Orbs: The rewards of the 2nd round were distributed, Ethereal Summit & Tel Aviv Blockchain Week, BLOCKTVnews interview with Tal Kol

Published in
9 min readSep 25, 2019

Biweekly update 11th September — 25th September

Heyo, Orbsians! During the last two weeks, the Orbs team was focused on the social side, paying attention to events, meetups, and popularization of Orbs technology. In this update, you will find Orbs presentation by Tal Kol at Asia Blockchain week and the full interview with him by BLOCKTVnews at Ethereal Summit. Orbs is Ready for the Next Evolution of Blockchain! GBBCouncil’s CEO Sandra Ro, COO Mercina Tillemann, and Ran Melamed of ORBS spoke to a phenomenal group of young women from BlackGirlsCode about the sustainable development goals, blockchain, and the Orbs blockchain to kick off HacktheSDGs global goals. By the way, the champion solution at HacktheSDGs was built using Orbs! Moreover, as a part of the Korean Stock Exchange delegation’s visit to Israel, Orbs had the honor of hosting heads of some of Korea’s top companies, demonstrating the project and showcasing the value of blockchain. Leigh Cuen from Coindesk wrote an article on “What the Holy Land Reveals About Bitcoin” with “tech-savvy Tel Aviv that represented the profit-driven side of the blockchain industry.” And the astonishing news — the second rewards distribution occurred. The numbers are 18,018,788 ORBS distributed in total, 1,448 reward recipient addresses and 396,408,427 ORBS of participating stake in the 27th elections cycle. This distribution marks another milestone in the Orbs network project roadmap. They are most excited about the large community of Orbs’ various participants, which continues to grow as more and more learn about and become interested in Orbs. Not surprising, the number of subscribers in social networks increased over the period. Stay Paradigmed!


Github metrics

Social encounters

  • “Excited about TLV BLockchain Week kickoff, see you at Ethereal Summit” — see post.

BLOCKTVnews interview smiles with Tal Kol, YaelLavie at Ethereal Summit.

Lovely Nate Simantov with Oran Spitzer and Zachy Hennessey, reporters of BLOCKTVnews.

It was a full house at Orbs co-founder Tal Kol talk on the main stage in Ethereal Summit — Unveiling the Two-Tier Consensus: Blockchain Architecture to Bridge the Dapp/App Gap.

  • The full interview with Orbs’ Tech Co-founder Tal Kol by BLOCKTVnews, available now. Orbs is Ready for the Next Evolution of Blockchain!
  • The panel about Blockchain’s Enterprise Use Cases with Strongblock.io, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Mark Friedler, Cappasity Inc., David Moss. Learn more.
  • GBBCouncil’s CEO Sandra Ro, COO Mercina Tillemann, and Ran Melamed of ORBS spoke to a phenomenal group of young women from BlackGirlsCode about the sustainable development Goals, blockchain, and the Orbs blockchain to kick off HacktheSDGs Global Goals. See via the link. More photos here.

Amazing demo by Yonathan during GBBC’s UN Blockchain Hackathon launch.

  • Orbs HQ, Tel Aviv: As part of the KOSDAQ (Korean Stock Exchange) delegation’s visit to Israel, Orbs had the honor of hosting heads of some of Korea’s top companies, demonstrating the project and showcasing the value of blockchain.

“When hundreds of entrepreneurs, investors, and technologists descended on Tel Aviv Blockchain Week, few could have expected a better backdrop for exploring the lofty ideals and greedy impulses that drive today’s cryptocurrency industry. Duality is something Israelis know well. More than 430 people attended the D&DD Summit on Sept. 10, several dozen came to the Scaling Bitcoin conference on Sept. 11 and 700 attended the first Israeli Ethereal on Sept. 15, just to name a few of the week’s dozen events.”

Upcoming events:

  1. How to Build Blockchain Applications in GoLang: An Education Webinar with Orbs & Galvanize — Wed, September 25, 2019

Orbs Universe

Delegators, in order to receive rewards, you should delegate to an active guardian who does not miss voting deadlines. If your guardian misses voting deadlines, you will not get rewards in this period.

Guardians, please note that elections are every 20000 Ethereum blocks, it is approximately 3 days. A Guardian vote is valid for about 1 week. We recommend voting every 6 days to be on the safe side.

Voting deadlines calendar (estimated)

Tools for Guardians: We launched specific delegation template for Guardians, so they can present themselves by deploying their own web-site using our instructions. Later, we are going to create other tools for the comfortable use.

This is how we use the Template to introduce ourselves: orbs.paradigmcitadel.io

Our GitHub with Template: https://github.com/paradigmcitadel/orbs_guardian_delegation

You can delegate your Orbs tokens via link. After the end of the closest voting period, you can check your rewards here.


Source: https://etherscan.io/
Source: CMC

Rewards displayed

The distributed Rewards are displayed in the UI: https://orbs-network.github.io/voting/reward

The UI shows:

  1. All earned Rewards per address since the network started
  2. The Reward amount that has already been distributed to the address
  3. Delegation details for the address

Sent rewards — in numbers

  1. Total distributed rewards — 18,018,788 ORBS
  2. Number of reward recipient addresses — 1,448 addresses
  3. Number of election cycles for which rewards were distributed — 27
  4. Highest reward to a single address — 2,651,165 ORBS
  5. Participating stake in 27th elections cycle — 396,408,427 ORBS

The data

All the data relevant for the Reward calculations is available on the Ethereum network. In addition, a more structured view of this data will be shared in order to ease processing by interested parties.

This Rewards folder holds a breakdown of the data according to the 27 election cycles, showing:

  1. All the delegations per Guardian
  2. Each Guardian participation in votes
  3. Participation (delegation) Rewards
  4. Guardian Excellency Rewards
  5. Validators Rewards


This distribution marks another milestone in the Orbs network project roadmap. We are most excited about the large community of Orbs’ various participants, which continues to grow as more and more learn about and become interested in Orbs.


What’s next?

According to the new Roadmap:

  1. Proof-of-Stake Core Infrastructure V2 — Implement the next version of the Orbs Proof-of-Stake architecture with various improvements making the existing implementation more efficient, easier to use and more powerful with the ability to rely on stronger incentives like locking.

2. Proof-of-Stake Ecosystem Tools — Create tools for participants in the Orbs PoS Universe. Validators will benefit from easier ways to keep their node healthy. Guardians will have better ways to measure Validators. Delegators will have easier ways to stake and observe network activity.

3. Orbs Audit Node — Audit nodes are important for network security. They allow any external participant (not necessarily a Validator) to verify that the network operation is correct. Audit nodes may choose to audit only a single or subset of virtual chains.

4. Orbs Two Tier Consensus — Two tier consensus is the hybrid aspect of Orbs. It allows to build permissioned apps — where the app can select its own block producers. These apps run over a permissionless infrastructure — where validators are selected by the network.

5. Virtual Chains Infrastructure — Virtual chains are a key feature of Orbs that provides isolation between apps. It gives the network infinite scalability and sharding; and provides apps with lower cost of operation, guaranteed resources and independent governance.

6. Validator Node Deployment V2 — The next generation of how a Validator deploys and operates an Orbs node. Improvements include efficiency for reduced operation cost, higher availability and uptime, optimizations for even more scaling and improved security.

7. Orbs Smart Contract SDK — Allow developers to build even better apps with Orbs for more versatile use cases. Developers are requesting richer API’s that support more languages, more powerful data structures and more flexible interoperability.

8. App Developer Experience — Increase developer adoption by making the app development experience on Orbs easier than ever. Help developers learn how to build on Orbs and give better developer tools to debug and test their smart contracts.

9. Ready-Made Use Case Templates — Increase business adoption of the Orbs network by offering solutions for popular blockchain use-cases. These templates reduce the integration time of blockchain technology into a business from months to days.

10. Network Production Enhancements — The Orbs network is in production mainnet from March 2019. Continue the process of making the network more mature, reliable stable, performant and secure — so it can host even bigger apps with more users and more value.

11. Protocol Enhancement Research — Long term research for core improvements to the Orbs protocol. Every big feature like privacy with zero-knowledge proofs requires months of academic research before being implemented in production and added to the core.

12. Online IDE for App Developers — Similar to Ethereum’s Remix, the online IDE lets app developers write smart contracts directly from their web browser without installing any tools. This is a great way to make experimentation with Orbs easier with less friction.

13. Prism Block Explorer — Prism is the Orbs block explorer which lets users access the chain directly, find transactions and inspect blocks. Prism is also a developer tool because it lets smart contract developers investigate their contracts and learn how they’re used.

Partnerships and team members

No updates.


  • Picture from telegram chat: “Tal and Coindesk: BFF for life”

About Orbs

Orbs Architecture

Orbs Speed

Orbs Reliability

Orbs Virtual Chains

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Orbs Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

This is not financial advice.

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