A First Look at Paradex

An ERC20 relay launching mid-November

2 min readOct 17, 2017


Before we get to the good stuff, we’d like to start by saying we’re flattered and humbled by the excitement & interest that followed our first announcement.

While our team is heads-down fine-tuning and adding finishing touches to Paradex (fueled by your encouragement and copious amounts of coffee), we wanted to share a first-look at our upcoming relay and some of its features.


We believe users shouldn’t have to sacrifice traditional trading features for security. Unfortunately, until Ethereum block times scale, we feel that a professional, real-time trading experience isn’t quite practical (at least not yet) in a 100% decentralized system.

Our team saw an opportunity for a pragmatic and hybrid solution, opting to decentralize the most security-critical components of a relay, while relying on the speed and scalability of a traditional, off-chain architecture for everything else.

The Paradex solution allows us to overcome frustrating hurdles like order book contention and isolate ourselves from blockchain deficiencies like slow settlement processing, giving users a snappy trading experience that doesn’t sacrifice speed, functionality or security.

More details to come as our November mainnet debut gets closer. Follow us on Twitter to be the first to learn more.

We’re looking for additional partnerships with market makers and liquidity providers, as well as collaborators interested in using our trading and market data API. Connect with us at partner@paradex.io.

We’re also on the hunt for an experienced DevOps engineer with significant linux and production service deployment chops. Click here for additional details.




Unparalleled ERC20 relayer. Trade trustlessly with your own wallet in a decentralized fashion.