Aragon: Q2 update released, first results of code audit by White Hat Group and new research papers

Published in
8 min readAug 28, 2018

Biweekly update 14th August — 28th August


GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from

Aragon Q2 Development Update: Progress of development from the second quarter of 2018 and first round of audit results.

  • Release of the Survey app on the Ethereum Mainnet was a major milestone that was reached during the second quarter of the year.
  • With aragonOS 3.0 alpha, Aragon announced that audit of our codebase with the White Hat Group had started. Find the full audit report here.
  • The release of the Aragon Developer Portal.
  • In Q2 the Aragon team also started to document all deployments and the governance over different repos in our Aragon Package Manager registry.
  • The release of v0.5.1 Beta after the Aragon Core v0.5 — ”The Architect” release. After that, the team also pushed out v0.5.2 Beta during Q1 2018.

And other. — Fiduciary Agreements and Minority/Passive Stakeholder Protections for DAOs by (Luke Duncan, Research at Aragon One).

Thoughts on Aragon Network Treasury Governance and Reserves by (Luke Duncan, Research at Aragon One).

Open challenges for on-chain Liquid Democracy (by Jorge Izquierdo, CTO at Aragon One):

  • Ability for any token holder to delegate their voting power to another address. Someone who is delegated some voting power can delegate those further to another delegate.
  • Holders and delegates have the ability to cast their own vote and override whatever their final delegate voted (can also vote before the delegate, and then the delegate won’t be voting on their behalf).

Use cases for the Aragon crowdfunding app (Apiary) by Max Semenchuk in Decentralized blog.

Harbour <> Aragon bridge for Harbour voting in Aragon orgs.

AGP-23: Formalize ANT Holder Veto for Foundation Funding Proposals via Luke Duncan and Luis Cuende.

Development update (from Aragon Chat, 17th August — 28th August):

@sohkai (Brett Sun, Lead Developer at Aragon One):

- Helped set and prioritize roadmap towards mainnet

- Reviewed @bpierre’s work on the new Permissions app; really looking forward to deploying it in the next week!

- Continued work on the audits; we’re mostly held up by some testing in aragonOS but a prerelease version of aragonOS 4.0 will be minted soon 🙂

- Mainly focused on getting everything ready for the next iteration of audits for aragonOS. We’ve released 3.1.12 as the last feature version in aragonOS 3, and we’ll soon be releasing a prerelease version of aragonOS 4 that will be audited.
- Reviewed and gave feedback on the Permissions app; the read-only version is in a deployable state!

@tatu (Tatu Kärki, Communications at Aragon One):

- Wrote and published the Q2 Dev Update,

-Converted the PDF to MarkDown and published the WHG Audit report in the wiki,

- Wrote and worked on the Nest secound round of grants and upcoming teams update posts, Bunch of stuff for ETHBerlin

- Review Monthly Issue 07 Editorial bounty

- Created and published the Aragon Nest: Second round of grants blog post,

- Co authored the Aragon Nest: Updates from the teams #1 with @maria,

- Aragon Monthly Issue 07 is out! After merging the Editorial PR, finalized Issue 07, wrote the blog post and published the issue to

- Reviewed and commented on Aragon One team member role name updates on several places

@luis (Luis Cuende, CEO at Aragon One):

- Continued further legal work for the Foundation/Association

- Helped with mainnet roadmap

- Wrote multiple blog posts about productivity, for the team and everyone else

- Work on hiring for Aragon One
- Write draft for product roadmap

- Started trial week with Executive Assistant candidates
- Reviewed @light’s work on finishing the Foundation and Aragon One split
- Wrote a guest post for Mozilla’s dweb series (to be published)
@kris (Kris Decoodt, Communication Circle Lead at Giveth):

- Had some quick syncs with Maria, Tatu, Griff & Quazia on various topics such as the updated meeting time (this Friday), aragon dac representation, the aragon newsletter and reviewing of our first Milestone

- Prepared, lead the Aragon DAC call & took notes here

@jorge (Jorge Izquierdo, CTO at Aragon One):

- Research and early prototyping Liquid Democracy

- Initial work on Aragon <> Harbour bridge

- Internal: finalized Nextcloud deployment for Aragon One

- Surprise deployment of Aragon Core last night after changes in IPFS’ gateway

- Helped out on mainnet roadmap

- Research: Liquid democracy prototype (wip) and gas analysis

- Dev: review and help with the last PRs to aragonOS.
- Hiring: interviews and candidate reviews
- Dev tooling: getting aragon-cli ready for ETHBerlin, reviewed and merged PRs.

@lkngtn (Luke Duncan, Research at Aragon One):

- Discussed my Apiary proposal for a Curation Market/Crowdfunding app for Aragon DAO with @msemenchuk who is planning on working on implementing it. Discuss here

- Drafted a blog post for the Aragon Research Blog

- Rest/Recovery from surgery. 🚑

- Worked on the expanding ANT holders role in governance with AGP23

- Explored relationship between Treasury Governance and the Reserve mechanism on the forum

- Explored possible way to help protect passive and minority stakeholders in DAOs

@chris-remus (Chris Remus, Product Manager):

- Review product team q2 and q3 goals

- Have 1on1 product team conversations

- Develop, update and agree to updated roadmap

- Finalize my q3 goals

- Draft #BUILD’ing motivations post

- Support devOps and web3 hiring process

- Discuss possible collaboration with Cosmos

- Track Permissions Rinkeby release and lead daily check-ins

- Have 1on1 calls with product team members
- Work to agreed to q2 goals scores for product team members
- Work to confirm q3 goals for product team members
- Support web3 and devops candidate hiring process
- Structure next two sprints in zenhub
- Archive remaining github repos to simplify repo structure
- Baseline and plan audit next steps
- Identifty new person to help with internal testing
- Baseline sprint 1.1

@light (John Light, Community at Aragon One):

- Caught up on emails and tasks after being away from work for almost two weeks

- Started work on Aragon Foundation/ Aragon One transition plan (ensuring clean compartmentalization where necessary)

- Started work on AGP-0 draft

- Hackathon prep and wind-down

- Worked on AGP-0
- Started a few blog post drafts
- Recurring community tasks

@maria (Maria Gomez, Strategy & Operations):

- Worked on the nest program: we have some new projects in the pipeline and announced the new teams 😍

- Worked on other tasks related to ecosystem development

- Supported the AragonDAC team on some management topics

- Reviewed proposals, applications and talked to potential applicants to the Nest program. Started the onboarding process of the newest Nest team that will work on a sybil-resistant anonymous identity solution (BrightID) 😍 and Co-authored the post on updates from the Nest teams #1 🤓with @tatu👆

- Worked on key metrics to start tracking for the nest program

- Other tasks related to Ecosystem development

@bpierre (Pierre Bertet, UI & Interaction Developer):

- Getting the permissions app complete & polished

@alexa (Alexa Weaver, Operations Assistant):

- Payments to Service Providers/etc and Sponsorships.

- Booked travel for team members for upcoming events

- Helping with Legal/banking

-Trials of new travel apps, and accounting applications

- Nest Payments and Payment for ETHBerlin Sponsorship, Lawyers/etc.

- Travel Logistics

- Update transactions on

- Helping with Banking/Legal

- Debugging my work days with Toggl ! (c/o

Social encounters

Aragon Q2 2018 Transparency Report: A recap of what has been going on with Aragon during Q2 2018.

Aragon Monthly Issue 07: The latest issue of the community curated digital newspaper about DAOs, decentralized governance and the Aragon ecosystem.

Aragon 24h Hackathon at San Francisco on 18 August 2018 — Cancelled: “We were hoping to fly out more devs for the event, but preparing for @ETHBerlin and focusing on improving Aragon Core for a later Mainnet release are our main priorities”.

Head of Design, Jouni Helminen, speaks at The Ethfinex Blockchain Meet-up on 22 August 2018.

A series on personal productivity by Luis Cuende (Cofounder of Aragon Project, CEO of Aragon One): Tips and tricks on how to increase work output while being healthy and happy.

Harberger Taxation and Open Source: A novel approach to creating a self-sustainable digital commons by Luke Duncan, Research at Aragon One in 1Hive blog.

Luke Duncan — research lead from the Aragon Project is the fourth adviser for the First Conference on Distributed Governance (Athenes, 7th — 9th of December 2018) alongside with Vlad Zamfir, Andy Tudhope from Status and Lane Rettig from the EIP0 initiative.


Token holders and the number of transactions dynamics (from

Aragon Nest: Second round of grants. New teams awarded funding:

  • ZK Labs — Scalable & Private Voting through Bilinear Pairings.
  • Giveth — Giveth DApp Completion facilitating Aragon DAC.
  • Espresso | Datastore + Aragon Drive App — aragonOS-compatible encrypted datastore.
  • DAppNode.

Aragon Nest: Updates from the teams #1:

  • That Planning Tab Suite| Open source incentivization app.
  • Pando | Open source incentivization app.
  • Gnarly | Optimistic UI for Blockchain Interfaces.
  • Frame | OS-level Signing Provider.
  • Prysmatic Labs | Ethereum 2.0 Sharding Client.

ANT added to Paradex.

ANT is available for trading now on SimpleSwap.

ANT is fully exchangeable on the Switchain Instant Platform.


The Architect Release

Alpha: April 2018

Bug bounty (mainnet): From May 2017 to July 2018

Beta (mainnet): August 2018

Chris Remus — @chris-remus — Product Manager, Aragon One Team (in Aragon chat, 17th August, 2018): “We’re in the process of updating our roadmap. It’s one of my top priorities at the moment. We’ll be communicating updates as we have them. The general approach will be to keep the community updated on progress and our intended direction. We won’t be communicating hard dates, similar to many projects in the space. Our experience is communicating hard dates often has the inverse effect of their intention, by creating more confusion, rather than adding clarity”.

Thoughts on Aragon Core roadmap by Luis Cuende (CEO at Aragon One).

Partnerships and team members

Aragon and Harbour Protocol are working together:

Dean Eigenmann — @DeanEigenmann (Founder of Harbour Protocol): “@izqui9 and I have finally started working on the @HarbourProtocol and @AragonProject bridge, allowing for Harbour voting in Aragon organizations”.

Rumors — Questions after reading the Last WhitePaper.

An Update & FAQ on the district0x Survey & Polls for Meme Factory (Powered by Aragon).

Social media activity

Social media activity

Twitter — average number of retweets is 10–15 for one post.

The number of Reddit threads’ comments are: 1–15.

Aragon chat — active discussions on development and development help.

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