Æternity: Capability Matrix Table, Python And JavaScript SDK 7.0.0 Released, Changelly Listing, Æmbassadors’ Progress, Genesis Week Coming

Published in
11 min readFeb 25, 2020

Biweekly update 11th February — 25th February

Hello, æmazing crypto community! It’s a great pleasure to make a recap of æternity projects’ news, as far as there is always a lot to share! So, let’s recall what took place both on the development and public side of æternity during the past two weeks. The new JavaScript SDK 7.0.0. was released featuring breaking changes for AENS, Oracle improvements, guides, and more. In addition to this, Python SDK was also launched in version v.7.0.0. It brings several new enhancements, namely, added support for source code validation for contracts, better accessibility of transaction properties in TxObject, and a lot more!

Moreover, Pegah Ghojavand created the markdown capability matrix table, which is now available on the æternity documentation hub. All the team members keep contributing to the bright future of æternity! Grantees and operational entities publish their development reports to enlighten people about the activities they proceed with. A wide range of information, from reports mentioned above to the updated list of æternity blockchain tutorials, is stored at Forum and carefully replenished with new additions regularly. Check it not to miss anything!

A dev progress was shared on Dacade, peer-to-peer blockchain learning platform, that we’ve touched upon in our previous update. Last week there were 180 new visitors, 128 registered, 19 submissions were made. Furthermore, æternity-built Corona Wallet and CoronaNews.org tools were deployed to make it possible for everyone to support people fighting the Coronavirus and enable first-hand testimonials and uncensored news sharing to oppose misinformation about the epidemic. Apart from everything mentioned above, æternity got listed on the instant cryptocurrency exchange platform Changelly.

æternity life was also full of team events and ambassador meetups. æConsulting’s Helmut Müller and æternity lead dev Philipp Piwowarsky held a workshop at KI decentralized. KI decentralized devs can now expand their blockchain development portfolio with æternity’s tools and features. æmbassadors Adrian Sanchez and Marco Gomez closed a cycle of 11 training modules on aeternity technology for Venezuelan public servants who are now equipped to deploy their blockchain business ideas. Another æmbassador, Boris Guevara, held a training session on æternity blockchain at Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, where the students from Barquisimeto, Estado Lara Venezuela, got acquainted with æ’s development tools and features. And another crucial upcoming milestone — Genesis Week as a part of Starfleet India starts on 2nd March. Check our update to get acquainted with experienced mentors who will be conducting workshops in order to support Starfleeters! By the way, a lot of meetups and events are planned! The community keeps steadily growing in chats and social networks. See you in two weeks!


Aeternity GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from Aeternity Coinlib.io)
  • Kryptokrauts shared a small sneak peek of what will be possible when they release the new version of the aepp-sdk-java and the contract-maven-plugin:

{Bug Fixes}

  1. AEX-2: Fix firefox compatibility issue (#882) (2e16e10)


  1. Chain: add new method waitFOrTxConfirm. Add new option { confirm: 3 } to all of high lvl SDK API. Add tests. Adjust docs (#874) (43528f9)
  2. Compiler: Add new compiler methods API (#875) (a939395)
  3. network: Throw error when can not get networkId (#863) (41b7bd1)


  1. Guide Add 7.0.0 migration guide
  2. Guide: Add Oracle, AENS and Contract guides


  1. Compiler: Do not validate bytecode by default when creating contract instance. To validate bytecode please use forceCodeCheck option.
  1. The main objectives were to help the Core team to stabilize the code post-mainnet-launch, keep Windows support up-to-date and join the state channels team to improve velocity there.
  2. Regarding platform support, supporting Windows as a first-class platform for the Aeternity node is itself a constant chunk of work because this requires all external libraries to be usable on Windows as well. An example of this was the integration of new crypto operations for use in Sophia contracts.
  3. A project like the Aeternity node requires some effort to make it with new major versions due to its size and complexity. Thus, it was added, the support for OTP 21 which includes roughly 1.5 years of improvements.
  4. The contribution all over the place, updating core dependencies, fixing and improving test coverage, making the build tool-chain more maintainable, looking into improving the resilience of the Core’s database layer. A notable change has been retry support for internal operation.
  5. New metrics to the Aeternity node appeared to help users to understand the current state of the network much better.
  1. add support for source code validation for contracts
  2. improved accessibility of transaction properties in TxObject (and in general for the node client)
  3. add support for delegate signatures for contracts (this was instrumental to identify a bug in the fate vm #3141)

and of course documentation documentation documentation!

In the last week (CW07), there were 180 new visitors on dacade, 128 registered, 19 submissions were made. 15 submissions in the “Introduction to Blockchain community” and 2 new submissions in the “Aeternity Development 101 Community”.

The 2 new aepps build by the learners:

  1. An online rent payment system
  2. A parking lot recording dapp

Dacade product updates:

  1. Worked on Javascript 101 — Here is the outline of the community.
  2. And here the prototype for the app that they are going to build in the tutorial, an endless run game build in JS.

Social encounters

  • aeternity Consulting’s Helmut Müller and AE lead dev Philipp Piwowarsky held a workshop at KI decentralized. KI decentralized devs can now expand their blockchain development portfolio with aeternity’s tools and features. Potential consulting projects were also discussed. See post.
  • aeternity’s Nikita Fuchs took part in BerChain’s Blockchain, Collaboration event last week. See post.
  • aembassadors Adrian Sanchez and Marco Gomez closed a cycle of 11 training modules on aeternity technology. The participants were Venezuelan public servants who are now equipped to deploy their blockchain business ideas. Read more in the Forum.
  • aeternity’s Lead aembassador Manel Ruiz concludes his European journey back in Spain.
  • Week 3 of Aeternity Ekiti dev study jaem workshop seems to be going great Smiling face with smiling eyes. Developers from Nigerian Ekiti and Ondo States are getting trained on aeternity blockchain technology and on building solutions on top of it. Follow the updates in the Forum.
  • aembassador Boris Guevara held a training session on aeternity blockchain at Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado UCLA. The students from Barquisimeto, Estado Lara Venezuela, got acquainted with AE’s development tools and features. Learn more in the Forum.

The second training session on aeternity blockchain was also quite productive.

  • Sophia workshop at ORT University in Montevideo. See post.

Upcoming events:

All the amazing aeternity events are scheduled in this calendar. Check it out not to miss anything!

  1. 25th February 2020–28th February 2020 — æternity Developer Bootcamp, Ujay hub, University of Jos, Nigeria
  2. 26th February 2020 — Sofia Crypto Meetup, a monthly blockchain event sponsored by æternity.
  3. 26th February 2020 — Tito Marchev from weiDexExchange will hold an AMA session for the aeternity blockchain community in telegram.
  4. 27th February 2020 — Darwin & Marie Conference, Vienna
  5. 2 March 2020–7 March 2020 — Genesis Week — Starfleet India, Bangalore
  6. 25th March 2020 — Sofia Crypto Meetup, Puzl CowOrKing, Sofia
  7. 26th March 2020 — CCA TOKEN SUMMIT Liechtenstein — 2020 TOKEN REGULATION


  • æternity Development Roadmap Update. UPDATE: æternity’s Lima hardfork was successfully executed on October 30th, 2019 at block height 161150. The æternity’s Mainnet is now running Lima Release 5.0.1. Significant milestones were reached and we are waiting for new target milestones:)

Partnerships and team members

“Starfleet Malta enables us to leverage our broad experience in developing blockchain projects, the strong expertise of our mentors and the support of the fast-growing blockchain ecosystem to welcome innovative blockchain companies into the AE Ventures family,” comments Nikola Stojanow, CEO of AE Ventures.

  • Introducing the mentors series Starfleet India — Anand Hariharan, product manager at HackerEarth. During the Genesis Week, he will lead a workshop on product development and implementation is one of the most important workshops for the early-stage startups.

Another mentor is Prashanth Swaminathan — founder & CEO at Tandem. Prashanth will be conducting a workshop on raising investment as a startup during the Starfleet India Genesis Week.

Introducing the Mentors of the Genesis Week continues with the VP of Product at Springworks — Shivhari Shankar. He has brought multiple products from 0 to traction, he will conduct a workshop on Building Business Models for the Blockchain startups.

Also meet Shrinath — a brilliant trainer, startup mentor, and product coach. His specialty is Product, Marketing and Design. His workshop on Value Proposition will be from tremendous help to the Blockchain startups invited to participate in the Genesis Week.

Next in the list, Ravi Vyas, an early-stage startup veteran & a serial entrepreneur who will introduce the new wave of Starfleeters to the Lean Startup Methodology and set a solid foundation for the knowledge they will gain during the Genesis Week.


  • Changelly extended its crypto portfolio with aeternity token — With this important listing, AEternity has joined the ranks of the 150+ most valuable cryptocurrencies available on Changelly for instant exchanges at both fixed and floating rates. On top of that, Changelly users can now buy AE token with a bank card for the US dollar, Euro (EUR), and Great Britain pound (GBP).


Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Aeternity Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from coingecko.com.

Here you can find all kinds of resources to get acquainted with aeternity! The Getting Started page is being constantly updated to help you get quickly acquainted with aeternity: It’s a rich collection of all kinds of articles, video reviews and guides, and interviews that will introduce you to the AE universe.

Also, you can access a List and overview of everything that uses æternity.

This is not financial advice.

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