Æternity: Introduction of Æasy, WeTrue — A Decentralized Broadcast Social Network, Ækiti Æpps Published, Online Ævents

Published in
8 min readApr 21, 2020

Biweekly update 7th April — 21st April

Welcome to our fresh recap of events and processes happening within the æternity ecosystem! The global shutdown affected almost every offline activity severely; however, the æternity team coped with organizing all of their work in a distant format. And they are doing just fine! Over the past two weeks, different æternity teams have been contributing to their projects, along with introducing new plans and ideas. One of those amazing initiatives was æasy — a simple, fast, and convenient way to achieve eternal aepp development. Among its functions, there are node API calls, transfers, quick creation of AEX9 token, and a lot more. Next, the team behind Hypersign — one of StarfleetIndia’s finalists- has developed an accessible playground for aeternity blockchain. It even features a smart contract editor.

Furthermore, æternity Ekiti team released a series of videos, reporting various projects they’ve been busy with. Check some of their dapps, including CrimRec, a compelling record system built on æternity blockchain, Student Results Recorder, a tracker of student’s immutable grades, and æQuiz — an æpp, that helps people to learn in a unique and fun way. Another exciting update was established by Liu Shao, the creator of æchina. He has presented his latest project focused explicitly on AE’s Chinese community. “WeTrue” is a decentralized broadcast social Aepp which is based on blockchain technology, through sharing, dissemination, and acquisition of related information of users, and sharing the short real-time message with an attention mechanism.

Besides, the community is quite active at the forum and in chats, supporting new projects and discussing hot-topic ideas. Currently, an arrangement of real-life meetups is limited, but a decent alternative, SuperHeroLeague virtual conferences, continue to take place every week. If you skipped their past gatherings, feel free to join them this Friday! The recordings of previous calls are available in the report below. Moreover, you can watch a video-update by Josh, that was shared on his YouTube channel, mainly focused on aeternity; also don’t miss a step by step guide for Butler Setup by Tito Titov.

Join aeternity community — let’s wait for more fantastic updates together! Stay safe!


Aeternity GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from Aeternity Coinlib.io)
  • Welcome to Aeasy, simple, fast and convenient way to achieve eternal aepp development.

Functions: node API call, data on the chain, transfer, OAuth authorization login, quickly create AEX9 token.

According to the author’s understanding, it can quickly help developers to realize dapp development on the basis of BSV; more than 80% of BSV applications are implemented on it, which changes the idea. Therefore, he implemented a set of help on the basis of Aeternity, which is the same as moneybutton.com, which can quickly realize ecological development, and make the development of aepp convenient and fast.

  • The team behind Hypersign — one of StarfleetIndia’s finalists have developed a simple playground for aeternity blockchain. It even features a smart contract editor. Check it via the link. Learn more in the Forum.
  • Check ækiti æpps, a place with ækiti members decentralized æpps built on æternity blockchain. Some of these æpps were submitted on dacade for the æternity development 101 course.
  1. CrimRec by Stephen Nwankwo. CrimRec is an effective record system built on æternity blockchain. It registers and stores information about criminals which helps both the police and prison services in the effective recording of crime and criminals.
  2. Student Results Recorder by Salawu AbdulMalik. Student Results Recorder(SRR) is a web æpp built on æternity blockchain. It helps students to track their immutable grades recorded by their Coordinator, And save the stress of gathering results papers during graduation likewise lost/misplaced result papers.
  3. AEQuiz by Moyinoluwa Fesobi. AEQuiz is a web æpp built-in æternity blockchain. It engages the audience in a unique and fun way and connects them to the learning material. It also gives immediate results to participants after each quiz.

..and a lot more!

  • Liu Shao — the creator of Aechina.io has presented his latest project on aeternity blockchain: WeTrue is a decentralized social network focused explicitly on AE’s Chinese community. Learn more in the Forum.

“WeTrue is a decentralized broadcast social Aepp which based on blockchain technology, through sharing, dissemination and acquisition relationship information of users , and sharing short real-time message through attention mechanism. User account generation, login, posting, comment, reward and other behaviors are completely separated from the centralized mode. Users can access with various mobile terminals such as PC and mobile phone, realizing instant sharing and communication of information in the form of text, pictures and etc. It will make the distance between people infinitely shorter and within reach.”

Social encounters

  1. How to setup Butler via Docker?
  2. How to setup you own configuration?
  3. Why to start your own Butler instance and how to earn profit from it?
  4. How to verify that you are part of the protocol?
  5. What is the purpose of JellySwap protocol and the incentivized market making program?

Upcoming events

All the amazing aeternity events are scheduled on this calendar. Check it out not to miss anything! Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, most of the planned meetups and conferences are now happening online.

  1. 20th August 2020 — Token Summit Liechtenstein
  2. 24th April 2020 — SuperHeroLeague: Accelerating the transformation of our society
  3. 29th April 2020 — Sofia Crypto Meetup #48 — Blockchain Interoperability


  • æternity Development Roadmap Update. UPDATE: æternity’s Lima hardfork was successfully executed on October 30th, 2019 at block height 161150. The æternity’s Mainnet is now running Lima Release 5.0.1. Significant milestones were reached and we are waiting for new target milestones:)

Partnerships and team members

Source: Aeternity website
  • Jobs at Aeternity — Would you like to work with one of the most prominent projects in the blockchain industry today? Join the growing global team today and contribute to worldwide mainstream blockchain adoption!:
  1. UX/UI Designer
  2. CMO — Chief Marketing Officer
  3. Director Asia-Pacific
  4. Developer Advocate
  5. Project Manager


  • Newly-released aenalitics is now listed on CoinMarketCap as aeternity explorer!


  • You can always learn something new. As Jim Rohn puts it: “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” AE Ventures have selected 12 online blockchain courses that you can start TODAY! Check them out here.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Aeternity Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from coingecko.com.

Here you can find all kinds of resources to get acquainted with aeternity! The Getting Started page is being constantly updated to help you get quickly acquainted with aeternity: It’s a rich collection of all kinds of articles, video reviews and guides, and interviews that will introduce you to the AE universe.

Also, you can access a List and overview of everything that uses æternity.

This is not financial advice.

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