Tezos: Welcome To The Carthage, The Foundation Governance Structure And Future Nominees, Equisafe Launched STO Platform And Tokenized The First Asset On Tezos, Introducing FA2, March Community Update

Published in
13 min readMar 15, 2020

Biweekly update 27th February — 15th March

Hello, and welcome to our biweekly update on Tezos! Past days were extremely conducive for Tezos Foundation, grantees, operational entities, and teams. Carthage protocol upgrade was finally activated at block 851, 969! The development process continued all the way, so let’s recall the major activities of Tezos dev teams over the period. Obsidian Systems released version 0.8.0 of Kiln, which adds support for the Carthage protocol and upgrades the Kiln Node’s storage backend. Baking Bad revealed zero-net (a Tezos test network) support for its TzKT indexer. In addition, the team announced that Jupyter Notebooks are now Michelson-enabled, making it easier to prototype Tezos contracts in a web browser. TzStats issued an API upgrade with new features, including implicit on-chain events, contract interface hashes, and entry point filters & statistics. They also published an update with fixed supply calculations and smart contract data display. A special one-year anniversary release was disclosed by the SmartPy team, introducing private entry points, updated documentation, and more.

Furthermore, AirGap published an update on Beacon, a tool that allows users to connect Tezos wallets with applications. Ackee launched a proof-of-concept iOS app called RateMyTeam with specific tutorials on the development process. Last, but not least — TQ Tezos proceed with a request for comment about FA2, a multi-asset interface proposal for Tezos. Apart from it, a significant milestone was reached: Equisafe launched its STO platform and tokenized its first asset, the Pavillon de Musique de la Comtesse de Provence in Versailles, on the Tezos blockchain.

By the way, there is a lot to mention about the public and social activity of Tezos teams. Tezos Commons Boston Chapter, led by Ken Garofalo, hosted the Tezos Boston Pitch Competition, showcasing several projects built on Tezos. Nomadic Labs hosted its Tezos Developers Day in Paris on March 6, and it was a huge success. The recordings are available inside the update. TQ Tezos’ Jacob Arluck was interviewed on the Epicenter podcast. He discussed everything about Tezos, including core protocol development, teams, and projects that make up the Tezos ecosystem, the governance process, and his thoughts on the future of the protocol. Some guides for more convenient use of Tezos were kindly published lately. Firstly, Baking Bad released a tutorial video on making an atomic swap using its Atomex wallet. Apart from it, the Stove Labs team shared a guide to implementing a mini token contract with on-chain callbacks. What’s more, Cryptonomic delivered a video guide on how to migrate a Tezos wallet from TezBox to Galleon. Additionally, some modifications were established in the Tezos Foundation. In essence, the governance structure of the Foundation is changing to allow the Council to step back from day-to-day management duties and to put an executive team in place. The roles so far covered by the President of the Foundation will be subdivided into two different functions. An Executive Director, who is not a Council member, will lead the Foundation’s executive team, and a Chair of the Foundation Council will lead the governance and supervision matters of the Foundation. In addition to hiring an Executive Director, the Foundation Council will also designate two new Council members.

The Tezos community keeps growing in social networks and chats. Moreover, recently, the members of the Tezos community came together to fight Covid-19 using the Folding@Home platform, a distributed computing project that uses participants’ computers to perform calculations related to protein folding.

And an important note: Tezos Commons is canceling community events except for third-party and remote sponsorship for March because of COVID-19. TQ Tezos has announced that TQuorum Paris will be rescheduled, so it is better to follow TQ Tezos on Twitter for future updates. Stay safe, and always keep yourself informed! See you in two weeks.

Bake your Tezzies with us — tezocracy.com


Gitlab metrics

For detailed GitLab developer activity click here.

Developer activity (from Coinlib.io)
Source: Tezos Agora
  1. Scan QR code from browser application directly with mobile wallet to establish a connection
  2. Beacon browser extension with multiple possible signing methods: wallets, Ledger and local secret (development)
  3. Currently still in Alpha and under heavy development

More information about Beacon can be found in the last post or on the Beacon website. Beacon, an introduction to connecting wallets with dApps on Tezos

{Grantees, Funded Entities, and Other News}

  1. Baking Bad announced zeronet (a Tezos test network) support for its TzKT indexer.
  2. Baking Bad released a tutorial video on making an atomic swap using its Atomex wallet.
  3. Cryptonomic’s Mike Radin presented about Tezos on-chain finance in the UK.
  4. Everstake released an update to TezTracker, its Tezos block explorer.
  5. Tezos Commons released the 17th issue of “The Baking Sheet” featuring updates on the Tezos ecosystem.
  6. Tezos Commons Boston Chapter, led by Ken Garofalo, hosted the Tezos Boston Pitch Competition, showcasing a number of projects built on Tezos.
  7. TzStats announced an API upgrade with new features including implicit on-chain events, contract interface hashes, and entrypoint filters & statistics.

{Foundation Activities}

The latest RFP for ecosystem grants closed last week, collecting 118 new grant applications. The Foundation has now begun its grantmaking review process to evaluate all submitted proposals. They are also nearly ready to release the second Biannual Update, which will highlight major accomplishments of the Tezos community and provide insights into the Foundation’s finances and operations since the first Biannual Update in August 2019. If you haven’t yet viewed the first Biannual Update, you can do so here.

This post introduces FA2 (TZIP-12), a proposal for a unified token contract interface, supporting both a wide range of token types (e.g. fungible, non-fungible, non-transferrable, etc.) as well as multi-asset contracts (a la ERC-1155). FA2 aspires to offer wide expressivity to create novel implementations and even invent token types while maintaining a common interface standard for wallet integrators and external developers.

  1. TZIP-12 Proposal (FA2: Multi-Asset Interface)
  2. TZIP-12 resources and permissioning examples
  3. Stove Labs’ FA2 prototype walk-through tutorial using Truffle and Flextesa
  4. Tezos Agora: FA2 Request for Comment Thread
  1. Equisafe launched its STO platform and tokenized its first asset, the Pavillon de Musique de la Comtesse de Provence in Versailles, on the Tezos blockchain.
  2. The members of the Tezos community came together to fight Covid-19 using the Folding@Home platform, a distributed computing project that uses participants’ computers to perform calculations related to protein folding.

{Grantees, Funded Entities, and Other News}

  1. Obsidian Systems released version 0.8.0 of Kiln, which adds support for the Carthage protocol and upgrades the Kiln Node’s storage backend.
  2. SmartPy announced a special one-year anniversary release, introducing private entry points, updated documentation, and more.
  3. The Stove Labs team published a guide to implementing a mini token contract with on-chain callbacks.
  4. TzStats released an update with fixed supply calculations and smart contract data display.
  5. TzStats published a video of its workshop discussing blockchain indexing on Tezos.

FAQs: When will PwC Switzerland’s 2018 audit of the Foundation be completed?

The Tezos Foundation is the only large-scale public blockchain foundation that has a “Big4” audit firm as its independent statutory auditor. The 2018 audit was recently completed and, as customary and mandated by Swiss law, the audit report has been filed with the Swiss Federal Supervisory Authority for Foundations. The audit took longer than planned due to the complexity and novelty of auditing cryptocurrency assets. The 2018 audit report is not a public document and the Foundation has committed to proactively publishing Biannual Updates to provide public accountability and transparency.

  1. Support for the FA 1.2 asset contract standard, where the transfers, call and details of identified contracts can be displayed like the StakerDAO contract (Tap the link.)
  2. All supported FA 1.2 contracts are available in a list and on the landing page there is an overview of the latest assets and their transfers.
  3. The governance information for each proposal have been extended and show now the duration for the voting periods. On the landing page the current governance period, the time frame and the current stage of the proposal is visible.
  4. The overview of all transactions chart has now been extended to show the volume besides the number of transactions for each of the last 7 days.
  5. A list of all accounts has been introduced with a pie chart of the tez distribution from the top 25 accounts.

A list of all contracts has been introduced with their related baker.

{Improvements & changes}

Additionally to the features many small changes have been done.

  1. amount-cell: display 0 if null
  2. currency-pipe/transaction-detail: show full amount
  3. tezblock-table: balance chart improvements
  4. search-item: usability improvements when pasting from clipboard and hitting enter
  5. baker-table: Baking Bad API update

{Grantees, Funded Entities, and Other News}

  1. Ackee released a proof-of-concept iOS app called RateMyTeam. Tutorials on the development process are included.
  2. AirGap announced that it is soliciting feedback on Beacon, an interaction standard between wallets and applications on Tezos.
  3. Cryptonomic released a video guide on how to migrate a Tezos wallet from TezBox to Galleon.
  4. Madfish Solutions published an article analyzing cryptocurrency wallet types and web wallet safety.
  5. Madfish Solutions released an article on how to migrate an atomic swap smart contract from Solidity to LIGO.
  • Claude Barde finished the React app that will be the example DApp for the next tutorial on Tezos dev. This is a basic front-end interface to learn more about the tools needed to develop dapps on Tezos.
  • Guillaume Claret tweeted: “We now fully convert the Tezos economic protocol to the Coq proof language using coq-of-caml! Links: Tezos in Coq, Evolution, coq-of-ocaml.”
  • Jupyter notebooks are now Michelson enabled! Try the interactive workflow for learning & prototyping. Tezos contracts right in your browser!
  • Introducing ‘Crypto Against All Odds’, a tower-defense style game featuring Tezos. The work was arranged with the founder of this game to implement the Tezos defender and its special ability to ‘self-bake’, full interview and game details here.

Social Encounters

Roland Zumkeller is presenting SmartPy remotely at the Tezos developer day. Watch it via the link.

Alexandre Doussot from Nomadic Labs presents “Building a simple dApp”.

  • Nicholas D’andrea presenting Tezos-flavored Truffle for Tezos Developer Day.
  • TQ Tezos’ Jacob Arluck was interviewed on the Epicenter podcast. He discussed all things Tezos, including core protocol development, teams and projects that make up the Tezos ecosystem, the Tezos governance process, and his thoughts on the future of the protocol. You can listen to the episode here.
  • Africa is getting ready for Tezos takeover by introducing dev tools to local talents. See post.
  • Tezos India tweeted: “Educating millennials about Bitcoin and Tezos is a great way to bring greater adoption of such technologies.”
  1. Help Fight Covid-19 and earn some Tezos!
  2. Key Community Highlights from February
  3. Community Events for March

a) TezIndia v. Harappa Hackathon — March 20 to April 20

b) MIT Bitcoin Expo Hackathon — March 7th — 8th, 2020

c) Utah Bitcoin Community — Thursday, March 12, 2020

d) Tezos LIVE | Unscripted — TBA

4. Tezos Community Slack — focused on event organization, social media moderation, and content creation.

Upcoming events:

Visit Tezos Foundation Events page to learn more.

According to the recent Tezos Community Update, Tezos Commons is canceling community events except for third-party and remote sponsorship for March because of COVID-19. TQ Tezos has announced that TQuorum Paris will be rescheduled, follow TQ Tezos on Twitter for future updates.


The information is taken from TzStats
The information is taken from Tezos.ID
The information is taken from Tezos.ID
The information is taken from Tezos.ID

Partnerships and team members

  • Tezos Foundation: Governance Structure And Future Nominees. In order to support the rapid expansion of the Tezos ecosystem more effectively, the governance structure of the Foundation is changing to allow the Council to step back from day-to-day management duties and to put an executive team in place. The Council will continue to serve in its primary function as a strategic and supervisory body. The basic mandated duties, as defined in the Foundation’s Notarial Deed, will be adhered to. Concurrently, an executive team that reports to the Council will be installed to implement the Foundation’s strategy and administer its day-to-day operations. Consequently, the roles so far covered by the President of the Foundation will be subdivided into two different functions. An Executive Director, who is not a Council member, will lead the Foundation’s executive team and a Chair of the Foundation Council will lead the governance and supervision matters of the Foundation. In addition to hiring an Executive Director, the Foundation Council will also designate two new Council members. It will seek to nominate to these roles accomplished individuals who possess sector-specific networks, strong professional track records, founder or C-level experience in mid-cap or large-cap companies or alternatively leadership experience in relevant renowned institutions, and expertise in key areas relevant to the Tezos ecosystem.
  • Zabo raises $2.5M to bring crypto into mainstream financial services — The round was led by Moonshots Capital and was joined by Blockchange Ventures, Castle Island Ventures, Digital Currency Group, CoinShares, Tezos Foundation, Capital Factory and others.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

Tezos community continues to grow. There is a constant increase in the number of subscribers of Tezos social media channels.

There is also Tezos Riot chat and YouTube channel.

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Tezos Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

The Tezos Foundation is committed to supporting organizations that contribute to the growth of the Tezos community and ecosystem. They are especially interested in supporting regional organizations and university-based groups focused on Tezos and the larger blockchain ecosystem.

Check out some of the community organizations that compose the Tezos ecosystem:

Learn about key operational entities

Bake your Tezzies with us — tezocracy.com

This is not financial advice.

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