Ambrosus: The latest stable version of Main-Net deployed, AMB-NET SDKs 2.0 Released, two recent Q&A: answers about node onboarding, Apollos, and reducing the costs by using AMB-NET, meeting of Supply Chain Working Group at INATBA

Published in
12 min readApr 10, 2019

Biweekly update 27th March — 10th April

This update contains the representation of work Ambrosus team did during the last two weeks and besides, this amount of work is decent! Developers announced a seminal accomplishment for the Ambrosus Ecosystem: The release of Software Development Kits (SDKs) 2.0 for iOS/MacOS, Java/Android, and JavaScript! Additionally, the newly refined and enhanced SDKs have also been released alongside original documentation to make building solutions on AMB-NET easy and intuitive for everyone, including prospective developers. Moreover, the latest version of Main-net was launched, including the network ready to onboard external public masternodes. Ambrosus was a panellist speaker in Berlin C3Conference, and they also plan to take part in Unblok3d Conference. The team works towards strengthening Ambrosus’ relationships with potential and existing manufacturing suppliers. Developers meticulously proceed commits on GitHub. Several events are planned, this leads to community expansion all over the globe. We believe, that the AMB community members and fans will continue to increase. Our gut feeling says Ambrosus will be alright.


GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from
  1. Ambrosus Solutions Architects recently returned from client implementation and business development trips in Italy and India respectively. Importantly, only limited information can be provided about these trips at this time: In India, Ambrosus continued to expand the scope and sophistication of its solutions dealing with the large-scale management and traceability of certain high value commodities. This project is currently considered for the second documentary movie about real-life implementation of AMB-NET. We will release an update as soon as all parties align on communication.
  2. Meanwhile, in Italy, Dr. Davide Merulla, attended the Scale Up Summit officially sponsored by the Startup Europe Partnership and the Elites London Stock Exchange (among others). The event brought together large-scale corporate players in the Italian market, and provided Ambrosus with a number of business development opportunities that will continue to evolve in the months to come
  3. In a previous bi-weekly report, Ambrosus showcased the Low-Cost Serialization Tag (LCS Tag) as a highly innovative and cost-effective identifier and anti-counterfeiting solution, which has been developed by the teams peforming R&D for the IoT dimension of the Ambrosus ecosystem. Since that time, a core team of expert scientists, engineers, and solutions architects from the Innovation Laboratory attended a number of public and private meetings in Finland to discuss the industrial manufacturing of such devices at scale. During this same trip, they attended the PrintoCent Industry Cluster meeting, as well as a Structural Electronics event organized in cooperation with the VTT Research Institute. The focus of such events has been to strengthen Ambrosus’ relationships with potential and existing manufacturing suppliers.
  4. A number of new opportunities related to the adoption of the Ambrosus Network have arisen in recent weeks: on the one hand, a first group of technology service providers have expressed interest in testing out Ambrosus hardware devices paired with AMB-NET. In light of the fact that Ambrosus works to customize devices according to client needs, a diverse range of solutions are in the process of being implemented.
  • Did you know Ambrosus have enabled enterprises and entrepreneurs to collect, organize and store data? The solutions include developer tools, devices and gateways, a universal data model, open-source API & SDK’s.
  • They have fully revamped javascript iOS and Android/Java SDKs to enable anyone anywhere to build new dApps & solutions on top of $AMB-NET!

Social encounters

Question: Would it be possible to get more in depth information on the upcoming Apollo node auctions, as there have not been many details put out at this time. More specifically: Are you still looking at roughly 150 total Apollo nodes? How long do you believe it will take to reach this total? Is the 50/50/50 split still the goal?

Answer: The 33% per category (33% clients & users, 33% community, 33% Ambrosus & partners). 150 is a medium-term goal, so it may take some time for us to reach that number, as we intend to roll out the network gradually. As our technology evolves and network usage grows, we might increase this number in such a way that it’s optimal for the performance and security of AMB-NET. What is important is that the Layer 2 scalability solution of Ambrosus, consisting of Atlas nodes, is going to be mostly community-operated, providing full decentralisation and permissionless environment for data storage.

Question: Do companies that want to run an Apollo node need to bid in the auctions as well? Will community members be bidding against companies or will they have separate auctions for each?

Answer: We have reserved a number of Apollos for our first major partners/clients, and those nodes will be allocated to businesses that will create the largest amount of Bundles. As the network grows, we will also decide to offer our own node seats to businesses. Both these processes will happen outside the auction process as they will positively impact the growth of the network and its usage.

Question: How many Apollo nodes are part of the wave 1 group and does this wave include nodes from Ambrosus, the community and companies?

Answer: Waves 0 & 1 will contain approximately 15 nodes from the community and slightly more from Ambrosus. We will ensure that for the first few months, Ambrosus will have a majority of nodes until we can guarantee the system performs and scales as intended at which point it’ll be safe to further decentralise the network and its governance.

Question : What is the best example of a company using AMB-Net to cut costs? Preferably with as much detail as you are able to give about the process. We know a lot about how Ambrosus can add value to products, but not a lot about how it can help companies reduce overhead.

Answer: Digitization of Data. The key source of value that Ambrosus provides for these types of clients is data integrity. The enterprises in question are normally having to spend time and money either pre-emptively ensuring that the product or process is safe from counterfeiting, or conversely, they are forced to spend resources when a shipment disappears, a particular product is replaced, or inventories are not at the levels that they should be because a problem has arisen somewhere in the process. The value of AMB-NET (and necessarily Ambrosus IoT devices) is that it provides these enterprises with a highly secure means by which they can guarantee (much more than they currently can), that their product or process if functioning optimally. Use cases in this area range from core commodities (coffee, vanilla, tea, oil and gas, meat, etc.) to industrial assembly lines. For the commodities in particular, there is a huge concern about dilution, replacements of products, and missing shipments — this is for both the enterprise in question as well as the financial market related to that commodity. Companies save money, when they have an end-to-end data management system for keeping track of where and who is interacting with their products. The blockchain is really the bedrock of this solution, as it ‘stamps’ all of this data so as to ensure its integrity.

Insurance-related data management: This is a case of unlocking value that previously enterprises have had to make do without. The use-cases in this field are numerous and only expected to increase as more enterprises discover that blockchain based data verification can actually save them a lot of money (or help them make a claim on something they have previously been unable to do). Consider the following scenario for shipping a sensitive product: there is a certain product P, that cannot suffer from light exposure lest it be damaged. The producer T works with a shipping company S to export the product across the Pacific Ocean. During this time, the container is tampered with and the product is exposed to light for vast amounts of time. Without Ambrosus IoT or blockchain, producer T would probably never find out — or they would get unfortunate news upon arrival or inspection that something happened, somewhere along the process. With Ambrosus IoT and blockchain, producer T can file a claim with an insurance agency and have the timestamp, light exposure data, and geographical location of where these events happened. Producer T saves money by being able to make a claim on their damaged product. There are other scenarios for insurance as well, however this is perhaps the most illustrative.

Product Recall Management: this is an area that is often overlooked since recalls are hard to predict, and sometimes few and far between. The value here is twofold: if the enterprise in question is required to recall a particular product, they have a data trail (with guarantees) of who, and where that product has been. This means that enterprises can save time and money in getting damaged products back into their processes, in a more efficient and organized manner than is currently the case. For context, the average recall costs an enterprise $10 million dollars before considering non-material effects and reputational damage: in this sense there is a lot of room for blockchain based costs saving.

  • Take a look at the orientation map during the Unblock3d Conference. Ambrosus will be at the centre of discussion surrounding crypto economics, the blockchain, sustainability, and the future of industrial data
  • Pioneering solutions for blockchain, IoT, scalability, industrial data, and volatility — watch Ambrosus CPO Vlad Trifa speak in HongKong!
  • Check out the latest trends in food and pharma industries and how digitalization and blockchain are driving the process, with Ambrosus pioneering technology that is increasingly adopted worldwide.
  • Ambrosus CPO Dr Vlad Trifa to speak at EDCON alongside Vitalik Buterin, Joseph Poon, and Sergey Nazarov.

Upcoming events:

  1. 8–13 April — EDCON — Sydney, Australia (Exhibitor: TBC; Speaker: Dr Vlad Trifa).
  2. 8–12 April — WSIS Forum — Geneva, Switzerland (Speaker: Angel Versetti)
  3. 24–26 June — Crypto Valley Conference — Zug, Switzerland (Exhibitor: TBC; Speaker: Angel Versetti)


According to Delay in deployment of AMB-NET — Revised Short-Term Roadmap:

A) Technical team revises the code, based on the issues flagged by QA / security audits.

B) Repeated Security Audits are performed.

C) If all security audits indicate full safety, Wave 0 will be onboarded on main-net.

D) If only blockchain security audits indicate full safety, we may consider onboarding Apollos and Atlas nodes, without launching Hermes nodes. In that scenario until Hermes nodes are launched (Hermes are the nodes generating bundles), there may be additional temporary smart contracts deployed that would redistribute block rewards to Atlas nodes in lieu of the missing heartbeat bundles. Hermes nodes would be properly activated within 1–2 months after onboarding of these nodes.

E) Associated product releases (Wallet, Bridge, Explorer, Dashboard) are all dependent on the successful deployment of main-net with external nodes. As such, some of these products are likely to be released on test-net in January (in particular, explorer and dashboard), while the other two would be released jointly with onboarding of external masternodes on main-net, which would require both the bridge and wallet to function.

F) Final edits and tweaks to the technical videos, further research and testing of smart contract based solutions and applications.

G) Deepen discussions with current clients, begin implementation and testing of industrial solutions where applicable, and continue outreach to high-value and niche markets. New team member to join shortly.

  1. Spring 2019: They want to launch the smart sensor system that will have the edge computing capabilities. These are essentially the sensors that retain AI capability without being connected to the network. During this time they would also like to integrate sidechains and offchain transactions as well as launch their first generation Nanosensers and bio sensors. You can read more about their progress on these developments here.
  2. Summer 2019: The team hopes to be able to release the v 2.0 of the Ambrosus protocol that will include the updated functionality of AI and the IoT devices mentioned above.
  3. Autumn 2019: After the protocol launch, they would like to release their second generation sensors which will be fully integrated into the smart contracts.
  4. Winter 2019: If all goes according to plan, they would like to release their exchange platform which will have full trading functionality. This could pave the way for the release of a fully fledged decentralized crypto exchange.
  5. Spring 2020: This could be a pivotal step for the project as they plan to release their first large scale and fully automous supply chain. This will incorporate the IoT systems as well as AI and be governed by a DAO system.
  6. Summer-Autumn 2020: If they have managed to meet all of the steps up to this point then the team would like to scale the platform with integration in numerous industries mentioned above.

What’s next?

  1. Smart Contract based network management of network operators.
  2. Final checks and tests of the bridge on Test-Net, before preparing it for Main-Net
  3. Work on client applications continues, with a core [Internal] ‘corporate demo’ document being created so as to showcase the numerous client applications Ambrosus has designed in one catalogue of applications for future clients.
  4. The comprehensive ‘Ambrosus for Entrepreneurs’ document continues to evolve, alongside the necessary fact sheets of Ambrosus technology that is available for use.
  5. To continue developing industrial projects across the Asia region, while also strengthening and implementing solutions in Europe, specifically with clients working in the Italian market. Also, we have recently hired a new person for business development to target strategic sectors. After the probationary period, we will announce this person publicly, but importantly we now have permanent team members in Belgium and the Netherlands, in additional to our main hubs.
  6. To continue working with industrial partners to move the LCS Tag towards limited production and testing, while also improving the scope of Ambrosus industrial partnerships with manufacturers across Europe. Furthermore, LCS Tag is currently being transformed with partners into a product that can bring additional use-cases and IoT elements to the Ambrosus ecosystem, as not only distributed infrastructure can offer value proposition to the IoT, but also innovative IoT can strengthen the appeal of Ambrosus blockchain. In addition to this, InnoLab engineers will continue to improve upon and iterate the Ambrosus Smart Pallet: expect details of the concept as well as photos in the next progress report!
  7. Implementation of hardware devices with select technology service providers, accompanied by testing, feedback, and modifications to solutions design. Increasing outreach to potential Japanese entrepreneurs and business developers, while continuing to develop relationships with existing clients.


No updates.


Token holders and the number of transactions dynamics (from
Source: coingecko.
Source: coingecko.

Social media metrics

Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics
Social media activity

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Ambrosus Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from

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