Æternity: Ænalytics Explorer, A Report On ÆS Stablecoin Implementation, Maven Plugin, A Demo Of A Decentralized Messaging Æpp, Weekly Virtual Conferences

Published in
9 min readApr 8, 2020

Biweekly update 24th March — 7th April

Safe Tuesday to all the æmazing crypto community members! Paradigm is here to keep you updated with all the recent news that appeared within the æternity project. The development continues no matter what is happening in the world. To begin with, the Jelly Swap team, powered by weiDexExchange, shared a detailed report on how they implemented the ÆS stablecoin. To recall, the idea is to have a token that represents 1 USD. The ÆS stablecoin will be pegged to DAI in a ratio of 1:1. The integration of ÆS on Jelly Swap is currently in progress.

Furthermore, Ænalytics, an explorer that allows for tracking and interacting with aeternity blockchain, was established by Kryptokrauts. Its primary focus is ÆNS, and soon it will be possible to claim, update, and revoke names using it. Another neat milestone — a demo of a decentralized messaging æpp built on æternity blockchain was just unveiled in the Forum. It is being developed by Liu Yang — a long-term Æ supporter and community member.

By the way, the æternity team started a series of Virtual Conferences in order to support, educate the community, and discuss the most relevant topics of “the shutdown period.” Do not hesitate to attend a fantastic distant event like this. Moreover, you can watch a conversation by Shantanu Sharma, host of HardForkTalks, and Yanislav Malahov — CEO & Founder of æternity, as they discuss the wonders of a decentralized world & how the æternity blockchain is working towards this. Besides, æternity’s Venezuelan community announced the winners of their 2nd hæckathon. Among them is ticketing system Æventos, transaction platform Cash Flag, and vaccination registry Revacunæ.

What’s more, æternity is hiring even amid the COVID-19 pandemic, so don’t miss a chance to join this blockchain-ænthusiastic family!

The number of subscribers in social networks and chats has a slight increase. Stay tuned for more!


The warning is addressed to the whole aeternity community, considering a new scam going around. Be careful and trust the official AE channels only.


Aeternity GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from Aeternity Coinlib.io)
  1. Build AEX9 token — AES (Aeternity Stablecoin) — Done
  2. Build HTLC contracts compatible with Jelly Swap — Done
  3. Build Jelly Swap AEX9 typescript package to allow easy development — Done
  4. Integrate AES on Jelly Swap — In Progress

Use case 1:

Let’s say you are an Aeternity developer and you receive your salary in AE. The AE token is volatile and is subject to price fluctuations. Therefore, the value of your salary is endangered. With the AES in action, you can exchange part of your salary for stablecoins that never lose value.

Use case 2:

If you are building a payment application on Aeternity blockchain, you will most probably want to use stablecoins for your services to guarantee the price.

Watch AES — Aeternity stable coin introduction by Tito Titov on YouTube.

  • Aenalytics — an explorer that allows for tracking and interacting with aeternity blockchain. Its main focus is AENS and you’ll soon be able to claim, update, and revoke names using it. (Thanks to kryptokrauts for building it). Check the explorer via the link.
  • An announcement of the released contraect-maven-plugin for aeternity. One crucial point to achieve business adoption of æternity is the ease of use and integration of smart contracts. With the contraect-maven-plugin they want to bridge this gap and allow the interaction with smart contracts by leveraging well-established languages based on the JVM like Java, Kotlin and Scala. See the article for more details.

Social encounters

Q: Could you share some names and numbers from your portfolio of startups you have already invested in?

Nikola: We are proud to say that so far we have invested directly or through our acceleration program more than $2mln in 19 startups. To name a few: WeiDex (Bulgaria) — decentralized exchange for cryptocurrencies, which just recently released their cross-chain atomic swap widget called Jelly. AmpNet (Croatia) — a white-label, all-in-one platform for running energy cooperatives and energy communities. Abend (Germany) — the cashless, on-site payments platform aiming to be an “own little economy” for each festival and club around the globe. Cryptic Legends (Serbia/Malta) — blockchain-based, team management game in an awesome ancient fantasy world. SmartCredit (Switzerland) — a platform for crypto-loans creating 2-click consumer credits (money on demand) for the borrower and tools like credit tokenization, credit transferability and interest-bearing to the holder.

Upcoming events:

All the amazing aeternity events are scheduled in this calendar. Check it out not to miss anything!

  1. 8th April 2020 — The March meetup of aembassador Manel Ruiz at 42 Lyon was postponed due to coronavirus risk. Don’t worry, You will be able to meet him in April!
  2. 9th April 2020 — The third Virtual Conference — Superhero League: Covid-19 & the Future of Work. Ivan Brezak Brkan from Netokracija, Ivan Nanut from Cryptotask, and Aco Momcilovic from FutureHR Consulting are all going to discuss the future of work after COVID19.
  3. 16th April 2020 — The fourth Superhero League Weekly Virtual Gathering.
  4. 20th August 2020 — Token Summit Liechtenstein


  • æternity Development Roadmap Update. UPDATE: æternity’s Lima hardfork was successfully executed on October 30th, 2019 at block height 161150. The æternity’s Mainnet is now running Lima Release 5.0.1. Significant milestones were reached and we are waiting for new target milestones:)

Partnerships and team members


  • “The most important thing to me now is to be able to read the minds, feelings of my team even at distance,” said Raghu Mohan, who is currently Building IBCmedia from home, and washing hands regularly.
  • We are kind of in war mode. We try to communicate with empathy, emotional response because social distancing cuts a lot of communication. We have online after office where we laugh, we share our favorite memes of the day..”, said Irina Obushtarova
  • “Leadership during Crisis: Put one foot on solid territory and move the other to change direction to see where to go… Adaptive movement”Gonzalo Sobral
  • “For ppl to follow you it is essential that they trust you… If it’s transparent and clear why you are doing something ppl trust you… And empathy…Walk in other person shoes before making decisions about other people’s lives” Juan Carlos Delpino
  • “Leaders have to say ‘I am learning’… They need to be more agile… More innovative. How do we transfer to the digital world more in this new world?”Çağla Gül Şenkardeş, CEO at MenaPay
  • “Notes on Leadership: Our current monetary systems are based on debt… In critical times, societies can reimagine those basics of society… blockchain can offer an alternative: COMMUNITY CURRENCIES”aeternity twitter.
  • “This is a golden opportunity for alternative systems to step in and serve as a more equitable and healthy medium of exchange…”Franz Josef Allmayer, founder & Co-creator of Integrity.Earth.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Aeternity Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from coingecko.com.

Here you can find all kinds of resources to get acquainted with aeternity! The Getting Started page is being constantly updated to help you get quickly acquainted with aeternity: It’s a rich collection of all kinds of articles, video reviews and guides, and interviews that will introduce you to the AE universe.

Also, you can access a List and overview of everything that uses æternity.

This is not financial advice.

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