Matrix AI Network: GPU Mining Test to start

Published in
5 min readOct 3, 2019

Biweekly update 19th September — 3d October

Matrix team decided to make GPU mining available in the test chain to make full use of the Matrix AI Network’s surplus computing power and better protect the environment. The GPU mining test is expected to end in mid-October, but the GPU and CPU mining may occur at the same time, resulting in unstable block speed. In order to truly feel the advantages of GPU mining, it may be based on specific conditions. Plus Sohu Technology interviewed Steve Deng, the chief scientist of the Matrix AI Network and Matrix was honored to participate in the establishment of China National Blockchain Standards. More to follow!


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In order to make full use of the Matrix AI Network’s surplus computing power and better protect the environment, Matrix team decided to make GPU mining available in the test chain. This article will introduce the new functions of GUP mining, preparations and specific steps for the test application. Read the full article to learn more.

Social encounters

Sohu Technology interviewed Steve Deng, the chief scientist of the Matrix AI Network.

Past events:


The number of transactions (information from

Due to the joint mining, the number of Matrix nodes keeps changing and the rewards get easily influenced by the changing numbers of stake participation. This report will register the statistical fluctuation and highlight the corresponding reasons. For the basic information about Matrix Masternode participation incentives, please read “An introduction to the Matrix AI Network”.


·Our data sample is used: August 1, 2019 to August 31, 2019

·Data only considers block rewards. Incentives such as stake rewards and joint minging rewards are not included in this calculation.

·Only Verification Masternodes that have been online for at least 2500 total minutes and never receive incentives are included to ensure greater accuracy and scalability of results.

·Punished Verification Masternodes that have been forced to forfeit selection opportunities are included in the data. The Matrix team will consider excluding Punished Masternodes in future reports.

Verification Masternode Annual ROI — Aug 1, 2019 to Aug 31, 2019

  • Data sets with 0 stake are not registered in the graph above. Check the specific data in the table below.

Between Aug 1 and Aug 31, 2019, a total of 59 Verification Masternodes were online for at least 2500 minutes. The number of recorded Verification Masternodes per stake level is as follows:

Deviation between Stake Levels

There are several factors contributing to the ROI including the relatively how minimum uptime requirement for inclusion in this data set (2500 minutes) and the unequal number of nodes at each stake level. Raising the sample size to being online for over 5000 minutes or 10,000 minutes illustrates this phenomenon. Additionally, if there are only a small handful of nodes in a given stake level, a single malfunctioning node can skew the data.

  • Data sets with 0 stake are not registered in the graph above. Check the specific data in the table below.


Q1: Why do some nodes have a zero ROI?

A1: The rewards of joint mining can be easily influenced by factors including stake numbers and selection time, so they are not included in this Masternode Verification rewards report, resulting in a decrease of the number of nodes. Some nodes hold zero stake and ROI.

Q2: Why does the ROI become lower than the previous ones?

A2: This issue is still highly relevant to joint mining. The growing number of mining pools and participators make the Verification Masternodes rewards fewer. Check the changing number of joint mining participators below:


What’s next?

  • FPGA mining will be available by the end of 2019.
  • Up to 10 DAPPS by the end of 2019

Partnerships and team members

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Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The chart above illustrates a slight decline in the number of Twitter followers. In general, Matrix AI Network experiences the average level of social activity.

  • Twitter (Matrix AI Network) — official announcement channel (100–400 likes per publication).
  • Facebook — official announcement channel — duplicates news from Twitter (10–20 likes per publication).
  • Reddit — news about projects and blockchain, links to interviews, podcasts, upcoming events.

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Matrix AI Network Reddit subscribers, Twitter followers, and Facebook likes. The information is taken from

This is not financial advice.

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