Mainnet beta is here! 🎉

Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2018

Update: Our beta is now public! Head over to and start trading today, no invite code needed! A big thanks to all our private beta testers.

For the past 8 months our team has been working tirelessly to build Ethereum’s most robust ERC20 token relay, and we’re thrilled to share an update!

Over the past six weeks of testing on Kovan, we’ve made significant progress tightening up trading and the UI (a huge shout-out to all those who lent a hand with testing and trading), and we’re super-excited to announce that we’ve begun our Mainnet beta. We’ll be sending out invites starting today. To be one of the first traders to join us, sign-up here. (Please note that existing Kovan invite codes will not be valid on Mainnet, a new code will be required.)


In other news, we’re also proud to announce Paradex has closed an over-subscribed seed round, securing our roadmap through next year. Our leads in this round are Blockchain Capital, Pantera Capital, and Boschler Finance, some of the most innovative investors in crypto and decentralized projects. We’re proud to have not only their vote of confidence in our product, but also their advice and counsel as we navigate this exciting road ahead.

Help Wanted!

If you missed our Tweet last week, we’re also looking to add a couple teammates to our roster, including a Senior Software Developer with significant experience in complex, high-throughput software design and implementation. Back-end and Linux experience required, strong database skills preferred. Drop us a note at

Chat with us on Twitter over at @ParadexIO, and check back next week for a post outlining our fees.



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Unparalleled ERC20 relayer. Trade trustlessly with your own wallet in a decentralized fashion.