Æternity: Æ-BTC Swaps Are Now Live, Starfleet 4 — The 7 Teams Selected For Phase 2, Marion Vogel To Leave The ÆCrypto Foundation, AMA With Tito Titov On WeiDex And JellySwap

Published in
12 min readMar 11, 2020

Biweekly update 25th February — 10th March

Welcome to our newly-designed update on æternity! The past weeks were quite busy for all involved in æternity from æmbassadors to the Crypto Foundation. Talking about the latter: recently, it went public that Marion Vogel, The æternity CF President, leaves it to pursue new paths. Marion has been in the blockchain space for six years — three and a half years of which she spent passionately building the æternity ecosystem. As a parting gift, Marion is kicking off her non-profit initiatives by donating 10'000 CHF to be awarded to a social impact project — based on æternity blockchain and governed by the æternity Crypto Foundation. The team wishes her all the best and is excited to see what she will be coming up with next.

Furthermore, after three months of preparation, the Genesis Week was finally reached. The efforts involved an array of meet-ups, workshops, networking sessions, and more, where they met with numerous startups, students, and enthusiasts who were looking for opportunities to build their projects. A lot of wonderful mentors participated in order to provide necessary support and guidance. 13 startups participated, but after the Selection day, only 7 teams will continue the Starfleet program with four more weeks of mentoring. They are Drife, Hypersign, Pontis, Murmur, QuillTrace, GoFinito, ESGRobo.

Moreover, æternity’s Starfleet alumni UTU Trust has partnered with Techno Brain to offer seamless digital solutions. The two companies will combine their blockchain and AI products to boost efficiency and customer engagement.

In addition, Venezuela’s UNETI University endorsed a æcourse as an official part of the curriculum. The course covers programming and development on æternity blockchain, targeting mainly computer science students.

Besides, the 10-week long workshop of æternity Ekiti continues, with developers learning how to use ætools to build on æternity blockchain.

A new version of æternity blockchain’s java SDK is available with some fixes and enhancements. For more technological and æcosystem news, make sure to consult February update meticulously prepared by æternity Crypto Foundation.

As always, the community keeps growing in social networks and chats. A well-built community is a half-way to success. So, as Marion Vogel said: “I am confident that the ecosystem will keep growing and remain strategically invested in the project.” Stay tuned!


Aeternity GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from Aeternity Coinlib.io)


  1. Latest Maintenance Lima Release Notes: 5.4.1; 5.4.0
  2. Latest Peer Management, Sync Update
  3. Latest Garbage Collector, Lumen Update
  4. Latest State Channels Update
  5. Latest Middleware takeover & translation, GC stability testing
  6. Release of Sophia compiler v4.2.0

{Developer Tools}

  1. Software Development Kits (SDKs):

SDK Capability Matrix (contribution over here!)

Latest JavaScript SDK Release v7.1.1 Note

Latest Elixir SDK Release 0.5.4 Note

Latest Python SDK Release v7.0.0 Note

Latest Golang SDK Release v8.0.0 Note

Latest Java Release v2.2.0 Note

2. Latest (Week #6) Dev-Suite Update

{Application Layer (æpps)}

  1. Latest Corona Wallet Update
  2. Latest Waellet Update
  3. Latest Base æpp Update
  4. Latest AirGap Update
  5. Latest Governance æpp Update
  6. Community-built Univote æpp for elections


  1. Latest version of the Documentation Hub
  2. Latest version of FireEditor — an easy-to-use Web-IDE for Sophia (Forum discussion over here)
  3. Latest version of dacade — a peer-to-peer blockchain learning platform
  4. Latest weekly forum updates

{Other Stuff for Developers}

  1. Awesome Aeternity (list and overview of everything that uses æternity)
  2. Quick Introduction to æternity’s Middleware (æternal)
  3. Minimalist Blockchain implemented in Sophia
  4. Easy oracle deployment in Go
  5. Smart Oracle — small JavaScript console æpp

{Aeternity Crypto Foundation (ACF)}

  1. Grants and Governance
  2. Final Grant Report of grantee Karol Skocik (November 2019 — January 2020)
  3. Final Grant Report of grantee Juraj Hlista (November 2019 — January 2020)
  4. Final Grant Report of grantees Daniela Ivanova & Arthur Kratt (Elixir SDK team)
  5. Final Grant Report of grantee Tino Breddin (July 2019 — January 2020)
  6. Grant Report of grantee Philipp Piwo (January 2020)
  7. AEproject Improvements Proposal

{Starfleet Incubator and æternity Ventures}

  1. AMA with Tito Titov on WeiDex and JellySwap — Summary
  2. What were the highlights of Tito’s AMA on Telegram about WeiDex and Jelly Swap?
  3. Starfleet 4 — India: Meet the Teams

{æternity Americas}

  1. https://twitter.com/aeternityame

{Standards and Governance Topics}

  1. AEX2 — JS SDK Interfaces for Wallets (Forum discussion over here)
  2. AEX3 — Secure Storage Format (Forum discussion over here)
  3. AEX4 — æternity Wallet Deep Linking Specification (Forum discussion over here)
  4. AEX5 — Inter-wallet Communication (Forum discussion over here)
  5. AEX8 — Message Signing (Forum discussion over here)
  6. AEX9 — Fungible Token (Forum discussion over here)
  7. AEX11 — Compliant Fungible Token Standard (Forum discussion over here)
  8. AEX12 — Off Chain State (Draft) (Forum discussion over here)

Social encounters

Q: Are you collaborating with other projects from the AE ecosystem on the stable coin project?

Tito: Not yet, it is an idea and we will create a quick MVP in the next weeks/month. If it works we might collaborate with other AE projects. The idea is to have an AE stable coin backed by DAI and a liquidity pool in JellySwap. So everyone will be able to move from AES to DAI and vice versa. It will be transparent, accountable and a great test case.

Follow-up: Are you working on that already?

Tito: No, we are still working on the idea and papers, but once done we should be able to execute and deliver fast.

..and a lot more!

  • The AE Ventures crew was finally in Bangalore. Together with IBC Media they were setting everything up for the Genesis Week:

Day 1 of the Genesis Week, StarfleetIndia:

1. Yoana from AEVentures introduced the teams to aeternity, aeventures and the Starfleet Accelerator.

2. Raghu Mohan spoke about the significance of StarfleetIndia and the role of IBCMedia in the scheme of things.

Visit IBC Media Twitter to see what was up during the Genesis week!

  • Bootcamp University of Jos. “It was a very rewarding yet stressful event at the University of Jos (Ujay hub) where the bootcamp was hosted. We had a lot of exciting developers writing, testing and deploying their first smart contract on the aeternity blockchain.”

{æmbassador Program/ Meetups}

  1. æternity meetup at Blockchain Hands on in Geneva, Switzerland
  2. æmbassador meetups around Europe
  3. æternity meetup/ dacade.org course at University of Benin in Nigeria
  4. æternity meetup #29 (Module 1: Introduction to Blockchain & æternity) at UNEXCA in Caracas, Venezuela
  5. æternity meetup #30 (Module 8: Development Tools) at UNEXCA in Caracas, Venezuela
  6. æternity meetup #31 (Module 9: Preparation of development environment and installation of tools) at UNEXCA in Caracas, Venezuela
  7. æternity meetup #32 (Module 2: : Introduction to Smart Contracts and Use Cases) at UNEXCA in Caracas, Venezuela
  8. æternity meetup (monthly) at P2P in Paris, France
  9. æternity meetup #33 (Module 2: : Introduction to Smart Contracts and Use Cases) at UNEXCA in Caracas, Venezuela
  10. æternity meetup at Lions Villa Coffee Shop in Kabale, Uganda
  11. æternity meetup at Paralela Polis in Vienna, Austria
  12. æternity meetup/ dacade.org 101 course at Flor Amarillo in Valencia, Venezuela
  13. æternity meetup in Brussels, Belgium
  14. æternity meetup at The Garage in Paris, France
  15. æternity meetup in Kaduna, Nigeria
  16. æternity meetup at WE Work, Poble Nou in Barcelona, Spain
  17. developers hangout in Zaria, Nigeria
  18. æternity workshop (+ feedback) in Geneva, Switzerland
  19. æternity meetup #35 (Module 3: : Support and follow-up tutorials dacade.org) at UNEXCA in Caracas, Venezuela
  20. æternity meetup #36 (Module 4: : Tools and Methods for Project Execution) at UNEXCA in Caracas, Venezuela
  21. æternity meetup #37 (Module 4: : Tools and Methods for Project Execution) at UNEXCA in Caracas, Venezuela
  22. æternity workshop in Alicante, Spain
  23. (first) æternity meetup in Istanbul, Turkey
  24. æternity introduction course (session 1) at UCLA in Barquisimeto, Venezuela
  25. æternity introduction course (session 2) at UCLA in Barquisimeto, Venezuela

Upcoming events:

All the amazing aeternity events are scheduled in this calendar. Check it out not to miss anything!

  1. 12th March 2020 — Lyon P2P #3. aembassador Manel Ruiz was invited by P2PFoundation to present aeternity in Lyon, France
  2. 12th March 2020 — æternity Meetup in Universidad Nacional Abierta, Caracas, Venezuela
  3. 13th March 2020 — æternity Meetup in Instituto Universitario Politecnico Santiago Mariño
  4. 14th March 2020 — æternity Meetup in WCF Fellowship Center, CELT building. Osustech, Nigeria
  5. 16th March 2020 — æternity Meetup in UNETI, Caracas, Venezuela
  6. 20th March 2020–21st March 2020 — æternity Meetup in Central Blockchain Conference, Benue, Nigeria
  7. 25th March 2020 — Sofia Crypto Meetup, Puzl CowOrKing, Sofia
  8. 26th March 2020 — CCA TOKEN SUMMIT Liechtenstein — 2020 TOKEN REGULATION


  • æternity Development Roadmap Update. UPDATE: æternity’s Lima hardfork was successfully executed on October 30th, 2019 at block height 161150. The æternity’s Mainnet is now running Lima Release 5.0.1. Significant milestones were reached and we are waiting for new target milestones:)

Partnerships and team members

  1. Linqed — Based out of Hyderabad, Telangana, Linqed is a blockchain-based vehicle identity system that gives vehicles a unique identity that can be sustained for the rest of the vehicles’ lifetime.
  2. InfyU Labs — InfyU Labs is a Chennai-based startup that is building blockchain-based solutions for the food industry. They are working on an IoT and blockchain-based low-cost handheld device which determines the condition of fruit without compromising its quality in order to reduce food wastage.
  3. QuillTrace — QuillTrace is a startup that is leveraging blockchain as a service (BaaS) to provide solutions in the supply chain sector. This three-member team based out of Gurgaon, New Delhi, is building a procurement platform using blockchain to ensure complete transparency and traceability in supply chain management for various industries.
  4. OroPocket — Oropocket is a universal blockchain-based investment platform that enables its users to manage their wealth.
  5. Kimeo Pay — The Kimeo Pay is a startup run by a three-member team based out of Chandigarh, India. With KimeoPay, anyone can accept payments anywhere.
  6. Hypersign by Hypermine — Hypermine is a Bangalore-based startup managed by a three-member team. They developed Hypersign — an application that uses smart contracts to verify digital signatures. It leverages cryptographic security to create an identity management system that allows its users to operate without providing their credentials.
  7. MurMur — This Bangalore-based startup has built the blockchain-based equivalent of the microblogging social media platform — Twitter. Murmur, giving the Twitter-approach its own decentralized twist, is built to prioritize people’s agendas over platform goals.
  8. Bank of Hodlers — Bank of Hodlers is a startup that is building a retail banking platform for the crypto-first world.
  9. Dokters — Dokters is a four-member team that is building healthcare solutions on blockchain technology. They are working on a vision to add value to society with a dApp that will help manage healthcare records to gather analytics and predict the medical conditions of patients.
  10. Pontis — Pontis is a DeFi solution for centralized exchanges built by a two-member team based out of Bangalore, Karnataka. The value proposition of Pontis lies in its ability to aggregate the best tools in DeFi and integrate them with the exchanges, providing a single gateway for engaging with all of them, comparing their rates and switching between them. This is built as a cross-platform plug-n-play model that is a B2B product for enterprises.
  11. Drife — Drife is a Bangalore-based startup that is building a decentralized ride-hailing platform. It aims at empowering both the driver and the rider’s community. Drife is developed with the intention of solving the current concerns in the drivers’ community, alongside enhancing the quality of rides for the customer.
  12. GoFinito — GoFinito is a Bangalore-based startup that is building Finite — a SaaS platform for retailers to enable faster checkouts and build engaging a customer experience at their outlets. Their idea is built to seamlessly build relationships between retail brands and their customers with Finite.
  13. ESGRobo — ESGRobo is a company focused on corporate sustainability that is addressing challenges faced by the global fashion industry.

1. Drife

2. Hypersign

3. Pontis

4. Murmur

5. QuillTrace

6. GoFinito

7. ESGRobo

  • Announcing a new chapter. Marion Vogel to leave the æternity Crypto Foundation as of March 2020 to pursue new paths. The team wishes her the very best and is excited to see what she will be coming up with next! Marion has been in the blockchain space for six years — three and a half years of which she spent passionately building the æternity ecosystem. Read the full announcement here.

“I am confident that the ecosystem will keep growing and remain strategically invested in the project.” — said Marion.



Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Aeternity Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from coingecko.com.

Here you can find all kinds of resources to get acquainted with aeternity! The Getting Started page is being constantly updated to help you get quickly acquainted with aeternity: It’s a rich collection of all kinds of articles, video reviews and guides, and interviews that will introduce you to the AE universe.

Also, you can access a list and overview of everything that uses æternity.

This is not financial advice.

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