IPFS: IPFS Desktop v0.15.0 released, IPFS & Filecoin Chainlink Hackathon and Gitcoin Grants Round 9 winners announced, The Graph celebrates 20B monthly queries on the hosted service in April, Opera integrates Unstoppable Domains, AKASHA reloaded, Civic milestones and updates, Advancing Ceramic’s decentralized identity network with EPNS, and more!

Published in
11 min readMay 12, 2021


IPFS ecosystem biweekly vol.8, 28th April — 12th May

  • IPFS made a cameo on Elon Musk’s SNL appearance
  • IPFS Desktop v0.15.0 has been released and it features IPFS webui v2.12 and electron 12.x
  • The Filecoin network upgraded to version 12
  • Video NFTs with Filecoin & VideoCoin — live demo is here
  • Check out the 11 teams who graduated from the Filecoin Frontier Accelerator
  • Audius, DODO, Enzyme, Gnosis, Livepeer, mStable, Opyn, PoolTogether, Reflexer, and UMA are the first 10 subgraphs from The Graph’s hosted service published on The Graph Network mainnet
  • 20 billion queries on The Graph’s hosted service in April represents an explosive rise in dapps and Web3 adoption
  • Opera browser or desktop users can now directly access decentralized websites that are hosted on IPFS
  • AKASHA is celebrating its 5th anniversary since announcement, and introduces the private alpha of Ethereum World
  • Together the Ethereum Push Notification Service and Ceramic Network’s identity system enable flexible user notifications for Web3.0
  • The Fleek team is upgrading the project’s infrastructure to offer a faster, safer, and resilient DNS configuration with extra CDN benefits and DDOs protection. You can migrate your site to it in a click.
  • Brave Playlist launches on iOS App, users can access their content in one list from the most popular platforms, anywhere and anytime
  • The latest video in the Building Web3 Video Series features Audius
  • Pinata released dedicated IPFS gateways so NFTs and DeFi dapps both have a fast, branded way to serve content
  • In the new ‘Humanode 101’ video the core principles behind Sybil Defence in Humanode Network explained in simple terms
  • Tune in the replay of the last week’s Humanode Fireside discussion with a detailed overview of the Humanode DAO named Vortex
  • Learn how the Cloudflare team designed the new Web Application Firewall with customers’ needs in mind
  • Buy Handshake domain names on Gateway
  • Civic made bold moves in Q1 by responding to the new market conditions through integration with the Solana blockchain
  • Micro unveils next-generation e-bike on Origin — first vehicle to debut via NFT
  • NFTs and social networking with Alex Masmej from Showtime on ‎’The Unstoppable Podcast’
  • Learn what makes Satellite.im different
  • Berty news #57 was published
  • Fission CLI latest is now 2.13.0 “Palmer Eldritch”
  • The IPFS Primer series of tutorials are here
  • Using IPFS to help with Scaling Ethereum through May 13
  • Filecoin virtual community meetup on May 18
  • Monthly IPFS community meetup on May 25
  • And more!


IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open. It utilizes DHT (distributed hash table) and Merkle DAG (directed acyclic graph) data structures. IPFS uses a protocol similar to BitTorrent to decide how to move data around the network. One of the advanced features of IPFS is that it supports file versioning. To achieve file versioning, it uses data structures similar to Git.

IPFS forms the Content Centric Internet where you access data directly from any server in the world, and works in closed environments disconnected from the Internet. Interplanetary Linked Data makes it possible to access data from any public Merkle-tree like Ethereum.

Here’s how IPFS works


Latest IPFS News

Awareness and Events

These weeks’ events:

April 27: IPFS Community Meetup replay is out featuring presentations from:

- Yusef Napora, Protocol Labs software engineer covering NFT x IPFS best practices, and introducing Minty and nft.storage.

- Ariel Klevecz, creator of Yaytso, covering “NFT Hacking in the Eggverse” — an introduction to algorithmically personalized 3D eggs.

- The creators of nft.base, a DAO-based metaverse marketplace and community for NFTs, a project initiated during NFTHack.

April 16-May 13: Scaling Ethereum: IPFS is sponsoring the Scaling Ethereum Hackathon and Summit with ETHGlobal. Make sure to submit your projects for your chance at prizes from IPFS, Filecoin, and others.

Upcoming events:

May 25: The next monthly IPFS Community Meetup Register to speak or join.

June 21–24: Decentralising the Internet with IPFS and Filecoin (DI2F) workshop: The workshop will be hosted at IFIP Networking 2021, a top academic conference in networking research

Projects’ Updates

Data Storage and Management:


  • Filecoin Network v12: On April 29th, 2021, the Filecoin network upgraded to version 12. The upgrade introduced version 4 of the specs-actors implementation, the set of built-in actors that specify the rules of the Filecoin protocol. The new version of specs-actors was designed to be significantly more performant, thus speeding up block validation times.
  • Introducing NFT.Storage: Free Decentralized Storage for NFTs: NFT.Storage lets users store their NFT content and metadata seamlessly and securely with IPFS and Filecoin.
  • If you haven’t yet, check out the 11 teams who graduated from the Filecoin Frontier Accelerator with Longhash. Themes include NFTs, education, media, and more. Watch
  • The next Filecoin Virtual Community Meetup will take place on Tuesday, May 18th at 1PM PT/9PM UTC.
  • Filecoin Plus Day replay:
  • Video NFTs with Filecoin & VideoCoin — Live Demo: Last month, the team announced that VideoCoin is integrating its decentralized video processing network with Filecoin to build the first platform specifically designed for creating and trading Video NFTs. In this live demo, you will learn exactly how the integration works, including how to create and store a Video NFT along with its Proof of Ownership, a preview of the NFT platform and UI, and how to retrieve the Proof of Ownership and prove that it works.

The Graph

3Box Labs & Ceramic Network


Computation & Trust Layers:


  • Check out previous ‘Humanode in simple terms’ episodes:

Episode III: Fath: The core principles of the Fath monetary algorithm.

Episode II: Vortex: The Humanode DAO explained.

Episode I: So it’s a blockchain, right?

  • In case you’ve missed the second Humanode Fireside live talk in their telegram’s voice chat, here is the recording. This discussion gives a detailed overview of the Humanode DAO named Vortex, the team talks over various Vortex aspects and interprets the core principles behind it.

Integrations/ Collaborations:



  • Opera Browser Integrates Unstoppable Domains: Opera browser or desktop users can now directly access decentralized websites that are hosted on IPFS. Thus, the integration means that Opera mobile or desktop users can directly access decentralized websites that are hosted on IPFS and use Unstoppable Domains’ .crypto domain. Opera says it’s the only browser to offer the integration on all Windows, Mac, and Linux devices without Internet extensions or downloads.





The Shake: May 9, 2021: Fresh weekly recap of the Handshake ecosystem and protocol:

  • Gateway. Buy Handshake domain names on Gateway. With the Namebase Registry up and running, registrars like Gateway offer a place to buy and manage Handshake domain for premium TLDs like .api, .js, .defi, and many more.
  • Live TLD Auctions. The second live TLD auction happened this Wednesday with a portion of proceeds going to several community run groups. The auction theme is single emoji top level domains.
  • 5000 FOSS Claims. With over 100 new claims this week, the Handshake airdrop to open source developers has now passed 5000 total claims. The airdrop of 𝙃 4,246 is now worth approximately $2,750.
  • Memes. A month long meme contest for the Handshake community with a prize of 𝙃 3,500. Tag @HNSFund and use the #MonthOfMemes hashtag to be eligible to win.
  • EconsDesign. A full write-up commissioned from the Economics Design team on the economics of Handshake and its importance in the DWeb can now be found permanently hosted on Sia Skynet.
  • Akash Network. The Apollo Genesis validator was deployed to the Akash network with a Handshake domain name. The decentralized web stack continues to take form.
  • HNS Login. Namebase open sourced the OIDC provider used for Namer News. This makes it simple for any site to integrate Handshake Login without relying on Namebase.
  • Ledger Wallet. A preview of the Ledger hardware wallet integration into Bob Wallet for Handshake.
  • Unstoppable Stack. This repository serves as a general guide and proof of concept for deploying a full-stack web application onto blockchain-based decentralized infrastructure using Handshake, Sia Skynet, and Akash Network.
  • ShakeDex. ShakeDex version 0.0.15 is out. This is a bugfix release that fixes an issue that prevented users from filling auctions with coins younger than the coinbase maturity. A recent demo of the protocol can be found here.


  • Join Berty’s first “Builders Meetings” later today. For this first edition: TheoXD (VoteID) will present his amazing decentralized vote app and how he uses the Berty protocol in it.


  • The team recently updated Robonomics PLO webpage:
  • Polkadot Decoded ships on May 20th:


  • IPFS made a cameo on Elon Musk’s SNL appearance:
  • The IPFS Primer series of tutorials are here:

That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let us know what you think about the format & content.

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