Tezos: A New TzStats API Upgrade, TAPS — Automatic Payment System, Ryan Lackey On The Tokyo FinTech Podcast, LIGO, SCaml & SmartPy Progress, The Baking Sheet By Tezos Commons

Published in
9 min readFeb 26, 2020

Biweekly update 15th February — 27th February

Happy to see You in our regular update on Tezos! Projects’ progress is ongoing! The Foundation, teams, grantees and operational entities work in a decentralized, but a remarkably cohesive way. A lot of milestones were reached over the period, and currently, the Foundation’s second Biannual Update is in the process of finalizing. Whether you are a newcomer or an experienced Tezos enthusiast, this report is worth reading! And now, we offer you to read a biweekly update in order to recall what happened within the Ecosystem during the last two weeks! Baking Bad team released an informational video on how to check and verify Tezos delegation rewards and payments. They also published the details of its baker metrics, how they are calculated, and how to interpret the values. In addition, they hanged the Baking Bot and made it more accessible. Now you will receive only notifications if something goes wrong. Cryptonomic announced that it would soon make asset tokenization available on Tezos. Furthermore, Obsidian Systems announced that Ledger has made a fix for Tezos baking on firmware 1.6.0 available. Tezos Rio released Tezos TAPS version 1.2.0 with new improvements. The LIGO team coped with publishing another fresh update on Tezos smart contract languages. They likewise worked on a major rewrite of the online documentation along with a new reference presentation to prepare for the Nomadic Labs training session and hackathon. The team also attended the WebAssembly summit and WebAssembly CG meeting. Guys from the SmartPy worked on several points related to the SmartPy explorer (Michelson typing and pretty-printing, decompiler plumbing, faster UI, etc.) and now they are slowly approaching a new release. Read our development section for more! By the way, Tezos margin trading is now available on Kraken and Kraken Pro.

Tezos social life is, by all means, active. Numerous events all over the world were arranged, projects’ media highlights stably occurred, news widely discussed. To be more precise, Nomadic Labs hosted another Tezos training session on indexers, monitoring, Taquito, and dapps. Tezos India Foundation hosted an AMA on February 18. Moreover, Tezos UK hosted a meetup, “DeFi on Tezos,” about the future of tokens and the role the project will play. Ukrainian team participated in a Central Bank Digital Currencies conference in Kyiv. Besides, don’t miss any of the various planned events, including Bakers Summit AMA, Tezos DevDay 2020 in Paris, and a lot more! The community keeps growing in chats and social networks. Come rain or shine, we’ll be here to provide you with all the recent news! Join Tezos and stay with us!

Bake your Tezzies with us — tezocracy.com


Gitlab metrics

For detailed GitLab developer activity click here.

Developer activity (from Coinlib.io)
Source: Tezos Agora

The Foundation is in the process of finalizing the Foundation’s second Biannual Update and look forward to sharing it with the community in the coming weeks.

{Grantees, Funded Entities, and Other News}

  1. Baking Bad released an informational video on how to check and verify Tezos delegation rewards and payments.
  2. Baking Bad published all the details of its baker metrics, how they are calculated, and how to interpret the values.
  3. Cryptonomic announced that it will soon make asset tokenization available on Tezos.
  4. Nomadic Labs will host the next Tezos Barcelona meetup on February 26.
  5. Obsidian Systems announced that Ledger has made a fix for Tezos baking on firmware 1.6.0 available.
  6. Tezos Rio released Tezos TAPS version 1.2.0 with new improvements.


No recent updates.


The Archetype team added several new features + they began to write a language reference page, which you can find here.


The LIGO team worked on a major rewrite of the online documentation along with a new reference presentation to prepare for the Nomadic Labs training session and hackathon. They also attended the WebAssembly summit and WebAssembly CG meeting. A useful takeaway: writing documentation can reveal missing features!

In addition to participation in these events, they:

  1. Simplified the Abstract Syntax of LIGO by removing redundant cases (this is required in order to develop new features in the compiler)
  2. Did code cleanup & CI maintenance in preparation to auto-generate some LIGO boilerplate.
  3. Worked on a switch allowing LIGO users to decide which version of the Tezos protocol to use


No recent updates.


The SCaml team is working on community planning. Tezos Japan and BlockChainJam are planning a hands-on using SCaml in Tokyo in March. SCaml will provide technical advice for their tutorial materials. The hands-on is targeted at Japanese engineers, many of who have difficulty with English documents. SCaml provides an open door to writing Tezos smart contracts, since it is just OCaml and there are already good OCaml books and tutorials in Japanese.


The SmartPy team worked on several points related to the SmartPy explorer (Michelson typing and pretty-printing, decompiler plumbing, faster UI, etc.) and is slowly approaching a new release. This will reach https://SmartPy.io/dev in the next few days or weeks.

Other elements that are currently tested:

  1. private entry points that exist in tests but not on-chain yielding very nice testing and development idioms
  2. a few improvements to the SmartPy type inference engine to improve overloading when necessary (e.g., euclidean division)

SmartPy also has a few secret projects.

  • Baking Bad hanged the Baking Bot and made it easier. Now you will receive only notifications if something goes wrong. In addition, they have taken on sophisticated settings such as payment delay, tolerance, etc.
  • A brand new Tezos tzstats API upgrade from Blockwatch Data Inc. Exciting features:
  1. implicit on-chain events
  2. contract inter
  3. face hashesentrypoint filters & statistics

Will go live on http://tzstats.com Mar 2, 23:59 UTC. More info here.

Social Encounters

Upcoming events:

Visit Tezos Foundation Events page to learn more.


The information is taken from TzStats

The information is taken from Tezos.ID

Partnerships and team members

1st — Bank Nova

2nd — UniCoin

3rd — WeTruth

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

Tezos community continues to grow. There is a constant increase in the number of subscribers of Tezos social media channels.

There is also Tezos Riot chat and YouTube channel.

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Tezos Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

The Tezos Foundation is committed to supporting organizations that contribute to the growth of the Tezos community and ecosystem. They are especially interested in supporting regional organizations and university-based groups focused on Tezos and the larger blockchain ecosystem.

Check out some of the community organizations that compose the Tezos ecosystem:

Learn about key operational entities

Bake your Tezzies with us — tezocracy.com

This is not financial advice.

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