slice of meat on the table! I was happy to see them happy. Maybe this is true love? To be happy for your person’s happiness. Like that I was in awe of the three of them and watching them cook, I fell in love with cooking!

In the end it was a cooking competition and people had taken breaks from their daily routine. Quit their jobs, taken a gamble to try their hand at the thing they most love. Cooking! A guilt almost crept into me as I sat there watching them appreciate the most humble ingredients and I had realised what a stupid elitist I had been back then.

From that show, I learnt how to be kind, to be supportive, to be soft-spoken yet make an impact, to be vulnerable yet strong. Teaching moments here! The judges were by far the best set of judges I have seen in my life in any reality show. The way people poured their hearts out sharing the story behind their dish, just fills your heart with this sort of warm, cozy, happy,buttery potato mash as you tear up along with them.

Today I realise the meaning of loving what you are doing. I don’t think with my head when I am cooking. I dont need to. It’s from my heart. No matter how big the recipe is or how great a disaster it turns out to be. I am, happy. Maybe that is what they feel, the judges and contestants together. I guess that’s why the show is such a hit worldwide. It’s an instant connect.

Isn’t that what we all want? Putting in efforts that are “brainless” without over exertion and over thinking and the outcome being nothing but contentment or “happy mush”.

When you feel you are the most negative version of your self and are constantly fighting your demons, try feeding people or animals, it brings out the best in you!

PS. My big failures include:

  • The Great Biryani massacre.
  • The Tasteless Tea
  • Weird eggs
  • Constantly smoked but ultimately burnt onion gravy

