State of Stake vol. 57

Published in
16 min readOct 14, 2021


Paradigm’s biweekly update on Proof-of-Stake ecosystem, 16th September — 14th October


  • The first network upgrade for the consensus layer (Eth2), Altair, will be hitting mainnet at epoch 74240 which is scheduled to occur on October 27th, 2021
  • Polkadot is ready for parachain launch, auction dates proposed
  • After winning the 11th parachain auction, Kintsugi is now being onboarded as Kusama’s 12th parachain [11-auction winning parachains, plus Statemine]
  • Evmos was introduced, the EVM hub of Cosmos, making it easy for Smart Contracts to deploy and communicate within the Cosmos
  • Avalanche network reaches $7B TVL. AVAX now available on Coinbase and Coinbase Pro
  • Polygon’s number of unique daily active addresses has surpassed Ethereum’s for the first time on record. Check out Polygon PoS in numbers
  • Lido Ethereum staking dashboard introduced. Users can now track their Lido staking deposits, daily rewards, average staking APR and much more — at the click of a button
  • The Dfinity community is actively shaping the blockchain’s feature and upgrade roadmap. Among many proposed features is the highly anticipated “service nervous system,” or SNS, to enable tokenized governance for dapps running on IC
  • Tezos has the second most developer interest in the industry according to the digital assets primer of Bank Of America. Also, Tezos is heading to South Beach with Tezos NFTs being showcased at Art Basel Miami Beach
  • Equinox Staking rewards have been distributed. Over $1.2 Million were sent to Injective Mainnet wallets
  • Columbus-5 is now officially live as the new Terra mainnet
  • rSOL App is live on mainnet now. It will help SOL stakers enjoy better staking APR with efficient liquidity powered by rSOL voucher tokens
  • The Celo Climate Collective, a community driven effort to fight climate change by tokenizing rainforests and other carbon sequestering assets, was introduced
  • The Graph to integrate with decentralized data storage protocol Arweave
  • The first Synthetix Treasury Council was elected alongside the other DAO’s within the Synthetix governance system
  • ICON 2.0 mainnet upgrade in final stages as nodes and exchanges prepare for the hard fork
  • Secret Network major upgrade Supernova coming soon
  • CertiK has been selected by Kava Labs to provide enhanced security for the Kava Ecosystem
  • ZilBridge is now live on the mainnet. This means users can now bridge over ETH, WBTC and USDT assets to the Zilliqa blockchain seamlessly
  • The 1inch Network is integrated into Dharma
  • BandChain’s Oracle is now live on Moonriver
  • Filecoin Orbit 2021 has been announced
  • Akash Product Roadmap 2022 is out
  • First European car dealer to accept EGLD
  • Cardano Summit 2021 summary
  • In November 2021 join Decipher, the inaugural two-day experience featuring conversations, networking and hands-on sessions that explore future opportunities for blockchain-based solutions in DeFi, NFTs & more
  • NEAR is launching a marketing competition and virtual conference with more than $1 million in prizes and funding. Taking place in November 2021

• And more!

Top 10 Crypto Assets by Staked Value

Source: Staking Rewards

Proof-of-Stake Networks’ Updates

Ethereum 2.0

  • Ethereum 2.0 is up and running smoothly! With about 250,000 active validators and thousands more queued up and waiting to join the network, the Ethereum 2.0

Check out our recently-published ‘Defi in Ether’ — biweekly update on Ethereum DeFi ecosystem vol.39 full of news from the ecosystem: $90B in DeFi, Aave Arc gears up for launch, Yearn goes multichain with Fantom, Dharma introduces cross-chain quoting, Fei v2 announced, Alchemix roadmap, mStable’s Q4 roadmap, 0x turns 5, Raiden mainnet soon, Loopring quarterly report, Ren monthly updates, and more!


  • After winning the 11th parachain auction, Kintsugi is now being onboarded as Kusama’s 12th parachain [11-auction winning parachains, plus Statemine].
  • XCM Part III: Execution and Error Management: Part III of Gavin Wood’s series on Polkadot’s XCM is out (this time on execution and error management).
  • Gavin Wood spoke at Mainnet 2021 in NY end of September:

Feel free to read our latest biweekly report on the Polkadot ecosystem vol.21: Altair and Parallel-Heiko have been onboarded as Kusama’s parachains, Gavin Wood’s XCM Part III on execution and error management, Ocean’s on Moonriver, Humanode testnet is live, Clover web wallet introduced, cBridge 2.0 announced, Crust Network collaborates with Elrond Network, Acala launched the first liquid staking product in the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem, One year of Darwinia’s mainnet, and more!



  • Accelerated Vesting Complete: The Algorand Foundation announces the completion of EIP- 11252019AF, the Accelerated Vesting Program linked to the Algorand Early Backer/ Node Runner program. As of today, October 5th, approx. 3.1Bn Algo linked to this program has been vested. As a result of this year’s multiple accelerated vesting events, circulating supply of the Algo is now ~6.15Bn Algo, with a liquid supply of ~6.7Bn Algo.
  • Algorand Virtual Machine Upgrade Fuels Simple, Even More Powerful Smart ContractsAlgorand Foundation launches Algorand Centres of Excellence Programme (ACE): The ACE programme is being launched as an university engagement initiative that strives to make a long-lasting, positive impact in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. As a commitment to Algorand Foundation’s mission, the ACE programme is being launched with a budget of 100 million ALGO token for the next ten years. Universities and non-profit research organisations can apply for funding to cover the cost of the set-up and operations of a centre for three to five years. Selected centres may differ by scope, duration, performers and number of institutions involved.
  • Algorand Foundation Announces Grant to LoginID: The Algorand Foundation announced, support for a grant awarded to LoginID, a FIDO-certified authentication provider. The grant will allow LoginID to research building a technical path towards enabling its suite of APIs and SDKS for the Algorand ecosystem. For Algorand developers and enterprises this means utilizing FIDO-certified authentication for a one touch execution of a smart contract, which will not require plugins or downloads to complete. Integration of FIDO also provides the benefit of ‘Transaction Confirmation’, a digital signature and receipt binding the individual’s biometric to the transaction.
  • Awarded Grant to Develop an NFT Service for Social Art Platforms
  • The Algorand Foundation welcomes Staci Warden to the Algorand Foundation Board of Directors: The Algorand Foundation welcomes Staci Warden to the Algorand Foundation Board of Directors.
  • Algorand Provides a Truly Developer-Friendly Blockchain Ecosystem: Here’s How
  • Learn Blockchain Development: How to Build Your First DApp on Algorand: Building a simple decentralized application (DApp) on Algorand is arguably one of the best ways to learn blockchain development.
  • In November 2021 join Decipher, the inaugural two-day experience featuring conversations, networking and hands-on sessions that explore future opportunities for blockchain-based solutions in DeFi, NFTs & more.


Cosmos Network

  • Find the latest governance proposals here.

Check out our latest biweekly update on Cosmos ecosystem vol. 56 covering the following topics: October Codefest is here, Prepare yourself for a new level of privacy thanks to the Cosmos Derivation Path upgrade by Confio, Ethermint is now Evmos, Juno launches mainnet, e-Money mainnet upgrade is complete, BandChain Phase 2 on the mainnet, Terra’s Columbus-5 launches, Kava is launching the $185M Ignition Fund, and more!




  • The Sargas Release: This release brings some new features to Synthetix on the Optimistic Ethereum L2: SIP-135 — L2 Shorting: This SIP brings shorting capabilities (that have been available on L1) to L2.
  • The Inaugural Treasury Council: The first Synthetix Treasury Council was elected alongside the other DAO’s within the Synthetix governance system. As per SIP-155 the Treasury Council has been established to undertake many of the responsibilities of the now-dissolved synthetixDAO. It was one of the last remaining areas of centralisation and this transition marks the end of an important but opaque function which the synthetixDAO, as a proxy for the previous foundation structure was performing.

Akash Network


Band Protocol



The Graph


IRIS Network

  • Find the latest IRISNet proposals here.




  • mStable’s Q4 Roadmap: This post covers a list of short term goals that the core contributor group is working on along with our Metanauts, and includes some soon-to-be-made proposals which will be voted on by Meta governors. Highlights include changes to the MTA emissions, Factory Feeder Pools and targeting of new EVM compatible ecosystems.
  • Check out mStable’s latest proposals here.
  • Weekly stats:

Near Protocol


Polygon (previously Matic)

Secret Network

Solana Network



Col-5 unlocks numerous dimensions for the Terra ecosystem to better capture value, port assets across chains, and set the foundation for a vibrant TeFi economy. Below, we walk through some of the major highlights of Columbus-5, including the plans for executing IBC via an on-chain governance vote.

Columbus brings:

  1. The Economic Changes
  2. The Community Pool + Ozone
  3. IBC & Stargate


xDai Weekly Recap October 8, 2021

  • POSDAO staking is another example of a collective, gamified experience for participants, where delegators vie for a high APY as they protect the xDai chain.
  • APY.Vision provides valuable insight into LP positions, and this week they announced an xDai integration.
  • POKT Network helped with DF scaling, and their latest offering is full archive node support for xDai users.
  • And more!


0x project


Upcoming Events

Major upcoming events by CryptoDIffer:

That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let us know what you think about the format & content.

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