OmiseGO: Samrong — v0.2 of the Network is now accessible, Potterhat — an experimental open-source blockchain “client orchestrator” in development, The team at UNICEF Innovation SURGE Hackathon, AMA with CTO Kasima

Published in
13 min readJun 24, 2019

Biweekly update 10th June — 24th June

Welcome to the post-Public Alpha era! During these weeks, the team was working assiduously as usual! They have launched the Public Alpha of Samrong! And they’ll be keeping Ari running for at least a month while they work with the partners and ODP members to migrate their tokens to the new network, making this an actual upgrade. The eWallet team has just released version 1.2.0 which contains mainly improvements to support use cases for the ongoing as well as upcoming adopters. Potterhat, an experimental, open-source Blockchain “client orchestrator” is now in development by Integration team. It provides failover across multiple blockchain clients (Geth, Parity, Pantheon) to potentially improve reliability of Blockchain-based services. As for social encounters, believing that technology can be an enabler to improve lives, OmiseGO took part of UNICEF Innovate’s SURGE BKK 2019. Check out their engagement at the SURGE BKK Hackathon and learn more about their commitment to innovation for better communities in their blog. A must read! At the beginning of the month the Business and Development team was at Techsauce Global Summit 2019. Dennis Keller, OmiseGO VP of Commercial and Business Development, gave there a talk on the inevitability of digitalized financial transactions, assets and payments. Kasima, OmiseGO CTO, answers the top 5 questions the OmiseGO community asked in this month’s AMA. Check out the video on OmiseGo YouTube channel! Also, the team spoke to their community partner MVL about the work with OmiseGO and the PoC for the ride hailing service TADA. Read about the possible future of tokenized incentive systems with the technology MVL and OmiseGO are building in their official blog! As for upcoming events, the team will be at Devcon 5 in Osaka. So far so good. The community constantly grows. There is a slight increase in the number of subscribers of OmiseGo official social media channels. Keep track of updates! We’ll show you more stuff along the way of social activity and development in the Public Alpha of Samrong!


GitHub metrics:

Developer activity (from

Are you ready to upgrade to Samrong?

v0.2 of the OMG Network is now accessible to all.

Get the details on the OmiseGO Developer Portal.

Want to build on the OMG Network? Sign-up for the OmiseGO Developer Program (ODP)

The OmiseGO Developer Program (ODP) is an initiative that is part of the product development process. The objective of the ODP is to systematically and carefully facilitate usage and thorough testing of Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) and early stage products in order to gain feedback for improvement. The program is aimed towards those who would like to build their own products, such as games, financial service applications, and education platforms on top of the OMG Network. Applicants of the ODP will fall into the developer category and are willing to work with unpolished and early stage codebase.

Early testers and integrators are given early access to the new products OmiseGO rolls out. Those in the program will also have opportunities to interact with each other and with the engineering team.

The ODP is an ongoing program and applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The goal is for ODP participants to participate as Alpha testers for roll-outs before they are released to the public in Beta. What this means is that there is no real definite timeline or start and end dates.

Technical Update

Integration Team Update 26: the “If you don’t have anything, you have to act like you own everything” edition


The team has just released version 1.2.0 which contains mainly improvements to support use cases for their ongoing as well as upcoming adopters. The changes since last update are as follows.


Here are the main items the team has knocked out since the last update:

  • End user and admin user update functionality #1035
  • Fix /user.get_transactions wrong parameters #1023
  • Prevent admin users from logging in through the client API #1026
  • Fix admin panel url in seeding output #1038
  • Minor frontend fixes #1030, #1031, #1032, #1033

In progress

These tasks have been completed, pending review by eWallet team admins:

  • Create Ethereum transactions #1028
  • Secure private key storage using Shamir’s Secret Sharding #1029
  • Keys detail page #1016
  • Transaction request cancellation #1044

As always, you can also follow the progress on the eWallet GitHub project page and on OmiseGo GitHub Milestones page.

- eWallet Suite More Resources:


Potterhat is an experimental, open-source Blockchain “client orchestrator” in development by Integration Team. Potterhat provides failover across multiple blockchain clients (Geth, Parity, Pantheon) to potentially improve reliability of Blockchain-based services.

In progress

  • Node event listener and logger #20
  • RPC relay #22
  • Pub/Sub relay #23
  • CI pipeline #24

You can track Potterhat milestone and progress on the Potterhat repository and read more about it (or add some ideas and make suggestions) on OIP-15.


Plasma Production Update 22

The team has launched the Public Alpha of Samrong! They’ll be keeping Ari running for at least a month while they work with the partners and ODP members to migrate their tokens to the new network, making this an actual upgrade. You can read more about how to migrate your tokens in OmiseGo plasma-upgrade-scripts GitHub repository. Given that this is a plasma construction, your funds are exitable as long as there is availability, so the team is considering keeping the Ari watcher running for even longer. Of course, you can always sync your own watcher and retain the ability to exit, even after the Ari child chain and hosted watcher services go away.

On the feature development side, the team has been working to design support a persistent high throughput API for making transactions. They’ve done more refactors for resiliency on the watcher. They did encounter a regression in CORS headers as part of the refactors, which broke the ability to use the js-starter-kit for a day. After a post-mortem around the incident, they’re working to improve the testing and processes around validation and availability support. The team has been also broken ground on implementation of their version of the predicate contract architecture, which is designed to support upcoming settlement transactions without a hard network upgrade.

- For more on Plasma, see these community-produced resources:

Social encounters

OmiseGO AMA #24 with with Kasima, OmiseGO CTO

June AMA with Kasima, OmiseGO CTO. Kasima answers the top 5 questions OmiseGo community asked at the start of June 2019.

Read Kasima’s blog here.

The OmiseGO Business and Development team at Techsauce Global Summit 2019:

Dennis Keller, OmiseGO VP of Commercial & Business Development, gives a talk at the TechSauce Global Summit on the inevitability of digitalized financial transactions, assets and payments. He then introduces the top 3 entries from the SURGE BKK HACKATHON: iDonate, CFF & EdChance.

OmiseGO and SURGE BKK 2019 — Educating and BUIDLing for financial inclusion

The OmiseGo team was at the first ever SURGE Bangkok Hackathon. This event was made possible through the collaboration between UNICEF Innovation, OmiseGO, UNICEF Thailand, KXMADE and other amazing blockchain based projects both in Thailand and overseas. The goal of the event was to share information about blockchain as an emerging technology. The event sought to provide education and networks to local participants and help people design and build solutions for the problems that affect their communities.

SURGE Bangkok was a three-day event during the last week of May 2019. The event kicked off with a learning day that taught participants the basics of blockchain, exploring and working on Ethereum and starting a project. ­Input was provided on both the technical side and the non-technical aspects — including human centered design to understand local needs, when and how blockchain can augment development solutions, UX/UI and user testing for feedback.

The main event was the two-day hackathon. The hackathon was opened by UNICEF representative, Thomas Davin, who introduced the SURGE BKK theme ­– building solutions for financial inclusion. UNICEF stated the importance of this theme, stating that to this day there are still over 2.5 billion people in the world who are financially excluded. He further emphasized how UNICEF as an organization is always on the lookout for ways to use technology and innovation to create solutions for every child.

A vision of financial inclusion

Following UNICEF’s opening message, Vansa Chatikavanij, CEO, OmiseGO delivered welcoming remarks echoing UNICEF’s sentiment that technology has the power to improve lives, and blockchain can be a tool to foster financial inclusion.

The human dignity ethos of SURGE BKK is close to the core of OmiseGO. The company started on a vision for everyone to have the power to change the world through accessible, open systems that leverage blockchain technology.

As a fintech company, OmiseGO’s mission is to enable people to access financial services that are fast, fair and secure. The team builds on blockchain technology because they see it as a means to provide easy access to financial services, and frictionless payments in a digital age. This includes enabling people the ability to tokenize assets, easily exchange digital assets, and transfer and make payments with them through mobile devices.

Making financial inclusion a global reality

To enable financial inclusion, OmiseGO is building the OmiseGO Network, which is a public, permission-less, currency agnostic, infinitely scalable, cross chain compatible, decentralized exchange. In other words, the network serves as a medium of exchange for a range of digital assets and transactions, from in-game token transactions to cryptocurrency to financial services.

Through the OmiseGO Network, anyone will be able to conduct financial transactions including payments, remittances, payroll deposit, B2B commerce, supply-chain finance, loyalty programs, asset management and trading and other on-demand services.

The primary value in creating the OmiseGO Network is creating a future-ready infrastructure for payments and other forms of value transfer service which they believe, will be widely adopted. Further, millions of people in Asia-Pacific and beyond will be empowered with a tool that enables access to financial services that are fast, fair and secure — which is OmiseGO’s mission.

Hand-in-hand for OmiseGo communities

While OmiseGO continues to develop a platform for enabling financial inclusion, the team understands that financial exclusion is multifaceted — which they believe can be solved with everyone’s help. They are committed to supporting blockchain eco-systems, especially in the region.

“We’re here because we believe technology can be an enabler to improve lives.We’re here to learn, share and innovate, so that we can bring positive change into our communities.”

- Vansa Chatikavanij, SURGE BKK 2019 welcome address

Everyone has a role to play when it comes to developing solutions that address the barriers to financial inclusion. At SURGE BKK, the team did so through education, technology mentorship and business input. The weekend was an opportunity for enhancing skills, sharing and receiving knowledge from peers and mentors, and then testing assumptions and skills through the hackathon.

Thank you to all the SURGE BKK participants. Over the course of three days they saw the amount of work and thought teams put into their projects; applying their technical knowledge to cater to the needs of the at-risk communities that UNICEF Thailand is working with. The team thoroughly enjoyed listening to each team’s presentation that covered applications that solve issues of student class attendance, that promote financial literacy among youth, apps that connect local communities to the much-needed funding, and many more.

Big congrats to the winning teams!

Upcoming events:

  • Devcon 5 in Osaka — October 08th-11th, 2019.

Jun tweeted on May 11th, 2019:


Responses to previous OmiseGO AMAs: AMA #1, AMA #2, AMA #3, AMA #4, AMA #5, AMA #6, AMA #7, AMA #8, AMA #9, AMA #10, AMA #11, AMA #12, AMA #13, AMA #14, AMA #15, AMA #16, AMA #17, AMA #18, AMA #19, AMA #20, AMA #21, AMA #22, AMA #23 with Hoard Exchange.


Ever wondered what it’s like to work at Omise?

Meet the team during Facebook LIVE and get a sneak peek into the life here!


Token holders and the number of transactions dynamics (from

There is a slight decrease in the number of token holders these weeks.

Go.Exchange sign up open.

For more information on the Decentralized Exchange (DEX):

Information from


OmiseGo Newsletter:

Major Milestone Progression. Source: OmiseGo newsletter.

From the OMG project tracker (June 24th, 2019):

In progress

  • eWallet v1.3
  • Ethereum integration. (v2.0)
  • Plasma Mainnet
  • Synthetic Minds audit (Tesuji)
  • Support Omise Payment (Aji)
  • Proof of Stake Design
  • Support fiat (Aji)
  • Support debit/credit cards (Aji)
  • Support top-up/cash-out (Aji)

Partnerships and team members

Community Partner — MVL

Last year, the team announced their partnership with Mass Vehicle Ledger (MVL) to develop a proof-of-concept (PoC) for their ride hailing service, TADA. It’s been a while and they think it’s time to take a closer look at MVL and learn more about the amazing things they’re doing with blockchain technology. For this issue, the team had the opportunity to interview Jonathan Chua, General Manager of MVLchain. MVL is solving problems in the vehicle industry by gathering data that can be used to help with research and development of better cars, navigation and road safety. They are also using data to ensure quality services in insurance, convenient transportation services, and to create fair prices in the used car market.

Get to know more about OmiseGO’s strategic partner MVL HERE.

OmiseGo is hiring.


OmiseGO Survey: Usage of cryptocurrencies and stablecoins:

As the team further develop their understanding of the payments and crypto market, OmiseGO is curious to learn more about usage of cryptocurrencies and stablecoins for payments.

The aim of this survey is to collect the views of survey participants. This survey should take between 10–15 minutes.


Jun tweeted on June 16th, 2019:

My cat Token has become the mascot for the OmiseGO internal reward bot.

Shout-out to Thibault for presenting the reward bot and to the Integration Team for including Token in the application.

Thanks everyone, that was another great monthly sync-up between all @Omise_GO teams!

Active Reddit discussions:

Connecting the dots.

I think when Hoard upgrades Plasma Dog to the Samrong network, we should have a dedicated celebratory hour of plasma dog where we try and get as many people as possible to play to log as many plasma UTXOs in order to push the limits of the network to show Layer 2 plasma in full effect. Thoughts?

Ubisoft Working on Digitialising in Game Items on the Ethereum Blockchain.


OmiseGO — OMG Network: Video by OMGPool.

Blockchain ride-hailing app Tada to integrate with Binance: OmiseGO Community Partner MVL partners with Binance.

Social media metrics

Social media activity:

Social media dynamics:

OmiseGo community continues to grow, there is a slight fluctuation in the number of subscribers of OmiseGo social media channels these weeks.

Twitter — Average number of retweets is 35–75 for one post.

Facebook — 60–90 likes per publication, 5–10 shares.

Reddit — Daily discussions with 100–250 comments. since July 15th, 2017. Discussions on latest updates, price. Last publication — June 10th, 2019.

OmiseGo Chat channels: Announcements; Jobs; OmiseGO — Trading channel for speculation and trading; Random; Rules; Staking; Trading; Wallets; Japanese.

Official China community channel on WeChat (ID: omisego_china).

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of OmiseGo Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from

This is not financial advice.

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Medium. Twitter. Telegram. Reddit.

