Tezos: Part 2 of the Michelson tutorial series, Grants to TezBridge and Zednode, partnership with B9lab on Tezos education

Published in
6 min readDec 18, 2018

Biweekly update 4th December-18th December


Gitlab metrics
Developer activity (from Coinlib.io)
Source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DtuKNVRU0AAqP3O.jpg:large
  • The Foundation is transferring a limited allocation of XTZ from internal storage to a separate wallet for developers and partners as previously announced to fulfill grantmaking commitments. Read about Foundation grants here.
  • Information about the amendment process is now on the #Tezos Developer Resources site.
  • Update on MyTezosBakers. MTB updated their curated bakers list with two new columns:

- Baking Since;

- Expected ROI;

  • second version:
  • third version:
  • fourth version:
  • current version:
  • Baker Detail Page in Current Version
  • Find out more about the consensus algorithm of Tezos: LPOS (Liquid Proof Of Stake). Tezos allows token holders to transfer (“delegate”) validation rights to other token holders without transferring ownership. This has led many observers to confuse Tezos’ consensus mechanism with the delegated proof-of-stake (“dPOS”) model specific to EOS or Lisk. In dPOS, election of a fixed set of Block Producers (i.e. delegates) is required for network consensus. In Tezos, delegation is optional. I propose we instead refer to Tezos’ consensus mechanism as “Liquid Proof-of-Stake” or “LPOS”. LPOS aims to maintain a dynamic validator set, facilitating token holder coordination and accountable governance.
  • Part 2 of the Michelson tutorial series is finished. This part gets your alphanet node set up for the remaining Michelson work you will do. In part 3 they will write, deploy, and call a Michelson contract.
    Check out Michelson tutorial Part 1 of a bi-weekly series.
  • Tezos mainnet is live.

Social encounters

  • A video of the Tezos presentation given by Zakaria at last tezos meetup on October 20 was uploaded here.
  • Seoul National University (department of computer engineering) hosted a Tezos seminar. Diego presented the technical challenge of the blockchain. A lot of discussions were held.
  • Tezos Foundation President, Ryan Jesperson, was a speaker at the Infrachain blockchain conference in Bern with Ueli Maurer, member of the Swiss Federal Council and Head of the Federal Department of Finance, and Adrian Hasler, Prime Minister of Liechtenstein. More details here.
  • “This wasn’t my ambition…but this was simply the way I could help.” Tezos President Ryan Jesperson speaking in Zug at the the Crypto Valley Meetup.
  • The first in a series of articles on medium from Tezos community.
  • If you are interested in participating in a community of Tezos developers and enthusiasts, you should consider supporting this proposal for a StackExchange based Tezos Q&A site.
  • Tezos is honored to be invited to the 2018 ICPC Asia Singapore Regional Contest, as the sponsor for the book “Competitive Programming 3”. This book is part of our partnership with Dr Steven Halim from the National University of Singapore, to promote awareness on OCaml.
Source: Tezos twitter.
  • Foundation President Ryan Jesperson spoke at the Infrachain18 conference in Bern. Check out this interview from the event!
  • Equal parts thinker and practitioner, Jacob Arluck from Tezos brings a unique perspective to the broader conversation on protocols and new governance models. He will be a speaker at Aracon in January 2019 in Berlin.
  • Tezos vs Bitcoin | Advantages and Disadvantages of POS vs POW — on youtube.
  • Tom Shaughnessy on the podcast recording with Jacob Arluck. They discuss tezos and 51percent’s research report on $XTZ
  • Jacob Arluck from tezos presents their ‘purest’ philosophical take on what governance means at PolkadotSF. Watch here.

Upcoming events:

  • Swing by the Tezos Boston Meetup hosted by @CryptoLiveLeak on Dec. 20 for an intro to the Zastrinlab Tezos Developers course.
  • Foundation grantee Obsidian llc in Denver on Dec. 13 — a discussion about Tezos.
  • Tezos Bangkok meetup at 42nd floor, Unit 4206, Tower 3, Empire Tower, Sathorn, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 on 20 Dec 2018 from 18:30


Source: htzscan.io
  • Coinbase says they continue to explore support for new digital assets and mentions various coins, among them is also Tezos.
  • Huobi Global Launches Tezos on December 12, 14:30 (GMT +8). Huobi is on rank 4 in Coinmarketcaps list in terms of exchange volume. More details here.


From unofficial Telegram chat:

@TezosJapan (admin): “Every team has their own roadmap. Tezos is decentralized. There are multiple teams working on upgrades that the community will vote on. These include zk-SNARKs sapling, Emin Gun/Cornell University’s Avalanche, etc”.

@Zedrone: “Tezos is a decentralized network with no central body behind therefore any baker can suggest a voting proposal.
As stated above there are several ideas from different people to implement.

There are several teams with their own roadmaps, similar to btc.”

Partnerships and team members

  • Tezos Foundation Issues Grants To TezBridge And Zednode. Read about it here. Led by Ryan Loomba, the zednode team will build an open-source web dashboard to help Tezos bakers with accounting, rewards payouts, and other functions that may bring transparency and accountability to baking operations. Zednode is committed to helping grow the baking ecosystem with its free and open-source tools.
  • Partnership with B9lab to continue to grow and empower the Tezos community and larger blockchain ecosystem. B9lab is the world’s leading provider of blockchain education, training and talent. Through our online academy and on-site training workshops, B9lab works with clients ranging from leading global institutions to talented independent developers all over the world.
  • “Creating a better user experience and making the technology easier to grasp/ access.” — Kathleen Breit


  • Hedge Fund Manager and Crypto Evangelist Specifically Mentions Tezos in an Earlier Interview.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Tezos Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

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