IPFS: Monthly Community Meetup, Recapping NFTHack with IPFS and Protocol Labs, Ceramic and IDX now available with Moonbeam, Unstoppable Domains and Brave integrate, Fleek now offers Internet Computer hosting, Infura now natively supports the Polygon Network, and more!

Published in
11 min readMay 26, 2021


IPFS ecosystem biweekly vol.9, 12th May — 26th May


  • js-IPFS 0.55.0 greatly improves type definitions
  • Recapping NFTHack with IPFS and Protocol Labs
  • Spring University Hackathons roundup
  • Decentralized games at Gamedev.js JAM 2021 recap
  • The Filecoin Network crossed the sustainability target for the first time recently
  • Developers building on Moonbeam’s Ethereum-compatible smart contract Polkadot parachain can now use Ceramic’s streaming data and cross-chain identity protocols
  • What’s more, Ceramic and IDX now available on Avalanche
  • Fleek is officially running on the Internet Computer allowing dapps to run at web speed and serve web
  • Blockchain domain name provider Unstoppable Domains announced a collaboration with privacy-oriented web browser Brave that enables native browser support for the crypto domain name company
  • Cloudflare launches cryptographic humanity authentication test to eliminate CAPTCHAs
  • Teku and Infura team up to make the fastest Ethereum 2.0 client sync
  • Infura and Truffle now natively support the Polygon PoS Network
  • The dWeb Foundation has announced an incubator for Handshake projects
  • Charlie set a new record for a meme-as-NFT sale with Origin’s NFT Launchpad, raising $760,999 to surpass other notable video & meme NFTs, Nyan Cat and Disaster Girl
  • Berty is progressing well, especially on the android part. The team plans to put a public roadmap — which will show the progress of the work and the blocking points before the next steps
  • A detailed overview of the Humanode’s Fath monetary algorithm
  • Display 3D models through your Pinata gate
  • The Superfluid subgraph is live via The Graph
  • May 28–30: Web3 Weekend
  • And more!


IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open. It utilizes DHT (distributed hash table) and Merkle DAG (directed acyclic graph) data structures. IPFS uses a protocol similar to BitTorrent to decide how to move data around the network. One of the advanced features of IPFS is that it supports file versioning. To achieve file versioning, it uses data structures similar to Git.

IPFS forms the Content Centric Internet where you access data directly from any server in the world, and works in closed environments disconnected from the Internet. Interplanetary Linked Data makes it possible to access data from any public Merkle-tree like Ethereum.

Here’s how IPFS works

Latest IPFS News

Using Chainlink External Adapters to connect various components of decentralized infrastructure is one of the ways the Chainlink Network is helping to make it easier for smart contract developers to build new use cases and fully decentralized applications. Chainlink Prize winners from the ETHOnline Hackaton Toshiake Takase and Tsukasa Noguchi used Chainlink’s oracle infrastructure and IPFS to enable artists on Audius’s blockchain-based music streaming platform to distribute token rewards to their fans without the costly gas fees associated with hundreds or thousands of individual transactions.

In this tutorial, the Iroiro team shows how to use Chainlink to connect to IPFS for cost-efficient token distribution and a variety of other Ethereum infrastructure use cases.

Awareness and Events

  • IPFS Community Meetup

Hear the talks from:

  • Muhammed Tanrıkulu of Almonit, presenting Alpress, a self-governing ENS+IPFS publication platform.
  • Yiannis Psarras of ResNetLab, presenting “ResNetLab on Tour,” as well as providing an update on the upcoming DI2F Workshop.
  • Wayne Chang of Spruce Systems, presenting how Spruce Systems is reimagining trusted interactions through the creation of new identity infrastructure.

In March, Protocol Labs sponsored NFTHack, a weekend long hackathon and summit to gather creatives and engineers focused on NFTs. The event sparked a multitude of conversations and ideas surrounding creative and sustainable solutions to NFT storage. Here is the recap.

Last month, the IPFS project partnered with two different universities to sponsor student-led and organized hackathons focused on introducing ground-breaking initiatives at both the global and local level. Cal Hacks , a nonprofit organization composed of University of California, Berkeley students, held a global hackathon to unite the innovators, creators, and troublemakers of the world, called hello:world. The goal was to inspire students to build something out of this world in the following categories: sustainability, connectivity, education, or community and civic engagement. Similarly, the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC) also held CivHacks, an annual hackathon focused on providing a welcoming, engaging and creative environment to support social good in tech culture, open to several categories including health, sustainability, student success, and civics.

Upcoming events:

May 28–30: Web3 Weekend

Web3 Weekend, sponsored by Protocol Labs, Audius, and the Ethereum Foundation, will bring together a virtual collective of passionate creatives and engineers for a weekend of exploring and building on Web3. During the hackathon, you’ll have the support of a huge community of experts, mentors, creators, sponsors, and other community members who want to help you design and build the future of the web, with $25k+ available in various prizes. Register to build.

June 21–24: Decentralising the Internet with IPFS and Filecoin (DI2F) workshop: The workshop will be hosted at IFIP Networking 2021, a top academic conference in networking research

Workshop schedule:

Projects’ Updates

The IPFS Ecosystem Diagram

Data Storage and Management:


The Graph

  • The Cost Model Workshop recording:

3Box Labs & Ceramic Network

  • SignaPodcast with Michael Sena:


Computation & Trust Layers:


  • Humanode Fireside: Fath: In case you’ve missed the third Humanode Fireside live talk in their telegram’s voice chat, here is the recording. This discussion gives a detailed overview of the Fath monetary algorithm.
  • Check out previous ‘Humanode in simple terms’ episodes:

Episode IV : Sybil Defence: The core principles behind Sybil Defence in Humanode.

Episode III: Fath: The core principles of the Fath monetary algorithm.

Episode II: Vortex: The Humanode DAO explained.

Episode I: So it’s a blockchain, right?

Integrations/ Collaborations:








The Shake: May 23, 2021: Fresh weekly recap of the Handshake ecosystem and protocol:

  • #ProjectDWeb The dWeb Foundation has announced an incubator for Handshake projects. Be one of 15 teams to accelerate their Handshake project with mentoring, strategy + support or one of 5 selected to join phase two. More information on the program can be found here. Applications are open through June 11th with a public demo day slated for August 1st.
  • Impervious The Handshake development company continues to grow with a new DNS developer, buffrr, joining the team to build on HNS full time. You can check out buffrr’s project Let’s DANE on Github which enables the use of DANE in browsers and other apps using a lightweight proxy.
  • DeFi, meet DWeb Reported outages of several DeFi domains due to China blocking websites including Yearn, Curve, and Uniswap prompted discussions of DWeb tooling. This led to a Yearn community member acquiring the HNS TLD .Yearn in a secondary sale for further censorship resistance of the protocol.
  • Gravity Bridge Further DWeb integrations within the Cosmos ecosystem are taking place as Gravity, a decentralized exchange, is using Handshake and Akash to further decentralize.
  • ShakeStats The Handshake data website is working on new market and on-chain data alongside new design updates.
  • DNS Outage Salesforce went down for ~5 hours yesterday after a lone engineer was tasked with making a configuration change.
  • Neuenet/ An upcoming registry for Handshake domains open sourced tooling to detect Handshake wallet addresses. While traditional registrars use closed source infrastructure to sell commodity names in a race to the bottom, Handshake native registrars will run on open source infrastructure to sell names they own with creative offerings.
  • HandyHost A sneak peak of the Sia side of the upcoming release from HNSOSS combining major DWeb protocols into one easy to manage software suite. A decentralize namespace is only as powerful as the decentralized web stack it resolves.
  • Goldshell The hardware producer has announced two new miners. Handshake network hashrate has been growing healthy this year, reaching as high as 11 PH/s last month. Watch for Goldshell’s new additions to help accelerate this growth.
  • HNS Metrics:
  • Primary Name Markets: Name auction markets continue to show strength with 5,000 daily bid volume as a 30d floor and two days of 25,000 bids over this last week.

Unstoppable Domains

  • Last week’s POP CRYPTO RECAP:



Social Media


  • News #58: Berty is progressing well, especially on the android part. The team plans to put a public roadmap — which will show the progress of the work and the blocking points before the next steps.




That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let us know what you think about the format & content.

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