Cøsmos Network: Wasmd is live, ICF Funding Program 2019 recap, Highlighting Organizations in the ecosystem, Community Contributor Grants, Tendermint to run a node on the Torus Network

Published in
21 min readFeb 25, 2020

Biweekly update 11th February — 25th February

Welcome, Astronauts, to the Cøsmos biweekly! It’s time to check out the ecosystem events, the progress of existing projects and community conversations!
Last week, IBC working group call open to teams and developers interested in the progress and contributing to the protocol took place. IBC demo is currently being debugged. Gaia v2.0.6 release is out. It includes the Cosmos SDK version bumped to v0.37.7 together with some minor event fixes. Check them out!
Wasmd, a Cosmos SDK based blockchain application that supports CosmWasm contracts, released. The base of the code is forked from Cosmos Hub’s Gaia with the addition of one module, x/wasm that adds smart contract support. Since December a number of people have run this application in local dev-nets, but it was not stable enough to use as an import, since it was based on Cosmos SDK master branch. The team released v0.6.0 of wasmd, which is based on the just-released v0.38.1 Cosmos SDK. This means that any chain with their own application updated to the newest release can simply import x/wasm and with a few lines in app.go enable smart contracts on their custom blockchain.
These weeks, Tendermint Inc. was joining other key ecosystem stakeholders in running a node on the Torus Network. Together with Binance, ENS, Etherscan, Matic Network, Skale, Zilliqa, and Ontology, they will be running a validator node that operates Torus’ Distributed Key Generation, Proactive Secret Sharing and Key Assignment protocol.
The Interchain Foundation R&D team becomes Informal Systems bringing verifiability to distributed systems. The ICF has been hard at work on the funding program, they present details on the teams and projects that they have funded in Cosmos ecosystem in 2019. Take a look at all the amazing projects coming to fruition!
In light of ongoing speculation about the internals of Tendermint Inc, the team has issued a statement detailing the current state of affairs. Read it in our report below.
The Cosmos ecosystem is booming! A lot has happened since the last issue! Enigma mainnet based on Cosmos SDK was launched. Althea Network will implement Peggy to its Cosmos test chain. Check out Althea’s latest community call below. Learn how to integrate Cosmos SDK bank tokens and smart contract tokens into IOV’s secure multichain wallet and browser extension. IOV opened the pre-registration of premium starnames to everyone Right-pointing double triangle. GDAC launches LUNA GROW, a staking product built on Terra. Commercio Network announced the start of the dev of Sacco & Commercio SDK in C#. Everett Protocol team attended SBC2020. Akash Network new collaboration with Vitwit announced. Ecoag Partners and Regen Network discussed a pilot program for a landscape-scale regeneration economy. Cosmos India started the College Community Program on Feb 15 with NMIT Bangalore being the first college in the program. Read the second blog presents the 1st IBC transaction done by the Persistence team in late 2018. Cryptium Labs updated website. e-Money presale has started. And the launch of the e-Money Cosmos zone is scheduled for the end of March, bringing EUR, CHF, NOK, SEK and DKK to the interchain ecosystem. The FOAM team publicly announced the release of Kepler, the official Haskell language SDK for building blockchain applications backed by the Tendermint consensus engine. Forbole updated their list of Cosmos validators. IRISnet biweekly development update was published. Binance now supports deposits and withdrawals for KAVA Mainnet. Chorus One is now live as a new Chainlink node operator. THORChain weekly development update was published. Check out Loom Universe biweekly highlights. Moreover, LOOM is now available for trading on Coinbase Pro in New York. Band Protocol launches Wenchang testnet, the alpha release of their Cosmos-based blockchain for data requests and payments. Regen Network Community Development Call from February 19th is now live on YouTube and transcribed in the Regen Network Blog. In the latest Planetary Regeneration Podcast episode, Gregory interviews Daniel Christian Wahl, the author of Designing Regenerative Cultures. Playlist of videos on Cyber’s roadmap, workshops and future plans is now out. Moreover, Cosmos unofficial Discord channel is growing by the day!
As for the social side, last week, the Cosmos team attended EthereumDenver. NEAR Protocol podcast episode with Zaki Manian discussing the technical aspects of the connected blockchain ecosystem was published. Moreover, a recap of an excellent Kava / Sunny Aggarwal AMA now available. Brian Kerr, Co-Founder and CEO of Kava Labs joined the End of the Chain podcast with host Samuel McCulloch to discuss cross-blockchain liquidity provisions. Brian makes a great argument for why instead of protocol maximalism, we should all be “liquidity maximalists”. He also talked about KAVA rollout strategy and partnership with Bitrue Exchange. In the latest Chorus One podcast episode, Meher and Felix are joined by Emre Tekisalp, director of BD, and Brad Cohn, strategy & operations from the O(1) Labs team to discuss Coda’s approach to building a new blockchain platform.
Until next time Cosmonauts, keep shipping!


Github metrics:

IBC working group call [February 13th 2020]

IBC working group call open to teams and developers interested in the progress and contributing to the protocol

IBC demo is currently being debugged. Follow the progress here:

Gaia v2.0.6 release is out:

Eth Denver Cosmos Burner Chain

Announcing Wasmd Release:

CosmWasm is a new smart contracting system built upon the Cosmos SDK. The team announced the general release of the Rust contract system in December, along with extended developer information. This was well received and since then over 50 developers have entered their Telegram group and a number have built out contracts using the CosmWasm framework. This has lead to a number of improvements in the smart contract framework as a whole, but especially in the blockchain integration.

Wasmd is a Cosmos SDK based blockchain application that supports CosmWasm contracts. The base of the code is forked from Cosmos Hub’s gaia with the addition of one module, x/wasm that adds smart contract support. Since December a number of people have run this application in local dev-nets, but it was not stable enough to use as an import, since it was based on Cosmos SDK master branch. Now the team is releasing v0.6.0 of wasmd, which is based on the just-released v0.38.1 Cosmos SDK. This means that any chain with their own application updated to the newest release can simply import x/wasm and with a few lines in app.go enable smart contracts on their custom blockchain.

You can check out wasmd today and run through the tutorial to get a feel of how it works. The binaries are also available as a docker image which is designed for local testing (not production-ready). If you do integrate it with your zone, please let the authors know, so they can add you to a list of chains supporting CosmWasm.

Going Full Stack

That’s right, a full-featured TypeScript SDK. For all you frontend devs struggling with integrations with your Cosmos SDK applications, the team is delivering. They have a powerful, but easy-to-use TypeScript interface for queries, signing, and posting transactions on a wasmd based chain. This is still in development, and they will be making an bigger announcement next week when there are some good examples with webapps. Currently, the best demo is using this in a Node.js CLI tool.

Public Network

Along with this release, the team will be rolling out a first demo-net. This is not anything big and fancy, but rather a simple endpoint where multiple developer and projects can all upload their contracts and use as a backend for their frontend apps. The point is to make it easy for anyone to do a live demo of their CosmWasm dApp on a blockchain. To provide a basis for collaboration and exploration. Stay tuned, it should be coming later this week.

A big thanks for the ICF for the grant funding to turn CosmWasm from a hackatom demo into a functioning product.

CosmWasm for multi-chain smart contracts

Get started now writing smart contracts in RUST and easily add CosmWasm smart contracting support on a Cosmos chain, without adjusting existing logic. CosmWasm is under active development and will benefit from updates like the Cosmos SDK and IBC. Check out the introductory blog post and join the Telegram group. If you want to go more in-depth, watch the tutorial videos:

CosmWasm: editing Smart Contracts

Part one | Part two

CosmWasm by Ethan Frey, new js-CLI demo:

Adding CosmWasm to the Neuma multichain wallet:

How to integrate Cosmos SDK bank tokens & smart contract tokens into IOV’s secure multichain wallet and browser extension

In previous tutorials and example videos, the team mainly focused on building contracts as well as deployment and interaction using Go command line that is common tooling in the Cosmos ecosystem. However, your powerful contracts deserve a beautiful frontend to show them to your users. Now they demonstrate their progress in building the reusable frontend library CosmWasm JS, which aims to make life easier for all frontend developers in the Cosmos ecosystem.

CosmWasm provides a Turing-complete execution environment capable of many programs, but for demos they will focus on the most well-known token contract: ERC20. The team previously ported the ERC20 interface to CosmWasm and today they will show how they use this contract inside a wallet.

Instead of building yet another wallet, the team integrated with IOV’s multi-chain wallet Neuma. Neuma is a browser extension and a web wallet with multichain support based on Blockchain Communication Protocol (BCP). One of the packages in CosmWasm JS is @cosmwasm/bcp, an implementation of BCP, which allows to plug into this applications (and others) easily.

In this article, the team shows how they integrated CosmWasm JS into Neuma, and then shows a fully functioning solution that can show your balance and securely transfer tokens deployed as smart contracts on a CosmWasm based blockchain. This doesn’t just work for their canonical ERC20 token contract, but any other CosmWasm contract that implemements the same interface.

Awareness and social encounters

NEAR Protocol Zaki Manian discussing the technical aspects of the connected blockchain ecosystem:

Past, Present, and Future of R&D at the ICF: Introducing Informal Systems:

The ICF R&D team becomes Informal Systems bringing verifiability to distributed systems.

An Update About the State of All in Bits Inc (DBA Tendermint Inc):

Decentralization, permissionless computing, and trustless systems are keystone to the global cryptocurrency movement. In the same vein, those core tenets are keystone to Tendermint Inc’s (as in, All in Bits) organizational policy. Adopting such policy paves the way towards resilient, redundant, and more productive ecosystems as the network evolves into an Interchain. To better enable the Cosmos Network to proliferate and make progress without risk of running into bottlenecks (halting), the team at Tendermint Inc must necessarily undergo needed restructuring. The following update outlines the high-level details of what will be restructured:

A Refocus on Engineering

Because they recognize the extraordinary talent of the protocol engineers and researchers at Tendermint Inc, autonomy and free agency will serve to empower them to continue to ship and improve the infrastructure that powers Cosmos. To this aim, Tendermint Inc will part ways with its IBC and Tendermint Core teams as they start a new, independent Berlin-based GmbH, with the support and sponsorship from the Interchain Foundation (ICF).

What does this mean for IBC?

The team is incredibly proud of what their engineers have accomplished in the past year in specifying, prototyping, and implementing IBC.

Christopher Goes and his work as the lead IBC researcher and spec deployer has been an invaluable contributor to the Cosmos ecosystem. They thank Federico Kunze for his work as one of the core implementers of the IBC protocol, Callum Waters for his work on the relayer algorithm, and Joon who contributed to the first MVP of IBC as well as to the the Interchain Standards.

It is with bittersweetness to say that this team will be parting ways with Tendermint Inc to work on IBC under the new GmbH entity.

They’re looking forward to seeing this engineering-focused team deliver the IBC implementation and they are more than excited to support them in launching it on the Cosmos Hub. The team will continue to coordinate with the new team and communicate updates to the greater Cosmos community.

What does this mean for Tendermint Core?

Tendermint Core is the realization of a vision that Jae Kwon had in 2014. By the time Tendermint Inc hired its 4th employee, a soft-spoken p2p engineer from Russia, Tendermint Core hit the ground running on its way to becoming the gold standard of Proof-of-Stake. It is with bittersweetness to say goodbye to the unsung hero of Tendermint Core, Anton Kaliaev, who, along with Tess Rinearson and Erik Grinaker, who will continue to maintain Tendermint Core under the new GmbH entity.

Other longstanding Tendermint Inc employees who have been core contributors to the ecosystem who will be operating under the newly established GmbH entity include: billy rennekamp, developer relations extraordinaire and their “human peg” to the Ethereum ecosystem and Anna Harbaum, German logistics & accounting maestro.

1st Non-standard IBC Transaction Executed by Persistence (2/2):

This is a two-blog series highlighting how Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) Protocol is relevant for Enterprise use-cases.

The first blog introduced IBC and went into detail about how IBC will be used at the Persistence Hub (Enterprise Hub of Cosmos) level. The second blog presents the 1st IBC transaction done by the Persistence team in late 2018.

February 12th, 2020: EthDenver

A decentralized data marketplace for IoT and robots on Ethermint. The winner of Ethereum Denver:


The Interchain Foundation (ICF) raised $17 million in April 2017 to shepherd the development of the Cosmos network.

“To date, we still have over 1,400 BTC, over 50,000 ETH and just over 20 million ATOMs in the treasury,” ICF director Arianne Flemming says.

At today’s prices, that’s worth over $104 million. And that’s even after the nonprofit deployed $25 million in capital to fund over 50 projects.

Cosmos validators


Information from Mintscan.io:

Top 10 validators:

Validator Chat

Validator Forum

Cosmos Markets

Information from Coinmarketcap.com:

Information from Coinlib.io:


Tendermint 2020 Roadmap:

The Tendermint Core team has decided to share its goals and roadmap for 2020. What follows is a list of their objectives for the year, organized around four high-level goals, which are themselves ordered by approximate priority. However, the team plans to tackle pieces of each of these goals concurrently.

This list is ambitious: It is possible, even likely, that there’s more outlined here than they can achieve in a year. If you are interested in helping the team reach these goals, they’ll be opening up a few new positions soon.

Goal 1: Increase the number of people who can make substantive contributions to Tendermint Core

Goal 2: Ship features and fixes which help Tendermint Core retain its market-leading position

Goal 3: Improve the developer- and user-experience for projects that use Tendermint Core

Goal 4: Expand and curate the number of technologies that can be integrated with Tendermint Core

If you have questions, ideas, or would like to contribute, please open an issue or join Tendermint developer forum.

Cosmos Hub Roadmap:

Governance Milestones

The following milestones will require voting by on-chain governance.

Proposal: Atom Transfers

2019–04–10 An upgrade proposal may be created on the Cosmos Hub to allow ATOM to be transferred to other Cosmos addresses. Read more »

Proposal Passed: Atom Transfers

2019–04–17 Success! The proposal to allow ATOM to be transferred to other Cosmos addresses passes.

Proposal: IBC

future TBD

An upgrade proposal may be created on the Cosmos Hub to add support for IBC, the Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol. IBC will allow other Cosmos SDK-based blockchains to connect to the Hub. Read more »

Proposal Passed: IBC

future TBD

Success! The Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol is now supported by the Cosmos Hub. The IBC standard will allow blockchains that support it to connect.

Community Governance

future TBD

At this point, the critical features of the Cosmos Hub has been activated by the community of Atom holders. Further governance of the network and upgrades to the software or blockchain state are left to the community. Read more »

IBC Implementation

Past due by 20 days 73% complete:


ICF Funding Program: 2019 Year in Review:

The Interchain Foundation (ICF) runs a general-purpose funding program to fund projects that advance the ICF’s mission of supporting open, decentralized networks. In 2019, they ramped up the program significantly. They put out four Requests for Proposals aligned with their primary focus of “Expanding Environments”, and a separate RFP for a “General Application” to improve information aggregation about network validators. The IFC continued to fund projects outside of these specific RFPs, though most of the funded engineering projects have sufficient overlap with an RFP category. A number of community and social good efforts were also funded in 2019.

In this post, the authors review the projects funded in 2019, the reasons for funding each project, where you can find information about their progress, and what’s next in 2020. A full list of projects funded, including those from earlier years, can be found on Github.

Highlighting Organizations in the Cosmos Ecosystem:

The ICF has funded a wide diversity of organizations in the Cosmos ecosystem to help deliver on its mission (see our 2019 Year in Review). While All in Bits has been the largest recipient of funding in its service as an anchor in the Cosmos, over the course of 2019, many entities took on significant leadership-roles and responsibilities for different components of the technology and the community. Now, as All in Bits undergoes organizational restructuring, it’s worth recognizing the diversity and resilience of the Cosmos ecosystem.

For some entities, the ICF constitutes a significant amount of their current funding, and they’re excited to see them taking steps towards longer term sustainability and sources of funding outside the ICF. For others, the ICF has contributed only a small amount of their total funding, but they are nonetheless taking on important leadership roles within the community. In both cases, the ICF is interested in seeing these entities, and many others, achieve long term financial sustainability, whether in the form of a traditional technology company, a new public Proof-of-Stake blockchain with its own self-sustaining economics, or some other form of novel business structure.

In this post, the authors highlights a few of these independent leaders in the Cosmos community, what they are up to, and how they are financed.

· Agoric

· Regen

· Lunie

· Figment

· Chorus One

· Other Organizations

Of course, there are many more amazing independent organizations making significant contributions to the Cosmos ecosystem — too many to detail in a single post. They’ve highlighted some of the most prominent ones playing a leading role in the current and future evolution of the Cosmos Hub. In the future the IFC hopes to profile many others, to shine further light on the true extent of decentralization and sustainability in the Cosmos. These include teams from IrisNet, BHarvest, Forbole, Binance, Commercio, Persistence, Certus One, Cosmostation, and so many more, all of whom have made major contributions to the core Cosmos software, protocols, tools, and/or community. Some of these teams are mentioned explicitly in reviews of the funding program, or in the ICF’s official funding program repository, but many others have never received funding from the ICF, and yet continue to make major contributions to the ecosystem.

The team is also excited about upcoming developments pertaining to the engineering teams at All in Bits and the Interchain Foundation, some of which have been in the works for months. More details are coming soon!


Cosmos Community Contributor Grants:

Check out the Cosmos Community Contributors, recognized to have run local meetups, built visualizers or made translations.

These weeks updates:

Akash Network:

Akash new collaboration with Vitwit:

Althea Network:

Althea Development Update #82: Direct router deposit with Wyre!: With the new Beta 11 release users can now use the Wyre widget to buy and send funds directly to their router.

The team has been dreaming about a system like this for a very long time. While Wyre pay isn’t available in every state or region where it is available users won’t have to navigate Coinbase any longer.

The process of buying and then withdrawing to the router was essentailly the largest usability barrier.


Launch of the e-Money Cosmos zone is scheduled for the end of March, bringing EUR, CHF, NOK, SEK and DKK to the interchain ecosystem.

e-Money presale has started.





Binance now supports Deposits and Withdrawals for KAVA Mainnet!

FinNexus Hosts Kava Labs’ Aaron Choi in its Weekly Chat (2/17/20): All About the KAVA token and the Future of DeFi.

Brian Kerr, CEO of Kava Labs joins the End of the Chain podcast with host Samuel McCulloch to discuss cross blockchain liquidity provisions. Brian Kerr, Co-Founder and CEO of Kava Labs joins the End of the Chain podcast with host Samuel McCulloch to discuss cross blockchain liquidity provisions. Brian makes a great argument for why instead of protocol maximalism, we should all be “liquidity maximalists”.

Brian Kerr, Kava Labs CEO, talk about KAVA rollout strategy and partnership with Bitrue Exchange:

Recap of an excellent Kava / Sunny Aggarwal AMA now available:


Kin Ko talk on LikeCoin latest developments and concepts: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0QwCW1ZYjEm4kWjEHjDaKB?si=DE5GBwBQTXatpijdii9FnQ

Loom Network:

LOOM is now available for trading on Coinbase Pro in New York:

Regen Network:

Community Development Call from Feb. 19th is now live on YouTube and transcribed in the Regen Network Blog:

Planetary Regeneration Podcast | Episode 4: Daniel Christian Wahl: In this episode, Gregory interviews Daniel Christian Wahl, the author of Designing Regenerative Cultures.





Band Protocol launches Wenchang testnet, the alpha release of their Cosmos-based blockchain for data requests & payments.

The FOAM team publicly announced the release of Kepler, the official Haskell language SDK for building blockchain applications backed by the Tendermint consensus engine.

Cosmos India started the College Community Program on Feb 15 with NMIT Bangalore being the first college in the program:

Commercio Network announces the start of the dev of Sacco & CommercioSDK in C#:

Cryptium Labs updated website:

Desmosprimer phase 2 is ending soon. Get your DesmosTokens: https://primer.desmos.network

Cosmonauts World new additions to Cosmos ecosystem https://cosmonauts.world

Playlist of videos on Cyber’s roadmap, workshops & future plans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMUatLPfNJM&list=PLOcP3DXQoNUXmh7ob0Fm6p12L20zn0zbT

Chorus One:

Chorus One is now live as a new Chainlink node operator:

32 Coda: Sound Money and SNARKs with Emre Tekisalp and Brad Cohn: While most other upcoming smart contract platforms seem to have identified throughput as the major bottleneck for why blockchains haven’t found mass adoption yet, Coda has focused on a different part of the stack that they perceive to be a much more important issue plaguing blockchain, which is how long it takes for new participants to verify the blockchain. Coda is using recursive zk-SNARK technology which enables them to create a constant-sized blockchain, making it really easy for clients to verify the correctness of the ledger.

In this episode, Meher and Felix are joined by Emre Tekisalp, director of BD, and Brad Cohn, strategy & operations from the O(1) Labs team to discuss Coda’s approach to building a new blockchain platform. The podcast starts out going into the background of the two, a high-level overview of Coda follows and we discuss what Coda’s unique design enables and cover the go-to-market strategy of the project. From there the discussion leads us to discuss monetary policy and the implications of taxes on Proof-of-Stake networks. After this quick detour, they get back to discussing how the Coda protocol technically works leading to an extensive celebration of zk-SNARK technology during which Brad and Emre explain the progress in the field and why zk-SNARKs are so exciting. Finally, they wrap up the episode with some information on Coda’s Genesis testnet program.

Built with the Cosmos SDK

Projects that are actively building on the Cosmos ecosystem

Akash Network

Akash is the world’s first super cloud for serverless computing, empowering the architects and builders of the internet with greater access, freedom, and efficiency. Announcement » Infrastructure

Binance Chain

Binance Chain is developed by Binance and its community as the basis for a decentralized exchange. Binance is considered the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the world in terms of trading volume. Announcement » DEX


e-Money is the leading European provider of currency-backed stablecoins. The stablecoins are interest bearing and protected by an insolvency fund, which makes them unique in today’s market. Infrastructure Enterprise Stablecoin


IOV a universal protocol between blockchains and wallet users, is making it possible to send, receive and exchange any cryptocurrency from a single address of value. Wallet Name Service


IRISnet is designed to be the foundation for next generation distributed business applications. It is a BPoS blockchain, built with Cosmos-SDK, that enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model. Announcement » Enterprise


Kava is the world’s first Interledger solutions provider bringing blockchains, wallets, and exchanges the interoperability and liquidity of the Interledger. Announcement » Infrastructure

Lino Network

Lino is a decentralized autonomous content economy to determine its value and incentivize contributors in a more direct and effective manner. Announcement » Social


Loom is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that includes a network of DPoS sidechains for highly-scalable games and user-facing DApps. Announcement » Games


Playlist is a project aimed at tokenizing the music industry with their PLAY Protocol. Social

Regen Network

Regen Network is a global community and platform focused on ecological monitoring and regeneration. Announcement » Agriculture


Sentinel Network is a network layer that enables a true p2p and decentralized Applications & Resources marketplace. Announcement » Infrastructure


A price-stable cryptocurrency designed for mass adoption. They are building financial infrastructure for the next generation of decentralized applications. Announcement » Stablecoin Infrastructure


TruStory is a building a social network for experts to identify what information is true and what isn’t in return for tokens. Announcement » Social

Check out the Full list of projects in Cosmos & Tendermint Ecosystem.

Partnerships and team members

Torus — Seamless Key Management Built on Tendermint BFT:

Tendermint Inc. is joining other key ecosystem stakeholders in running a node on the Torus Network. Together with Binance, ENS, Etherscan, Matic Network, Skale, Zilliqa, and Ontology, they will be running a validator node that operates Torus’ Distributed Key Generation, Proactive Secret Sharing and Key Assignment protocol.

Why Torus?

Torus is a distributed key management system that lets users log into dApps in a single step through their Google, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, or Twitch accounts. Users are also able to resolve public keys/addresses from ENS Domains, Google (Gmail or GSuite) emails, Reddit usernames, and Discord IDs, regardless of whether the user has logged into Torus.

On the backend, the keys are generated in a distributed manner via Distributed Key Generation, built on Shamir’s Secret Sharing, amongst the network of the selected node operators and reconstructed when successfully authenticated on an integrity checked front-end javascript session, the key is erased once the tab is closed.

Mainstream Blockchain Adoption

Collectively, the Torus Network strives to establish a key management platform that will empower billions of people to leverage the benefits of blockchain technology without struggling with the usability associated with it. With seamless onboarding processes that users are familiar with, we’re excited to be onboard and contribute efforts to increase adoption within this space.

In tandem, Torus is actively working towards integrations with the account model in Cosmos SDK which will allow other ABCI apps using Tendermint to leverage the system. Find out more here.

Cosmos is hiring! See the latest job openings here.


Social media metrics

Social media activity:

Social media dynamics:

Cosmos community continues to grow. There is a slight increase in the number of subscribers of Cosmos social media channels these weeks.

See also Cosmos forum and Matrix/Riot Chat.

Check out Interchain Foundation Twitter.

There are also Community-managed Channels. These channels are managed entirely by members of the Cosmos community and do not represent official Cosmos or ICF announcements.


Twitter Cosmos China

Twitter Cosmos Korea

Twitter Cosmos Japan

Cosmos Validator Working Group

Cosmos unofficial discord channel is growing by the day:

There is strong stable growth in Cosmos community over time. The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Cosmos Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

This is not financial advice.

Subscribe to detailed companies’ updates by Paradigm!

Medium. Twitter. Telegram. Reddit.

