Ambrosus: AMB-TRACE and InnoLab’s Gateway Development, The Ambrosus Multisensing Platform for Smart Sensors, Masternodes’ improvements

Published in
11 min readJul 29, 2019

Biweekly update 15th July — 29th July

We are here to let you know that Ambrosus is doing alright. Despite the fact they haven’t posted a lot of news recently, the dev team surreptitiously coped with a significant amount of work. Their focus from the past two weeks has remained devoted to onboarding and improving Apollo, Hermes and Atlas Masternodes. According to the last Progress Report, the developer team has continued to iterate and enhance both small and large details for Atlas Masternodes. They have also begun to design a User-Interface (UI) for Hermes Masternodes owners to grant them improved accessibility to all functionalities when interacting with the Ambrosus Network. The underlying emphasis in these efforts has been on usability: more user-friendly and optimized interfaces lead to more efficiency and seamless client onboarding.

Moreover, Ambrosus is entering a new phase of decentralization that will permit Ambrosus ecosystem to be self-sufficient, community-driven and free from any central point of command and control. Thus, they published a blog post with an in-depth look at AMB-TRACEw ith reference to the pivotal role played by Ambrosus gateways. As the Developer team continues to do an incredible job in onboarding new Masternode operators by the week, the Ambrosus team would like to provide a general update to the community on how this process will continue to progress in the future. There are roughly 1,200 operators who are qualified to apply to host an Ambrosus masternode. The community life of Ambrosus is vivacious: Redditor Skynetcitizen has pioneered the first community-developed Node Onboarding Guide, there is a stable activity in chats and on Reddit. However, the number of subscribers on social networks decreased. They must be speaking more about their progress! In the coming weeks, we’ll see a detailed update on the upcoming Great Asia Roadshow that several Ambrosus team members have been busy planning for August. Have a banner year with Ambrosus and Paradigm!


GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from
  • AMB-TRACE: The Foundation of Digitization. Ambrosus is entering a new phase of decentralisation that will permit Ambrosus ecosystem to be self-sufficient, community-driven and free from any central point of command and control. As they are preparing to onboard several waves of Masternodes onto the network that aims to create a market-driven balance of participants incentivised by rewards from the smart-contract-based system, they reveal the progress on the IoT side of Ambrosus Ecosystem and all the achievements of Ambrosus Innovation Lab that is working on boosting global adoption of AMB-NET. As a seminal building block of AMB-NET, AMB-TRACE refers to the sensors, devices, and gateways developed and used by Ambrosus in collaboration with industrial manufacturers, to create a secure and dependable means from which data can be collected from a specific environment and transmitted to a Hermes Masternode on the network.

AMB-TRACE is made up of sensors, devices, and gateways. The three tools interact in the following manner:

  1. a sensor, which possesses a transducer (or bio-transducer) can be embedded into either a device or an Edge-Gateway as a means of collecting information from the physical world.
  2. a device can be defined as any type of electronic that can store and communicate the measured data with other objects, typically done by low or medium range protocols such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) as well as IoT protocols such as Long Range (LoRa). Importantly, devices do not have access to the internet — they function to only transmit information between other intelligent devices, or towards a central gateway.
  3. a gateway is similar to a device insofar as it possesses the ability to store and communicate data; however, it is distinguished from a device insofar as it does, in fact, possess a connection to the internet.

The following 5 characteristics define InnoLab’s Gateway Development:

  1. Marking and Identification: Ambrosus Gateways transmit a unique ID for specific products through the use of serial numbers, 1D (barcodes) and 2D codes as well as Quantum Inks.
  2. Condition Monitoring: Ambrosus Gateways configure and transmit certified data surrounding conditions at various points of the supply chain: temperature, GPS positioning, humidity, movement (shock), and light.
  3. Quality Assessment: Ambrosus Gateways are capable of authenticating sensors that perform non-invasive analysis of product compositions and structures.
  4. Static Sensor Networks: Stationary Ambrosus Gateways efficiently secure and transmit data from field stations, smart farms, and any other related sustainable environment used by producers.
  5. Integrity Assurance: Ambrosus Gateways check the integrity of all data sent to AMB-NET. This pertains to the physical packaging on the product, the electronic storage of product data, and the quality of data transmitted via various sensors deployed in the field.

For Ambrosus, two main types of gateways are used when recording data to the Ambrosus Network.

First, there are commercial gateways. These gateways are commercially available but have been specifically modified to communicate with AMB-NET.

Second, there are Ambrosus Gateways. Ambrosus gateways are custom-designed gateways, fit for connecting any class of smart devices explained above, in a secure and efficient manner to the Ambrosus Network.

Step 1: The Entry Module

In terms of the entry module for the Ambrosus Gateways, there are a variety of methods that have been created. When it comes to sensors specifically, Integrated Sensors, and Field Sensors are most commonly used:

  1. Integrated Sensors: the sensor is embedded into the gateway itself and is set in a certain position to record external factors like temperature, humidity, light, shocks, chemical, biological, electromagnetic and others.
  2. Field Sensors: Sensors which have been certified to communicate with AMB-NET through an Ambrosus Gateways, and actively monitor or log external factors as cited above.

Step 2: Proprietary Electronics

Once the gateways possess a source of entry whereby data is capable of being transmitted, they must also possess a certain proprietary electronics behind the entry module that allows for the data to be secured, before it is eventually sent to the Ambrosus blockchain.

Step 3: Communication Modules

The third component of Ambrosus gateways are the communications modules. As the name suggests, this component is responsible for using the gateway to communicate directly to AMB-GATE — the Hermes Masternodes providing REST API. Depending on the needs of the company and the technological infrastructure surrounding the supply chain, the following options are available:

  1. Wi-Fi
  2. 3G or 4G
  3. NB-IOT
  4. LoRa
  5. Bluetooth
  6. RFID
  7. Satcom

The Ambrosus Multisensing Platform for Smart Sensors

The Ambrosus Multisensing Platform for Smart Sensors is an autonomous logger and monitoring device designed to collect data and communicate it to a Hermes Masternode (also known as AMB-GATE). The device is built with embedded sensors in order to monitor environmental features such as humidity, temperature, light, and accelerations (shocks). It is equipped with a long-lasting battery (typically a year) that is able to record, store, certify, and sign the data that it has collected, before transmitting such data to the Ambrosus Network.

Blockchain Arrival, Corporate Partner Design and Ecosystem Expansion

All data recorded through an Ambrosus Gateway is ultimately transmitted to a Hermes Masternode. The Hermes Masternode functions as the REST API to configure, bundle, and upload all data sent to be stored on the Ambrosus Network. Additionally, it is responsible for selectively storing private data for company’s internal use, while also sharing semi-private data with the designated third parties available. If the company were to utilize an advanced dashboard for data analytics and optimized data management, the Hermes node would also transmit data to such a device for the benefit of the client companies logistics management.

Apollo, Hermes and Atlas Masternodes Continue to Progress.

  1. Regarding Hermes Masternodes, the developer team has begun to design a User-Interface (UI) for Hermes owners to grant them improved accessibility to all functionalities when interacting with the Ambrosus Network. The underlying emphasis in these efforts has been on usability: more user-friendly and optimized interfaces lead to more efficiency, and seamless client onboarding.
  2. § The current focus is largely based upon improving the bundle sheltering distribution formula: to make it more complex and therefore more accurate. The goal is to ensure that different types of Atlas Masternodes have the most equal opportunity to fetch and secure bundles. A second, and equally important focus is the Ambrosus Explorer. The developer team has identified a significant list of features to add to the Ambrosus Explorer including all available data on Atlas Masternodes (i.e. stake, balance, list of transactions including rewards, available and non-available balance for withdrawal, anticipated date of withdrawal, etc.), as well as different interactive charts that will allow a single operator to optimally manage their node, and transfer bundles to a different node if necessary or as part of a sheltering strategy.

Social encounters

  • Redditor Skynetcitizen has pioneered the first community-developed Node Onboarding Guide. For any prospective masternode operator interested in understanding how to set up and configure their masternode from start to finish, this community-oriented guide is a holistic introduction to navigating the Ambrosus Bridge and larger Network.

Upcoming events:

  • In the coming months of August and September, Ambrosus and ChipLess team members will be touring East Asia, through a series of presentations, private meetings, and community meetup events.


According to Q&A:

At some point between these first two dates, new documentation will be released relating to a unique and fully-functional IoT solution, as well as more detailed insights into the Ambrosus Edge Gateway itself.

The Ambrosus developer team will intensively test Atlases running on the newly updated AMB-NET. Therefore the next one to two weeks will be dedicated to testing the new DMP algorithm on TEST-NET. If that works as desired, a final test will take place on AMB-NET, after which Wave 0 Atlases will go live. If all goes according to plan, Atlases should begin onboarding by the middle of May.

By the end of June, a selection of core components of the Ambrosus Ecosystem involving IoT devices, Edge-Gateways, Hermes Masternodes and communication protocols, as well as the Ambrosus Network with accompanying Atlas and Hermes Masternodes will be fully-operational and functioning. Developers will be able to build robust applications utilizing all of the components of the Ambrosus Ecosystem, while entrepreneurs will possess all of the tools, required documentation, and information on collaborating with Ambrosus, in order to be successful in building and scaling real-world solutions.

Horizon Development

  1. Masternode onboarding will continue at a consistent rate, with new operators being invited to join the test-net before accessing the main network. In the meantime, work will continue on the main-network architecture, the bridge and the explorer as well as with regards to a number of demo applications approaching completion!
  2. Stand by for more updates regarding industrial applications, as well as the long-awaited Ambrosus for Entrepreneurs complete guide!
  3. With a busy schedule for the coming months, the Ambrosus team will continue to post updates for the community as Ambrosus INATBA and the Supply Chain Working Group continue to evolve.
  4. Calls and further meetings are planned in the coming days with both partners from the United States and South America. Preparations are underway for further outreach in Asia.
  5. Further crypto-economic testing, different UI design evaluations, and additional information for Atlas operators via the Ambrosus Explorer.


  • Proposal opportunity for AMB — Horizon Prize on Blockchains for Social Good. The “blockchains for Social Good” Horizon Prizewill assign 5 Prizes of 1M€ each to the best decentralised social innovations leveraging on Distributed Ledger Technologies such as Blockchain. The prize addresses areas such as traceability of raw materials, decentralised social networks, transparency of public spending, participation in democratic decision making, financial inclusion.
  • Wallet Rankings — As the Developer team continues to do an incredible job in onboarding new Masternode operators by the week, the Ambrosus team would like to provide a general update to the community on how this process will continue to progress in the future: There are roughly 1,200 operators who are qualified to apply to host an Ambrosus masternode. This list, however, must be further analysed by the team in order to identify priority operators based upon when tokens were transferred to the wallet, and when the masternode was officially applied for (among other factors). For any community member who would like to know their ranking at this time (which is subject to change) please do not hesitate to reach out to and send your ERC20 address.

Partnerships and team members

More info:

  1. a Global Update. Evident in a new project in North America involving Kelp: the large brown seaweed that grows in shallow, nutrient-rich saltwater, near coastal fronts around the world, is often considered a “superfood” because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and enzymes. The focus of current negotiations for the industrial project centres upon end-to-end traceability of the kelp production line, as well as quality assurance of the temperature of the products. As such it is a holistic blockchain and IoT industrial project.
  2. Ambrosus has recently begun developing new solutions focus on dairy products (i.e. milk) in both Europe and South-East Asia. In both cases, the demand from enterprises is based upon changes in consumer behavior, a desire to be more transparent, and to better demonstrate the quality and purity of the particular product. In both cases, negotiations involve both blockchain and IoT components from the Ambrosus Ecosystem.
  3. An open-source ecosystem development has significantly picked up across Western Europe. As a prime location for the production of luxury cosmetic products, and high quality produce, a number of opportunities exists for the Ambrosus Ecosystem specifically pertaining to proving where ingredients and products originate from, as well as the purity of their quality.
  4. The Ambrosus Ecosystem has begun to broach the Middle East! More specifically, an ICT Company from Saudi Arabia, providing solutions for IoT, Biometrics, Datacenters Cooling Technologies & Telecommunication applications has initiated discussions with the Ambrosus team for developing an industrial project in the pharmaceutical industry. With new regulation poised to be implemented in the region, many pharmaceutical enterprises are very much interested in blockchain technology and its regulatory benefits.


Source: Coinmarketcap
Token holders and the number of transactions dynamics (from
Source: coingecko.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Ambrosus Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from

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