Kovan Beta & Timing Update

Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2017

We know you haven’t heard from us in a while, and wanted to give an update on our progress in the past month. At the start of November, our team was reenergized being amongst thousands of Ethereum enthusiasts at DevCon (and to receive a shout-out on stage from 0x’s Will Warren). A huge high-five to all of you that saw us in our Paradex shirts and approached us to say hello, talk shop and geek out.

Since getting back from DevCon, we’ve been hard at work and rigorously testing our private Kovan beta. We’ve been gradually dripping in new users, and owe a huge debt of gratitude to everyone who’s helped us test so far. As it stands, there are currently several aspects of the system that we’d like to test and improve further, so we’ll be extending our Kovan beta to ensure that we launch with a fully functional and secure platform. Additionally, the Kovan testnet hasn’t yet been updated to the Byzantium fork, so it’s our hope that this beta extension will overlap with a Kovan upgrade to give us time to thoroughly test Paradex on Byzantium.

We know this pushes our arrival to mainnet well past the mid-November date we’ve been communicating. Since our announcement, we’ve tried our best to under-promise and over-deliver, but we were admittedly overzealous with our dates. Missed milestones in the blockchain space are becoming the norm, and we’re disappointed to be an addition to the statistic. We’ll be making sure that we’re overly pragmatic when giving dates going forward. With all that said, we’re pleased with the progress we’re making and are incredibly excited to get Paradex into your hands. Revised mainnet date TBD.

If you haven’t signed up already, we’d love your help testing Paradex. For a chance to make some trades or to be one of the first to use us when we hit mainnet, sign-up here. We’re dripping in users by invite. Once yours is ready, you’ll receive an invite code via a Twitter DM at the handle you provided, along with instructions for getting started.




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