Ambrosus: No updates

Published in
5 min readFeb 24, 2020

Biweekly update 10th February — 24th February

Hey, guys! No new updates as for the moment. It is promised that the AMA Session results are published tonight. In this biweekly report, you can only find development, financial, and social media metrics. We are looking forward to hearing from the Ambrosus team soon!


GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from

Social encounters

No updates.

Upcoming events:

  • AMA with Ambrosus CEO Dr. Stefan Meyer — Leave your questions via the link and check amazing questions sent by Ambrosus community members. The most upvoted questions will receive detailed answers.
  • The first meetup in 2020 is discussed in Telegram chat. Join conversations and participate in the choice of time and place!


  1. “The release of the Development roadmap 2020 together with the strategic vision for the Company’s progress and key milestones will be updated and posted within the next four weeks.” This means these updates will probably appear prior to the end of February, as the article was published on 30th January.
  2. They are going to post updates regarding a new addition to the team Ambrosus focused on the development of various partnerships and collaborations using AMB-NET with both Layer 2 startups built on top of AMB-NET as well as corporate integration where applicable.
  3. They are going to announce the first meetup for 2020.

“Despite an ever-changing regulatory landscape, Ambrosus has decided to remain committed to its original vision of complete decentralization.”

The plan is:

  1. To adapt to the new regulatory environment without compromising the belief in decentralized networks.
  2. To support narrowband options that fully comply with existing B2B business processes in order to make it easier for enterprises to utilize AMB-NET.
  3. To continue to grow the entrepreneurial aspect of the Ambrosus Ecosystem while also increasing the number of masternodes on the network.
  1. Winter 2019 — Release of exchange platform with full trading platform functionalities (obtaining the necessary licensing and permissions from authorities), facilitating the launch of a full-fledged decentralized exchange and cryptocurrency trading platform.
  2. Spring 2020 — Release of the first large-scale fully-automated supply chain solution, governed by Decentralised Autonomous Organisation, sensor systems, and artificial intelligence. Full Quality Control and Management of financial and commercial relationships between different parties, including payment settlement mechanisms.
  3. Summer-Autumn 2020 — Scaling-Up of the platform, integration in various industries, including Food, Natural Resources, and Medical Products. Autonomous, intelligent, self-governing supply chains.


  • Info from the Telegram chat:

Partnerships and team members

Wait for the updated Ambrosus team members’ dashboard and additional info via the link.


Token financial dynamics (from Explorer Ambrosus)



  • Cheese: A one-of-a-kind solution designed by Ambrosus to verify the quality and origin of Cheese from pasture to table.
  • End-to-End Traceability of Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla: An in-depth breakdown of the Ambrosus industrial project surrounding the supply chain of one of the world’s most precious commodities: Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla.
  • Olive Oil: An expert solution for protecting the quality of one of the world’s most historically counterfeited foods: Olive Oil.
  • The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: An industry analysis explaining where Ambrosus fits into the most important trends and changes in the pharmaceutical supply chain.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Ambrosus Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from

This is not financial advice.

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