Establishment of AMM division with Orbs as the first community — founder’s letter

Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2020


Greetings, ladies and genlemen!

Great news is, Paradigm ecosystem is growing.

I, Victor Smirnov, a founder of Paradigm ecosystem, am kickstarting a new direction: providing Decentralized Market Making services for crypto-assets. We’re lucky a that a network like Orbs that provides blockchain infrastructure with use-cases for banking and major enterprises has an ERC-20 token.

Though this is a new direction for the Paradigm team, we outlined a simple plan: a series educational materials and a dedicated web-site for any ORBS token holder to involve easily into decentralized market making, sharing the commissions on the pool among pseudo-anonymous participants.

I think this is a more community-engaging and cost-efficient approach to bootstrap liquidity for any company in the world. What is more, I expect that eventually our Automated Market Making division will serve communities around security tokens. AMM will replace traditional market makers, at least for early stages of a company. And even centralized exchanges will be looking at the asset’s decentralized liquidity before listing it.

In a nutshell, here is our plan for coming months to activate Orbs liquidity on DEXes:

  • A dedicated Orbs DeFi portal, including the following:
  1. Homepage with actual statistics on pools, current APY and available liquidity.
  2. Balancer ORBS/USDC pool.
  3. Uniswap ORBS/ETH and ORBS/USDC pools.
  4. How-to section.
  • Research on possible solutions for combining liquidity provisioning and staking.
  • Community education and resource center including tutorials and how-to articles.

I am happy to start this journey with the Orbs team. We will be helping each other not only in marketing and community engagement, but also in research efforts on a novel smart contract design that will allow to participate both in the liquidity and staking at the same time.

Anyway, nothing stated here will help achieve desirable liquidity without paticipation of token holders. Orbs community, you are welcome to ask any questions and join!

My email: — for partnerships, consulting and AMM services.

This initiative will be supported by Sergey — AMM specialist who will educate and help Orbs community. Contact him on telegram: iamskh.

About Paradigm:

Paradigm is an ecosystem comprised of a venture fund, research agency and accelerator focused on crypto, DLT, neuroscience, space technologies, robotics, and biometrics — technologies that combined together will alter how we percieve the reality.

About Orbs:

Orbs is a blockchain infrastructure-as-a-service built for large scale consumer applications to meet their business and technological requirements. It is the first public permissionless network with hybrid architechture suitable for real businesses.

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice.

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