2020: A Year in Neuroscience

Sasha Shilina
14 min readJan 15, 2021

A quick overview of the most considerable publications on neuroscience that came out in the previous year

New methods of imaging, diagnostics, and treatment

Synaptors connect silicon and brain neurons in hybrid network. (a) Sketch of the main components of the hybrid circuit and of the synaptors. ANpre and ANpost are silicon spiking neurons of a VLSI network (SNN), while MR1 and MR2 are Pt/TiOx/Pt memristors. The capacitive Al/TiO2 electrode, CME, is an element of the multi electrode array, CMEA where rat hippocampal neurons are cultured on the functionalized surface of the TiO2 thin film. One neuron is contacted by a patch-clamp pipette, P, for intracellular whole-cell recording. The two synaptors, ABsyn and BAsyn, connect the ‘presynaptic’ silicon neuron (ANpre) to the brain neuron (BN), and BN to the ‘postsynaptic’ silicon neuron, ANpost. The two memristors, MR1 and MR2, emulate plasticity in the two synaptors, whereas electronics-to-BN and BN-to-electronics signal transmission are mediated by the CME and the patch-clamp electrode. (b) Operational scheme. In ABsyn, changes in MR1 resistive states, R(t), are driven by ANpre and BN depolarisations rates according to an approximated BCM plasticity rule resulting in either LTP (red), LTD (blue) or no change. MR1 resistive states are translated into weighted voltage stimuli. These are delivered to BN through the CME capacitance (CCME) causing EPSP-like depolarisations, in turn leading to action potential firing. Similarly, in BAsyn, BN spikes are recorded by the patch-clamp electrode through its resistance, Rp, threshold-detected and then transmitted to ANpost as current injections that are adjusted via MR2 weights.
Coil and subject setup. (A, B) Illustration of the dual coil and its arrangement in the scanner. (C, D) Subject setup inside the scanner.
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  • Scientists made human organs transparent to allow 3D maps at cellular level: For the first time, researchers managed to make intact human organs transparent. Using microscopic imaging they could reveal underlying complex structures of the see-through organs at the cellular level. Resulting organ maps can serve as templates for 3D-bioprinting technologies. In the future, this could lead to the creation of on demand artificial organs for many patients in need.
a Schematic description of the BBB consisting of endothelial cells (ECs) along the blood vessel under continuous blood flow, pericytes covering the endothelial monolayer, and astrocytes with aquaporin-4 (AQP4) expression at their end-feet near the blood vessel. b Schematic description of our microengineered human BBB model. c 3D configuration of the BBB model showing human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs) (ZO-1, red) and human astrocytes (HAs) (GFAP, white) (scale bar = 100 µm). d Explosion view of the device consisting of upper vascular layer, porous membrane, lower perivascular layer, and glass slide. e A photo of the device after completing fabrication of the device (blue: upper channel and red: lower channels) (scale bar = 500 µm). f Lower layer consisting of three parallel channels separated by series of micropillars (red: center channel) (scale bar = 500 µm). g Cross-section of the device after fabrication (along A-B in Fig. 1f) (scale bar = 200 µm). h Cell metabolic activities assessed by a (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) (MTS) assay (E + G: 1:1:1 mixture of endothelial medium, astrocyte medium, and microglia medium, E + G + P: 1:1:1:1 mixture of endothelial medium, astrocyte medium, microglia medium, and pericyte medium) (Data represent mean ± s.d. of n = 6 for each condition, *p < 0.05 and ****p < 0.001 versus each cell culture medium by student t-test). i Bottom view of the device with endothelial monolayer (ZO-1, red) and astrocytic network (GFAP, white) (scale bar = 50 µm). j Endothelial monolayer (ZO-1, red) supported by a layer of human brain vascular pericytes (HBVPs) (α-SMA, green) (scale bar = 50 µm). k Aquaporin-4 (AQP4, yellow) and α-syntrophin (α-syn, magenta) expressions at astrocytic end-feet (GFAP, white) underneath a porous membrane (indicated as the dotted line) in the lower channel (Blue arrows indicate co-localization of AQP4 with α-syn.) (scale bar = 50 µm).
  • Engineers created 3D print soft, rubbery brain implants: MIT engineers were working on developing soft, flexible neural implants that can gently conform to the brain’s contours and monitor activity over longer periods, without aggravating surrounding tissue. Such flexible electronics could be softer alternatives to existing metal-based electrodes designed to monitor brain activity, and may also be useful in brain implants that stimulate neural regions to ease symptoms of epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and severe depression.
a, b, Pristine PEDOT:PSS solution (a) can be converted into a 3D printable conducting polymer ink (b) by lyophilization in cryogenic condition and re-dispersion with a solvent. c, 3D-printed conducting polymers can be converted into a pure PEDOT:PSS both in dry and hydrogel states by dry-annealing and subsequent swelling in wet environment, respectively. d CryoTEM image of a pristine PEDOT:PSS solution. e CryoTEM image of a 3D printable conducting polymer ink. f TEM image of a dry-annealed 3D-printed conducting polymer. gj Images of re-dispersed suspensions with varying PEDOT:PSS nanofibril concentration. k SAXS characterization of conducting polymer inks with varying PEDOT:PSS nanofibril concentration. The d-spacing L is calculated by the Bragg expression L = 2π/qmax. l Apparent viscosity as a function of shear rate for conducting polymer inks of varying PEDOT:PSS nanofibril concentration. m Apparent viscosity of conducting polymer inks as a function of PEDOT:PSS nanofibril concentration. n Shear storage modulus as a function of shear stress for conducting polymer inks of varying PEDOT:PSS nanofibril concentration. o Shear yield stress of conducting polymer inks as a function of PEDOT:PSS nanofibril concentration. For TEM images in (df), the experiments were repeated (n = 5) based on independently prepared samples with reproducible results. Scale bars, 100 nm.
  • A promise to restore hearing: For the first time, researchers have used base editing to restore partial hearing to mice with a recessive mutation in the gene TMC1 that causes complete deafness, the first successful example of genome editing to fix a recessive disease-causing mutation.
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  • Optogenetic stimulation of the motor cortex successfully induced arm movements in monkeys: Optogenetics is a recently developed technique that can control cellular functions by illuminating lights to the cells in which light-sensitive proteins are expressed by gene transfer. Optogenetics enabled us to activate or inhibit a specific population of neuronal cells and revolutionized stimulation methods. It has now become an indispensable tool for investigating brain functions. So far, most studies using this technique have been performed in rodents, whereas trials to modify behaviors in monkeys have ended up in failure, except for a few studies targeting eye movements. The research group has succeeded in inducing arm movements in Japanese macaque monkeys by using optogenetics.
a Top view of the whole brain of a macaque (Monkey HJ). Green circles indicate penetration sites for AAV injections. CS central sulcus, M1 primary motor cortex. b Electrophysiological mapping of the right M1 (Monkey HJ). Somatotopic arrangement in the anterior bank of the CS is shown along with depths from the cortical surface. Each letter indicates a somatotopic body part: D digit, E elbow, S shoulder, W wrist. The AAV vector was injected in the sites indicated by the green circles. c Expression of hChR2(H134R)/EYFP and of hChR2(H134R)/tdTomato mediated by AAV-DJ vectors in the M1 shown in frontal sections (Monkey NR). These experiments were repeated three times independently, with similar results obtained. d Photograph of the tip (left) and whole view (right) of the optrode. (1) A glass-coated tungsten electrode for recording, (2) an optical fiber for optical stimulation and (3) a pair of tungsten wires for bipolar electrical stimulation were bundled and inserted into polyimide tubing (left). The base of the optrode was covered with stainless steel tubing (right). The other end of the optical fiber was jacketed with a protective tubing with a length of around 15 cm and had a fiber-optic connector. The rectangular area in the right photograph is enlarged in the left.
  • Tiny robots can now operate as nerve cell connectors, bridging gaps between two distinct groups of cells: These microscopic patches may lead to more sophisticated ways to grow networks of nerve cells in the laboratory, and perhaps even illuminate ways to repair severed nerve cells in people. Engineers first built rectangular robots that were 300 micrometers long. Slender horizontal grooves, about the width of nerve cells’ tendrils that exchange messages with other cells, lined the top. These microrobots were fertile ground for rat nerve cells, the researchers found. As the cells grew, their message-sending axons and message-receiving dendrites neatly followed the robots’ lined grooves.
Schematic illustration and fabrication process of a magnetically actuated microrobot for neural networks. (A) Schematic of the active construction between two neural clusters using the microrobot on an HD-MEA chip that can measure axonal signal transmission. (B) Computer-aided design images and dimensions of the microrobot. (C ) Overall fabrication process of the microrobots; two-photon laser lithography and nickel (Ni, for magnetic properties)/titanium oxide (TiO2, for biocompatibility) deposition. (D) Scanning electron microscopy images of the fabricated microrobot with the microgrooves.
a Experimental schematic; BS1 and BS2 beam splitters. The sample and reference beams are colored in red and orange, respectively, for visibility. GMx and GMy, galvanometer mirrors for scanning the sample beam along x and y axes, respectively. SLM spatial light modulator, sDM short-pass dichroic mirror, OL objective lens, PMT photomultiplier tube, DG diffraction grating, P pinhole. b, c Intensity and phase images of the reflected wave Ecam(rcam; ri), from the sample, respectively, for samples without aberrations. d, e Same as b and c, but for an aberrating sample. Color bars in b and d indicate intensity normalized by the maximum intensity in d. Color bars in c and e indicate phase in radians. Scale bars, 10 µm.
  • Researchers invented a new type of microscope called reflective matrix microscope, which uses adaptive optics techniques. Non-invasive microscopic techniques such as optical coherence microscopy and two-photon microscopy are commonly used for in vivo imaging of living tissues. When light passes through turbid materials such as biological tissues, two types of light are generated: ballistic photons and multiply scattered photons. The ballistic photons travel straight through the object without experiencing any deflection and hence is used to reconstruct the object image. On the other hand, the multiply scattered photons are generated via random deflections as the light passes through the material and show up as speckle noise in the reconstructed image. As the light propagates through increasing distances, the ratio between multiply scattered and ballistic photons increases drastically, thereby obscuring the image information. In addition to the noise generated by the multiply scattered light, optical aberration of ballistic light also causes contrast reduction and image blur during the image reconstruction process.
  • In the September issue of the journal Nature, scientists have described a new nanodevice that acts almost identically to a brain cell. Furthermore, they have shown that these synthetic brain cells can be joined together to form intricate networks that can then solve problems in a brain-like manner.


The atlas-based imaging processing workflow
Age distribution of patients identified through the CoroNerve surveillance study meeting the clinical case definitions for cerebrovascular and neuropsychiatric events
Schematic of the nasal respiratory epithelium, olfactory epithelium, and the olfactory bulb. Sagittal view of the human nasal cavity, in which respiratory and olfactory epithelia are colored (left). For each type of epithelium, a schematic of the anatomy and known major cell types are shown (right). In the olfactory bulb in the brain (tan) the axons from olfactory sensory neurons coalesce into glomeruli, and mitral/tufted cells innervate these glomeruli and send olfactory projections to downstream olfactory areas. Glomeruli are also innervated by juxtaglomerular cells, a subset of which are dopaminergic.
a, Cartoon depicting the anatomical structures sampled for histomorphological, ultrastructural and molecular analyses including SARS-CoV-2 RNA measurement from fresh (non-formalin-fixed) specimens of deceased individuals with COVID-19. Specimens were taken from the olfactory mucosa underneath the cribriform plate (anatomical region R1, blue, n = 30), the olfactory bulb (R2, yellow, n = 31), the olfactory tubercle (R3, n = 7), different branches of the trigeminal nerve (including conjunctiva (n = 16) and cornea (n = 13)), mucosa covering the uvula (R4, n = 22), the respective trigeminal ganglion (R5, orange, n = 22), the cranial nerve nuclei in the medulla oblongata (R6, dark blue, n = 31), the cerebellum (R7, n = 24) and the carotid artery wall (n = 13). bd, Quantitative data for each individual shown on a logarithmic scale normalized on 10,000 cells. e, Correlation of disease duration and viral RNA load in the CNS (typically measured in the olfactory bulb or medulla oblongata). The length of disease duration correlates inversely with the amount of detectable SARS-CoV-2 RNA (correlation coefficient r = −0.5, **P = 0.006 from n = 29 individuals). Females are represented by triangles and males are represented by circles; no data for P27 is shown because no viral testing could be performed on naive or cryopreserved tissue of P27.
  • SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins disrupt the blood-brain barrier, new research shows: New research shows that the spike proteins that extrude from SARS-CoV-2 promote inflammatory responses on the endothelial cells that form the blood-brain barrier. The study shows that SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins can cause this barrier to become ‘leaky,’ potentially disrupting the delicate neural networks within the brain.
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein does not affect brain endothelial cell viability. hBMVECs were treated with 1 nM and 10 nM of the SARS-CoV-2 subunit S1, SARS-CoV-2 RBD, and SARS-CoV-2 subunit S2 for 48 h (A) and 72 h (B). Cell viability was determined using the Live/Dead Cytotoxicity assay. Calcein positive (green) indicates live cells while ethidium homodimer-1 (EthD-1, red) indicates dead cells. Saponin was used a positive control. Data represents the ratio of live or dead cells in the total cell number and was obtained from two different donors, each performed in 6 replicates. Results are presented as mean ± SEM, n = 12, *p < 0.05. p-values were computed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test.


  • Mouse-controlled mouse helped researchers understand intentional control: Researchers have devised a brain-machine interface (BMI) that allows mice to learn to guide a cursor using only their brain activity. By monitoring this mouse-controlled mouse moving to a target location to receive a reward, the researchers were able to study how the brain represents intentional control.
A widefield-imaging-based brain-machine interface
The Neural Matrix: A flexible, actively multiplexed electrode array for high-resolution and long-term μECoG.
  • Scientists have discovered that mindful meditation can help subjects learn and improve the ability to mind-control BCIs: They conducted a large-scale human study enrolling subjects in a weekly 8-week course in simple, widely-practiced meditation techniques, to test their effectiveness as a potential training tool for BCI control. A total of 76 people participated in this study, each being randomly assigned to the meditation group or the control group, which had no preparation during these 8 weeks. Up to 10 sessions of BCI study were conducted with each subject. The work shows that humans with just eight lessons in mindfulness-based attention and training (MBAT) demonstrated significant advantages compared to those with no prior meditation training, both in their initial ability to control BCI’s and in the time it took for them to achieve full proficiency.
a, Principle of stimulation (left) and recording (right) with a neural interface. b, In the most simplistic view the two electrodes are mimicked as a two-electrode electrochemical cell with saline. For characterization the microelectrode (µE) is connected as the working electrode (WE) in the cell with a second counter electrode (CE). Furthermore, a third electrode (reference electrode: RE) can be introduced to provide a reference potential independent of the current flowing between the µE and CE. c, In vitro simulation of a recording situation. By passing an alternating current over the two large electrode plates, a signal is generated that is recorded by the µE in the center. d, Example Bode plot, containing magnitude (logarithmic) and phase (linear) against frequency (logarithmic) for a smooth metal electrode in saline. The colored zones indicate the typical behavior in the low (green), intermediate (yellow) and high (blue) frequency ranges. e, An equivalent circuit model outlining the different contributors to the overall impedance between the two electrodes (µE and CE). At the respective interface, each electrode contributes a double-layer capacitance, C, in parallel to an impedance, Z, representing all additional charge transfer mechanisms available at the surface. The electrolyte between the two mainly comprises a resistive contribution (RA). f, At the solid–liquid boundary of an electrode immersed in water solubilized ions will, in interaction with the dipolar solvent molecules, self-organize into a layer structure. The inner and outer planes, indicated in the graph, represent the Stern layer, where counter and co-ions are in immediate contact with the surface. Accumulated ions further away from the surface form the diffuse layer, as described in the Gouy−Chapman model. The charged electrode surface and the solvated ions in the Stern layer will each act as half of a plate capacitor. This effect is often referred to as the Helmholtz or double-layer capacitance. Across this boundary, the electrode couples capacitively to the electrolyte.
  • Stable recordings let the brain and machine learning system build ‘partnership’ over time: In a significant advance, researchers working towards a brain-controlled prosthetic limb at the UC San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences have shown that machine learning techniques helped a paralyzed individual learn to control a computer cursor using their brain activity without requiring extensive daily retraining, which has been a requirement of all past brain-computer interface efforts.
Overview of neuroadaptive generative modelling. Generate: the model G generates digital information based on latent variables zizi. Perceive: a human operator reacts naturally to the generated information represented by the computing system as zizi. Adapt: relevance of the information is inferred from the brain signals of the operator; the relevance guides the generative model, generating new digital information G(z^n)G(z^n), which matches the operator’s perceptual categories. n is the number of acquired evoked brain signals, here n=3n=3.
  • Scientists uncovered blind spots at the intersection of AI and neuroscience: Is it possible to read a person’s mind by analyzing the electric signals from the brain? The answer may be much more complex than most people think. In a new article, researchers say a prominent dataset used to try to answer this question is confounded, and therefore many eye-popping findings that were based on this dataset and received high-profile recognition are false after all.
Important FCs for MDD diagnosis. (a) The 25 FCs viewed from left, back, right, and top. Interhemispheric connections are shown in the back and top views only. Regions are color-coded according to the intrinsic network. The state of functional connectivity exhibiting the smaller (i.e., more negative) and greater (more positive) mean correlation index in the MDD population than in the HC population is termed under- (blue line) and over-connectivity (red line), respectively. The width of the line represents the effect size of the difference (t-value) in the FC values between MDD and HC groups. (b) Listed here are the laterality and anatomical identification of the ROI as identified by the AAL and associated intrinsic networks related to the 25 FCs. AAL, anatomical automatic labeling; DMN, default mode network; FC, functional connectivity; FPN, fronto-parietal network; HC, healthy control; MDD, major depressive disorder; ROI, region of interest.
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Index Terms
The new chip is fully wireless. Researchers can power the 5×3 mm2 chip, which has an integrated power receiver coil, by applying an electromagnetic field. Credit: Yaoyao Jia, NC State University
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That’s a wrap! May 2021 brings us more discoveries!

We’ll keep you informed. Feel free to follow our regular ‘Neuroscience biweekly’ reports. Stay in the loop!



Sasha Shilina
Sasha Shilina

Written by Sasha Shilina

PhD • Research at Paradigm & Humanode • Ethereum enthusiast • EFDevcon scholar

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