Ambrosus: AMB-NET Sidechain Scalability Implementation, AmberEx 3.2.5. Release

Published in
6 min readDec 16, 2019

Biweekly update 2nd December — 16th December

Hello, and welcome to our mid-December biweekly update on Ambrosus! Recently, the team coped with publishing core technical and development updates. After weeks of hard work, iterations, and testing, they have released the improved AmberEx (Amber Explorer) v3.2.5. This release featured the implementation of the transaction types filter to replace the current unified name of Contract Calls; improvement, and structuring of local storage for users’ Client Data; adding Data Parsing Pause functionality for technical maintenance enabling, and Launch of the CSV exporter for Atlas Masternodes and Address pages. Furthermore, the Ambrosus team is now working on solutions that can further enhance the capability and functionality of the decentralized protocol. One key area of research has been the scalability of AMB-NET through Sidechains. Creating custom assets with the sidechain approach means directly deploying a custom smart contract in the side-channel (or in the main network too). These smart contracts cannot be used without any native sidechain tokens since they are used for NECTAR fees. Check the update for some proposed solutions to bypass this limitation.

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As the core network infrastructure of AMB-NET is now complete and its code has been fully released and open-sourced, the Ambrosus team is now working on solutions that can further enhance the capability and functionality of the decentralized protocol. One key area of research has been Scalability of AMB-NET through Sidechains.

“Sidechains can improve the transaction capacity of the Ambrosus mainnet. Deploying and using more smart contracts on the sidechains should result in further performance optimization and scalability. The proposed sidechain-based approach will divert most of the asset related transactions from the main network to sidechannels. Since transactions are cheaper on the sidechannel, users are incentivized to perform most of their transactions there, which means these transactions will not create congestion on the main network, while the network operators can continue reaping rewards via sidechain reward distribution mechanism.”

Check the article for more!

This version contains the following new features:

1. Implementation of transaction types filter to replace current unified name of Contract Calls.

2. Improvement and structuring of local storage for users’ Client Data. This will permit more structured data storage for client-generated data on AMB-NET, either directly or via APIs.

3. Implementation of Data Parsing Pause functionality for technical maintenance enabling. The data is being parsed continuously, which makes occasional technical updates more difficult, as this requires disruption to data parsing.

4. Launch of the CSV exporter for Atlas Masternodes and Address pages. One can now download the list of transactions and contract calls from the personal page of the Atlas Masternode and on the page relevant to the wallet associated with a particular Atlas Masternode in a single CSV-file.

5. Bugfix for incorrectly time-stamped transactions.

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“Despite an ever-changing regulatory landscape, Ambrosus has decided to remain committed to its original vision of complete decentralization.”

The plan is:

  1. To adapt to the new regulatory environment without compromising the belief in decentralized networks.
  2. To support narrowband options that fully comply with existing B2B business processes in order to make it easier for enterprises to utilize AMB-NET.
  3. To continue to grow the entrepreneurial aspect of the Ambrosus Ecosystem while also increasing the number of masternodes on the network.


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Partnerships and team members

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Token financial dynamics (from Explorer Ambrosus)



  • Cheese: A one-of-a-kind solution designed by Ambrosus to verify the quality and origin of Cheese from pasture to table.
  • End-to-End Traceability of Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla: An in-depth breakdown of the Ambrosus industrial project surrounding the supply chain of one of the world’s most precious commodities: Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla.
  • Olive Oil: An expert solution for protecting the quality of one of the world’s most historically counterfeited foods: Olive Oil.
  • The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: An industry analysis explaining where Ambrosus fits into the most important trends and changes in the pharmaceutical supply chain.

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The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Ambrosus Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from

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