Ambrosus: A New Type of Health Care Collaboration, Quality Assurance Provides New Value to Enterprises, DNA Tracers Meet Ambrosus Blockchain

Published in
6 min readOct 21, 2019

Biweekly update 7th October — 21st October

Welcome to our small bi-weekly update on $AMB! All the information about the current state of development and partnerships is accessible via their Progress reports: in the recent update, a project with DNA Tracers company was announced; they also work on a collaboration to completely reshape preventative healthcare as it is currently understood. Not only is this initiative groundbreaking within the healthcare industry, but it is also going to utilize the Ambrosus blockchain for securely storing and managing data — with the opportunity of incorporating Ambrosus IoT devices further down the line.

A formal announcement is expected soon. Moreover, they are currently in negotiations with a large US condiments company that produces vanilla extract for the multi-billion dollar food industry. The unique opportunity at hand refers to the fact that a potential solution would not only trace vanilla from Madagascar but also from Indonesia and Uganda as well. More amazing use-cases of Ambrosus can be found at the end of our update. Furthermore, Ambrosus hosted a meetup in Brussels on October 16th and attended the Hard Fork Summit — feel free to share photos with us if you participated in the events! The Ambrosus community is slightly growing in various social networks; enthusiasts actively participate in AMB life at Reddit and Telegram Chat.

Paradigm Fund is waiting for more progress of Ambrosus and ChipLess! Stay tuned!


GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from
  1. Pioneering New Technologies: DNA Tracers Meet the Blockchain. Ambrosus as a partner of a DNA tracer company develops a joint solution that will make the precious metals industry, as well as many others, far safer than they currently are. During the first project, Ambrosus will be tracing pearls by coating them with a special liquid that gives them unique identification. This is very much akin to a liquid QR code that cannot be faked or copied. Once applied, only a special device can read the coating on the pearls — the data will then be transmitted to the Ambrosus blockchain on which it will be immutably stored, and any customer or enterprise can verify the authenticity of the pearls.

Social encounters

Upcoming events:

No updates.


“Despite an ever-changing regulatory landscape, Ambrosus has decided to remain committed to its original vision of complete decentralization.”

The plan is:

  1. To adapt to the new regulatory environment without compromising the belief in decentralized networks.
  2. To support narrowband options that fully comply with existing B2B business processes in order to make it easier for enterprises to utilize AMB-NET.
  3. To continue to grow the entrepreneurial aspect of the Ambrosus Ecosystem while also increasing the number of masternodes on the network.


Partnerships and team members

More cool guys from Ambrosus team and additional info:

  1. A New Type of Health Care Collaboration — Ambrosus is excited to announce a new project that will be released in the coming weeks that is designed to completely reshape preventative healthcare as it is currently understood. Not only is this initiative groundbreaking within the healthcare industry, but it is also going to utilize the Ambrosus blockchain for securely storing and managing data — with the opportunity of incorporating Ambrosus IoT devices further down the line.
  2. Ambrosus has long been the most visible face of blockchain-based quality assurance in the vanilla industry. Ambrosus announced that it is currently in negotiations with a large US condiments company that produces vanilla extract for the multi-billion dollar food industry. The unique opportunity at hand refers to the fact that a potential solution would not only trace vanilla from Madagascar but also from Indonesia and Uganda as well.


Token financial dynamics (from Explorer Ambrosus)



  • Cheese: A one-of-a-kind solution designed by Ambrosus to verify the quality and origin of Cheese from pasture to table.
  • End-to-End Traceability of Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla: An in-depth breakdown of the Ambrosus industrial project surrounding the supply chain of one of the world’s most precious commodities: Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla.
  • Olive Oil: An expert solution for protecting the quality of one of the world’s most historically counterfeited foods: Olive Oil.
  • The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: An industry analysis explaining where Ambrosus fits into the most important trends and changes in the pharmaceutical supply chain.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Ambrosus Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from

This is not financial advice.

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