HORIZEN: Join Monthly Update, First Node on the SideChain DevNet, Interviews with Horizen Community Stars

Published in
9 min readSep 4, 2019


Biweekly update 21st August — 4th September

Hello, our dear followers! We are glad to tell you about Horizen and its progress. There is a few news we want to share with you. So, we are going to write brief information about them, and we hope you will like all of them.

To start with, we want to bring you to the Horizen monthly live update. It is this Wednesday, 09/04. Be sure to tune at 1 PM EST/ 5 PM UTC and be part of the conversation! We are going to watch this one and advise you to do it too!

Then, we hope you know that the Horizen community is unique, colorful, and full of exciting people. Each month, the foundation features some individuals who contributed their time and expertise to help Horizen improve various aspects of the project. This month we met AGNFAB and Marshalllife. The detailed report can be found below. We, on our side, can say that the presence of such people is undoubtedly essential. They improve the project every day and attract more people.

In speaking of development, the Horizen team published important news for the French. Now, the whitepaper is available in French. Furthermore, Horizen has recently released its first node, Mini-node, on the sidechain devnet. The release of the Mini-node is a significant milestone because it puts Horizen one step closer to the official publication of the first sidechain! According to news, the Horizen sidechain SDK will significantly enhance the scalability and decentralization of the Horizen ecosystem and enable the team to work with companies and enterprises in different business verticals to take blockchain technology to the mainstream. In our opinion, it is a piece of really great news, and all the community should be happy to hear it.

To end with, Horizen did a great job. We may see that the development team is making the project more helpful every day, and community managers are engaged in becoming ZEN more popular. Of course, we are going to follow the company, which can change our vision of privacy. Keep up the excellent work!


Github metrics:

Developer activity (from Coinlib.io):

Horizen Sidechains — Testing The First Sidechain SDK Node!

Horizen has recently released its first node, Mini-node, on the sidechain devnet. The release of the Mini-node is a significant milestone, because it puts Horizen one step closer to the official release of the first sidechain!

The Horizen sidechain SDK will greatly enhance the scalability and decentralization of Horizen ecosystem and enable Horizen to work with companies and enterprises in different business verticals to take blockchain technology to the mainstream.

Rob Viglione on the Importance of Horizen Sidechains

Sidechains are a huge step towards decentralization. This is decentralizing our architecture and enabling a much richer application environment that doesn’t have the cross-application cannibalization that can happen on a network.

If you’re in a network with finite bandwidth, when you make a decision to build on that network you also have to consider the potential congestion on it. For us, we chose the architectural path of having a very robust secure mainchain, and we are constantly improving that security. The experimentation, the fun stuff, the exciting applications, the entire businesses that we are looking at migrating to blockchains, that’s what we want to happen on their own application-specific sidechains.

So, it’s a really big step towards decentralization in terms of architecture and then also creating massive scalability that can actually mainstream this technology.

It’s Alive!

The new Mini-node is now actively being tested in the devnet environment. The node currently allows the developers to check the status of the node, check the node balance, create a transaction, and generate new blocks on the sidechain, and more.

Watch the latest video of Oleksandr from the Sidechain SDK Development Team as he demonstrates several of the functions of the Horizen Mini-node.

Horizen’s Sidechain SDK

The SDK is truly novel because developers can write applications in their preferred language. Additionally, enterprises can take advantage of the mainchain’s functionality without having to build their own blockchain, all while utilizing Horizen’s large node network. Using the SDK, developers will be able to quickly and easily customize blockchain components such as consensus, token, block reward time, etc, which can be completely independent of Horizen’s mainchain.

Social encounters

Two latest Poscasts

  1. Horizen Grows: Sidechains, Nodes, Privacy, Smart Contracts, Getting Business Ready — Interview with CEO Rob Viglione
  2. The Right To Privacy And Encryption — Rob Viglione at Market Disruptors

Horizen Community Star Interviews — AGNFAB

Horizen featured AGNFAB in its August monthly live stream. AGNFAB is well known in the community and by the development team for his engagement and activity within the social channels and his wonderful art!

What drew you to blockchain technology?

I arrived to the scene pretty late. I purchased my first cryptocurrencies over 2 years ago. It was a friend of mine that told me to purchase bitcoin. He talked openly about “the new internet money” that one day would take over the world. I read about Bitcoin and its digital way of storing wealth.

My son was 2 years old and we were playing around on my computer to fill my first BTC order, but something went wrong with my internet connection. My order was set to purchase €100 worth of Bitcoin (approximately 35.7 BTC at the time), but the order didn’t go through and I continued to play with my son that evening.

Today that amount could have been life-changing for me. As the BTC price began to skyrocket around Spring 2017 the failed BTC order began to haunt me. I started to read about smart contracts and learned how blockchain could help enterprises and corporations in the future.

Why did you choose Horizen?

I came in touch with Horizen (Zencash at the time) over a year ago. Privacy has really been something that I am interested in. We are in an age when the internet has taken control over our life. Most people have their whole life open for everyone to view. It scares me. Privacy should be a human right.

Horizen and some other privacy coins have set a standard for how safe transactions can be made. It’s very useful. Not because I have something to hide. Just because I want my life to be private. When i talk with people about privacy I often get the response “I have nothing to hide.” Why must people says this? Then give me your password to your email account and let me read it. Then it becomes a different story. Suddenly people start to wake up. I try to educate people, not on a daily basis, but when I hear a discussion and the situation is right I am more than happy to share my views.

I feel very privileged to be part of our community. I learn a lot almost every day. If we all could do a fraction of work to bring adoption of Horizen, then this network will go far. I am a happy node owner. I don’t care about the charts or the price. I am into this because of my long term perspective and the goal that we one day we will have one of the most secure blockchain networks on this planet.

Is there anything about yourself you’d like to share with the Horizen Community?

My plan is to continue doing what I love, draw my Horizen art and send ZEN to friends and family. Hopefully someone’s grandma has a piece of my art on their wall in 50 years and gladly talks about how she purchased it through an internet channel back in the day… The future is bright for blockchain, but brighter for our Horizen.

Horizen Community Star Interviews — Marshalllife

The team featured Marshalllife in the August monthly live stream. Marshalllife is well known in the Horizen community and by the team for his engagement and activity within the social channels and his neat crypto project music videos!

What drew you to blockchain technology?

I was drawn to the technology because I wanted to understand how it works, I love technology and innovation. Funnily enough I found the technology and innovation doesn’t have an end, it just keeps evolving, from chain to blockchain now new scalable tech like DAG.

After several studies and searches, I found some interesting findings about blockchain. This is just the beginning of what we perceive blockchain to be, there is more to this technology than meets the eye.

To be concise, I was drawn for the technology at first. I landed on the planet as a noob who knew nothing about this innovative concept, but I saw a brighter future with blockchain and its applications. Now behold, here I am.

Why did you choose Horizen?

I discovered Horizen on CoinMarketCap when I was doing my normal routine of research. At that time I was researching zk-SNARKs and privacy coins. I searched Google with the phrase “privacy zk-SNARKs price token” and Monero popped up, leading me straight to CMC. Underneath CMC I saw a lot of coins that I assumed might be privacy-oriented, I clicked on ZEN and behold here I am, now an active community member. Well the story didn’t end there.

Once I learned about ZEN, I read a lot about the privacy-oriented blockchain platform. Apart from the cheerful supportive community, platform features and DAO, I was drawn to the Horizen project because of the technology, sidechains, and the enthusiastic Horizen team and what they focuse on achieving.

I’m not a developer myself, but you definitely won’t understand how it feels reading and understand what people call complicated, yet you feel like it was written because of you — As I understand everything I read. Well only for the mining part lol.

After several readings about Horizen and sticking with the community, adding my little fractional values where I can, by organizing a meetup event, making the first Horizen crypto song and Horizen webcast. I feel at home.

I was drawn to Horizen because this dude here believes in privacy, privacy is freedom, freedom is liberty, liberty is life, Horizen is liberty, and Horizen is life.

Is there anything about yourself you’d like to share with the Horizen Community?

Yeah, A lot, however, I will just share some 😉.

Ever since I got to know about blockchain technology, trust me, I have been kicking myself. I got a lot to build, people!! 🙂 but I can’t, hahaha. Dev rocks the sphere. I have been taking some Python classes, I have a future with this technology, so I believe. I also have recently founded a blockchain project, which might launch pretty soon. I also create inspirational songs for blockchain projects, host meetups, I have a team known as “Atlas Team” on Twitter where we promote blockchain projects.

I have spent most of my time trying to add values of any kind here and there, even in my own country, to foster blockchain adoption all over the world and in my local area.

Upcoming events:

  • Join Monthly Update!


Source: CoinMarketCap


Updated RoadMap

Social media metrics

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Social media dynamics:

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Horizen Reddit subscribers, Twitter followers and Facebook likes. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

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