Customer Experience(CX) Journey, Do I need a map?

Mike Saunders
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2023

A Customer Experience(CX) Journey Map is a realistic view of the journey your customers have with your business, service or product. This type of map can serve many different purposes but what benefit do you gain from having an accurate CX journey map?

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash


Understanding the true customer journey. While you may think you understanding what your customers go through because you understand the existing business processes. Unfortunately, this is not true.

You understand your customer journey based on an inside-out perspective. In order understand the journey a customer experiences you have to shift that perspective to outside-in.

When you understand the journey this way, you will often find simplified ways to improve the experience. Benefits provided in both: -

1) Identifying Problem Areas for your Customers.
2) Removing Areas of Waste for your Business.


Another benefit of an accurate CX journey map is the ability to design, project and test new services or changes. With a map of your CX completed, it can be used as a valuable tool to inform any sort of change in your business. Even just defects, maintenance or updates to your services or products.


The ability to plan ahead for long-term changes to improvement your customer experience. With an honest, completed map you’ll be able to create an ‘ideal’ map to compliment the existing workflow. Mapping out the ‘ideal’ map based on the existing journey will provide multiple opportunities for innovation. Having todays journey and your ideal journey identified. Can help you discover and fill in the gaps in the experience.

Don’t try to navigate without a compass. Know where you are going, before you start.

