ENIGMA: Meet the Enigma Collective: Laura Weindorf

Published in
7 min readNov 5, 2019

Biweekly update 22d October — 5th November

Laura Weindorf, a key member of Enigma developer community working group, an awesome programmer, and an incredible artist was introduced in the latest Enigma Collective profile.

The Enigma Collective is comprised of talented individuals who represent the project and communicate Enigma technology and vision to their communities and industries. The goal is to build a program where everyone feels valued, learns daily, builds skills, and has direct access to the Enigma team. The Collective is active in over 15 countries. Its members have opportunity to bring many different skills and backgrounds to their work, including development experience, artistic talents, business acumen, community-building expertise, and much more. Laura Weindorf is no exception: she has been immensely helpful in testing Enigma protocol and helping developers get started building their own privacy-preserving applications.

Stay tuned!


Github metrics
Developer activity (from Coinlib.io)

Social encounters

The thirty-second episode of Decentralize This! featured Roneil Rumburg.

Roneil is the co-founder and CEO of Audius, decentralized music streaming and hosting platform that’s hoping to disrupt the music industry for the benefit of artists. Audius allows artists to freely share their work or work-in-progress with a dedicated community. The platform already features a bunch of high profile DJs and artists, including deadmau5 and Zed’s Dead. Audius also recently raised a new funding round to support and scale their vision.

On this episode, Roneil talks about what problems Audius solves for musicians and the music industry, why artists are so excited about the potential of blockchain, and how music could be the killer use case for getting decentralized technologies into the hands of millions of users.

Upcoming events:

Date: Thu, November 7, 2019

Time: 6:00 PM — 8:00 PM EST

Location: Quantum Nano Centre — Room 2502

Mike & Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum Nano Centre

Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1


Date: November 13, 2019

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: 90 Gold St. San Francisco, CA

Join the team at CoinList and a panel of speakers from top projects in the crypto space including Edgeware, Enigma, Numerai, and Reserve, where you will dive deep into different strategies for token distribution from ICOs to IEOs and Airdrops to Lockdrops.

Edgeware: Raymond Zhong

Enigma: Can Kisagun

Numerai: Natasha-Jade Chandler

Reserve: Nevin Freeman

CoinList Building Blocks is a series of panels focused on the toughest challenges facing founders and teams in crypto. BuildingBlocks will cover topics such as finding top talent, token economics, node operation, and more.


Token holders and the number of transactions (information from Etherscan.io)


What’s next?

  • launch on a public ethereum test network


No updates

Partnerships and team members

The Enigma Collective is comprised of talented individuals who represent the project and communicate Enigma technology and vision to their communities and industries. The goal has been to build a program where everyone feels valued, learns daily, builds skills, and has direct access to the Enigma team. Being involved in the early stages of an ambitious blockchain project like Enigma is an incredible opportunity — and joining the Collective can mean gaining lifelong friends and colleagues.

With the Collective active in over 15 countries, members can bring many different skills and backgrounds to their work, including development experience, artistic talents, business acumen, community-building expertise, and much more.

Laura Weindorf is a member of the Enigma Collective who has been immensely helpful in testing Enigma protocol and helping developers get started building their own privacy-preserving applications.

Who are you?

“My name is Laura. I love learning about things I’m passionate about. Lately, that’s been the Rust programming language, Enigma’s secret contracts, world literature, and astrophysics — though I’m a bit behind in that class at the moment. I’m also on an inner journey to, as the Gnostics would say, “know thyself.” I love traveling and exploring. As a kid, I used to pretend I was an explorer discovering new places on my expeditions in the woods. I also used to pretend I was Wonder Woman”. <….>

“I was always interested in math and science. I never thought of myself as artistic or creative. Then a couple of years ago I got this incredible urge to create art and I haven’t stopped. What inspires my art is the way man-made structures get broken down by nature’s weathering processes as viewed in a natural landscape setting. I have no idea why I’m attracted to that, but that’s what I explore in my art”.

Why Enigma?


“ I’ve felt for a while that privacy and scalability in terms of data are critical to mass adoption. I had read that some companies were working on private blockchains because they wanted the benefits of blockchain technology without exposing their data on a public blockchain. Data privacy is a significant impediment to companies that need to keep their data private, but the same is true for individuals.

Enigma’s approach, enabling computation on encrypted data, is really interesting. And you can save state data in a secret contract, which helps with scaling of smart contracts”.

What do you enjoy working on?

“I have years of experience in software development that includes programming, design, architecture, and testing. I originally wanted to be an aeronautical engineer and work for NASA, but my grandfather talked me out of that and into computers.

I love programming, so it’s always a great day for me when I can get comfy in my home office and start coding. I’ve always been drawn more to the behind-the-scenes, or infrastructure side of software, especially networking and communications. When I was first learning Unix and the C programming language, I actually wrote a program that interacted with the modem to dial and connect to another UNIX machine. I loved it. The idea that I could connect with the hardware and cause data to move across a cable was super exciting”.

What do you want to see in a decentralized, privacy-oriented digital future?

“ I want to see people in charge of their own identities and data, getting paid by corporations to use it. I want to see that people are free and control their money. I want to see people getting paid to lend any spare computing power to the decentralized network. I want to see costs come down by automating and eliminating inefficiencies. I want to see voting on the blockchain. And most importantly, I want to see what else happens, what other innovations are made possible with blockchain that we haven’t even imagined yet”.

Why should someone join the Enigma Collective?

“I really wanted to stay involved and continue my work with smart contracts and blockchain infrastructure, so I applied to be part of the Enigma Collective. I was so excited when I got the email from Tor and Aaron. They’re great! I love the authenticity and passion of the team and I feel very proud to be a part of the Collective. So now I’m helping out with developer support and learning secret contracts and Rust”.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The charts above show the decline in the number of Telegram followers.

Telegram — Telegram HQ for the Enigma Project.

Secret Nodes Community Telegram — a community-led group of individuals who care about privacy, data ownership, and are dedicated to supporting secret node runners.

Twitter — The official announcements channel. The average number of retweets is 40 for one post. Publications with 30–100 likes.

Reddit — Threads with 6–20 comments, 10–30 upvotes.

See also:

Enigma’s secret nodes sub-forum


The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Enigma Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com

This is not financial advice.

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