DAOs: Aave considers real-world assets, Nouns cancels proposal to upgrade, Gitcoin announces collab with Shell, Compound to renew grant program, Tornado Cash developers indicted, Aribtrum debates giving Foundation more agency, Decentraland’s Code of Ethics, and more!

Published in
22 min readAug 25, 2023

Biweekly report on decentralized autonomous organizations vol.41, 10th August — 25th August


  • Aave considers real-world assets. wGHO Aave V3 Onboarding proposal passed. Discussion on the further decentralising the Aave Grants DAO
  • Safe issues whitepaper for Safe{Core} Protocol. Covariance proposes an ecosystem support organization that collaborates with the SEF Grants team
  • Compound’s proposals 171–174 passed, 175 failed. Compound looks to renew the CGP 2.0. Compound v2 Deprecation Strategy discussion
  • Gitcoin announces collab with Shell, firestorm follows. Gitcoin Partnerships Council discussion
  • Aribtrum debates giving Foundation more agency. Governance Parameter Fixes proposal identifies and suggests remedies for three issues within the Arbitrum One Governance system
  • Tornado Cash developers indicted
  • Nouns cancels proposal to upgrade due to possible vulnerability
  • SuperRare to deploy RARE staking on mainnet
  • Balancer’s Change Passive Fee Distribution suggests modifying the passive protocol fees payment method
  • KlimaDAO to advance its governance framework by integrating Gitcoin Passports for Sybil Resistance and Snapshot’s Quadratic Voting feature
  • Aragon launched its no-code Aragon app and modular Aragon OSx on Coinbase’s Base network
  • Decentraland’s Code of Ethics
  • Aura’s Reducing Minimum Voting Weight proposal
  • Silo’s Swap 1m USDC to equivalent LUSD proposal
  • dYdX moves closer to v4 adoption and token migration. The V4 Adoption & DYDX Token Migration to dYdX Chain proposal
  • Frax’s [FIP-278] Acquire CRV with DAO treasury funds
  • Aztec’s [Upgrade Proposal] — Balance of the Force
  • Cosmos’s Request the ICF to add a new mandate post discusses the evolving role of the Cosmos Hub within the Interchain Foundation’s vision
  • CityDAO proposes City Hall in Denver
  • ENS gets a new governance dashboard
  • 1inch: Reduce Governance Quorum to 7m Unicorn Power (UP)
  • ApeCoin considers authorizing a Special Council to issue directives
  • DopeWars’s intellectual property proposal
  • Swap between Redacted DAO and Olympus DAO
  • Illuvium’s peer & self evaluation for Council members proposal
  • Upcoming events on DAOs and Web3
  • Podcasts on DAOs
  • And more!


Blockchain technology is already radically transforming the financial system. However, properties such as trustlessness and immutability aren’t only useful in monetary applications. Another potential application is governance. Blockchains could enable entirely new types of organizations that can run autonomously without the need for coordination by a central entity.

“Instead of a hierarchical structure managed by a set of humans interacting in person and controlling property via the legal system, a decentralized organization involves a set of humans interacting with each other according to a protocol specified in code, and enforced on the blockchain.”Vitalik Buterin

DAO stands for “decentralized autonomous organization” and can be described as an open-source blockchain protocol governed by a set of rules, created by its elected members, that automatically execute certain actions without the need for intermediaries.

In simple terms, a DAO is an organization that is governed by computer code and programs. As such, it has the ability to function autonomously, without the need for a central authority.

Like how DeFi is programmable money and how NFTs are programmable media, DAOs are programmable organizations of people.

DAOs Ecosystem Statistics


Top DAOs

The rating is headed by Arbitrum One and Optimism Collective.


Read on DAOs





wGHO Aave V3 Onboarding: This proposal aims to onboard wGHO, an ERC-20 token wrapper of GHO, as a collateral-only asset in a newly created stablecoin mode within the Aave V3 Ethereum pool. The integration would allow wGHO to be used as collateral for borrowing stablecoins such as USDC, USDT, DAI, and LUSD, thereby facilitating arbitrage and leveraged positions in cases of under-peg GHO situations. The proposal outlines specific parameters for the integration, including a 77% Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio for wGHO and a supply cap of 10 million. The proposal is designed to strengthen the market’s ability to maintain the GHO peg, and if approved by governance, the user interface is invited to abstract the distinction between wGHO and GHO.

Update Aave Snapshot Space: This temp-check from TokenLogic proposes an update to the Aave Snapshot Admin, Author, and Controller addresses due to the current configuration being outdated. It aims to replace inactive admins with active ones, update Authors, and migrate the Snapshot Space to a new space where the Short_Executor indirectly controls it through an intermediate contract.

Further Decentralising the Aave Grants DAO: The proposal seeks to further decentralize the Aave Grants DAO (AGD) by introducing a community election process for the Grants Lead and Reviewers, aiming to enhance the AGD’s accountability and transparency to the Aave Community. The proposal outlines a detailed electoral process, compensation plans for committee members, and suggests the adoption of Questbook, a decentralized grants orchestration tool, to improve transparency in the grant allocation process. Questbook would allow the Aave community to monitor fund allocations, increase accountability, and maintain applicant pseudonymity, with a proposed fee structure based on a percentage of grants disbursed, capped at a maximum amount. The proposal invites community members to participate in a poll to express their sentiments on these changes. Debate about the proposal has been vigorous.

Aave Treasury Proposal for RWA Allocation: The proposal seeks to allocate a segment of the Aave Treasury’s stablecoin holdings to real-world asset (RWA) investments via Centrifuge Prime. This move aims to generate yield from idle stablecoins, diversify collateral sources beyond solely crypto assets, and build expertise in the RWA market; the initial plan includes investing 1M USDC in short-duration US treasuries, potentially expanding up to 20% of Aave’s stablecoin holdings based on future governance decisions. Voting on this offchain proposal ends on August 25th.


👻 Aave Improvement Proposals

Closed proposals


Latest governance topics on governance forum.



CGP 2.0 Updates and Renewal: Questbook proposes to renew the Compound Grants Program (CGP) 2.0 with a budget of $970,000, equivalent to 17,436.7 COMP, spread across three domains for two quarters. The proposal includes a reorganization of funding domains based on past performance and feedback, with a significant portion allocated to the “Dapps and New Protocol Ideas” domain. The proposal also outlines the compensation structure for the grants committee members, who are responsible for sourcing, reviewing, and nurturing proposals, and specifies that unallocated funds will be returned to the treasury at the end of the two quarters. The proposal voting period ended on August 19th.

Compound v2 Deprecation Strategy: In an effort to deprecate the v2 market, Gauntlet has proposed a series of steps to ensure a smooth transition for users to the v3 market. These recommendations include decreasing the v3 utilization kink to 90%, increasing v3 Annual Interest Rate Slope High parameters, allocating v2 rewards to v3 Ethereum USDC suppliers, and increasing v2 stablecoin reserve factors. The goal of these changes is to ensure sufficient borrowable USDC exists in v3 for migrating v2 users and to limit poor user experience for v2 users. Gauntlet is inviting community feedback and has created a poll to gauge community preferences.


Closed proposals


Latest governance topics on governance forum.



Gitcoin announces collab with Shell, firestorm follows: Gitcoin has announced a year-long collaboration with Shell Global Solutions International BV to support the development of open-source climate solutions. This collaboration will include a donation from Shell to the Gitcoin matching fund for the next four Climate Solutions rounds in the Gitcoin Grants Program, and a hackathon in Q4 of this year focused on blockchain-related energy use cases. Predictably, the announcement has prompted a number of strong reactions, especially on Twitter.

Gitcoin co-founder Kevin Owocki shares his perspective in a long tweet that expresses personal disapproval of Shell’s brand and doubts that many will opt into Shell’s funding pool, considering Shell’s contribution to the climate crisis and potential brand damage to Gitcoin. He suggests that Gitcoin should not actively promote Shell’s involvement, and instead, Shell could participate in a less prominent way. Owocki also discusses the inherent challenges of serving diverse community values within Gitcoin’s decentralized architecture, emphasizing the potential for subDAOs to allow different communities to fund projects that align with their values while maintaining a core, neutral protocol. He concludes by acknowledging Gitcoin’s current growing pains but remains optimistic about its path toward meaningful decentralization and its mission to fund public goods projects. Scott Moore has also posted an idea for a Gitcoin Partnerships Council in the forums.

Upgrade to Governor Bravo: Gitcoin has collaborated with ScopeLift to develop, test, and plan the implementation of new on-chain governance contracts for the Gitcoin DAO, built on Open Zeppelin contracts that introduce Governor Bravo functionality. These new contracts include a Flexible Voting extension, which has undergone two audits, and provides a permissionless interface for integration and experimentation through voting contracts, thereby enabling various new use cases such as layer 2 voting and shielded voting. Voting for this on-chain proposal closed on August 16 with nearly 100% in favor of the upgrade.

Gitcoin Partnerships Council: In this post, Scott Moore expresses concern that Gitcoin, which started as a simple idea to help open-source developers get paid and has evolved into a global movement around community-first funding, is not effectively listening to key community members such as grantees, donors, and funders. The author proposes the creation of a partnerships council, composed of key opinion leaders in the Ethereum ecosystem, which would review and have the right to veto partners contributing to a Gitcoin-branded round, aiming to avoid backlash and engage an increasingly disenchanted base of supporters, while continuing to work towards building permissionless, open tooling. The discussion has been very active.


There were no active proposals these weeks.


To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



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Closed proposals


To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

Upcoming Events

September 1–3: Ethcon Korea
September 4–10: Korea Blockchain Week
September 6–7: Nordic Blockchain Conference
September 13–14: Token2049, Singapore
September 19–20: DCENTRAL Tokyo


Tornado Cash developers indicted: Roman Storm and Roman Semenov have been indicted on charges related to their alleged creation and operation of Tornado Cash, the cryptocurrency mixer service. The U.S. authorities claim that this service facilitated more than $1 billion in money laundering transactions, including hundreds of millions for the Lazarus Group, a North Korean cybercrime organization under sanctions. Both Semenov and Storm face multiple charges, including conspiracy to commit money laundering and sanctions violations, which carry potential prison sentences upon conviction. As Coin Center’s Peter Van Valkenberg writes, however, the indictments “seem to run counter to FinCEN guidance.” While the indictment contends that Semenov and Storm engaged in the business of transferring funds for the public without FinCEN registration, the 2019 FinCEN Virtual Currency Guidance states that anonymizing software providers are not considered money transmitters. The activities attributed to the defendants, such as web hosting and software repository services, seem to align more with the provision of software tools, rather than actual money transmission as per FinCEN’s guidance. Van Valkenburg writes that the case “could potentially criminalize the publication of software code.”

SuperRare: Proposal to Deploy Rare Protocol to Ethereum Mainnet: Following the successful RARE Staking testing on the Goerli testnet, Brennan Mulligan and Charles Crain, from SuperRare Labs, propose the deployment of the protocol to the Ethereum mainnet with the DAO Council assuming ownership of all associated contracts. Additionally, a modification will be made to the Bazaar so that 1% of every sale, out of the existing 3% network fee, is directed to the seller’s rarity pool (if present), and the unstake burn fee will be set to 0% to monitor potential exploitation in a real environment. The proposal passed on August 23rd with nearly 100% voting “yes.”

1inch: Reduce Governance Quorum to 7m Unicorn Power (UP): The [1IP-26] proposal altered the calculation of the 1inch Governance Power by replacing the previous 20% weighted v1INCH strategy with a new strategy that mimics the power decay of Unicorn Power. This change inadvertently made reaching the quorum for 1inch proposals more challenging due to the governance power decay. Consequently, this new proposal recommended reducing the 1inch Snapshot space quorum from 10M UP to 7M UP.

Arbitrum: Arbitrum One Governance Parameter Fixes: This proposal identifies and suggests remedies for three issues within the Arbitrum One Governance system. Specifically, it proposes: 1) updating the airdrop distributor fee sweep address to the DAO Treasury’s address after a designated claim period, 2) adjusting sequencer gas fee reimbursement parameters to reflect accurate system costs, and 3) rectifying a bug in the L1 Core Governance Timelock to enable smoother L1 to L2 operations. These fixes, after undergoing an audit by Trail of Bits, are implemented in the Governance Action contracts and are available for community verification. Onchain voting opens on August 24th.

Arbitrum: Quit Shooting the DAO/Foundation in the foot: This forum discussion revolves around concerns regarding the governance and decision-making processes of the Arbitrum DAO. The main points raised include the DAO’s perceived inaction and over-reliance on a few key delegates, the need for more effective incentives to grow the ecosystem, and the potential benefits of giving the Foundation more agency. Some participants suggest refining processes, while others emphasize the importance of maintaining decentralization and avoiding centralization. The discussion also touches on the roles of specific delegates and the potential conflicts of interest in grant frameworks.

Balancer: Change Passive Fee Distribution: This proposal suggests modifying the passive protocol fees payment method, transitioning from bbaUSD to USDC due to the recent deprecation of bbaUSD. The change, set to commence on August 31st, requires operational adjustments by Maxis, but no onchain execution. Voting opens on August 24th.

Aura: Reducing Minimum Voting Weight: Aura Finance contributors have proposed an amendment to the governance parameters to lower the minimum voting requirement for gauges from the current 0.2% of vlAURA votes to 0.1%. This change aims to increase participation, promote decentralization, and support the protocol’s growth by allowing more stakeholders to contribute to governance decisions; a voting session on this proposal will be initiated following a three-day discussion period on the forum.

Aztec: The Return of The Jedi: In a collaborative proposal with @cooper-aztecLabs, a hybrid approach is introduced, combining elements from non-governance and The Republic. While the proposal champions an immutable state transition function, it grants the Senate the power to alter gas-pricing and the sequencer selection contract, drawing boundaries to ensure the Senate’s authority remains well-defined and limited in scope. The framework aims to provide flexibility for certain network upgrades while safeguarding core system properties, and includes provisions to counteract potential malicious governance actions.

Decentraland: Code of Ethics: The proposal advocates for the establishment of a comprehensive Code of Ethics for the Decentraland DAO to guide participants’ behavior and ensure consistent standards of conduct. This code seeks to foster an inclusive, secure, and accountable environment, addressing principles such as fairness, inclusivity, and conflict resolution, while detailing specific rules of engagement and enforcement mechanisms.

dYdX: V4 Adoption & DYDX Token Migration to dYdX Chain: Wintermute proposes that the dYdX community adopt the upcoming dYdX v4 software as the next version of the dYdX protocol, adopt DYDX as the primary token for the dYdX Chain, and integrate an Ethereum Smart Contract to enable a one-way bridge for the DYDX token migration from Ethereum to the dYdX Chain. If the upcoming Snapshot vote is successful, holders of DYDX tokens are encouraged to delegate their proposing power to Wintermute to facilitate the implementation, while an onchain vote for the wethDYDX governance and utility functions will be shared after the successful Snapshot vote.

Safe: The Missing Piece for Safe Ecosystem Grants Program: Covariance proposes an ecosystem support organization that collaborates with the Safe Ecosystem Foundation (SEF) Grants team to enhance the support for builders and entrepreneurs in the Safe ecosystem. This initiative aims to offer a structured program that provides targeted resources to grantees, facilitating their success, improving user experience, and optimizing the return on grants, with an estimated budget of ~$160K USDC for a six-month period, starting from October 2023.

CityDAO: City Hall: CityDAO is considering the purchase of an office and event space in Denver, Colorado, to serve as its City Hall. The proposed budget for the project is $1.630 million, which includes the property purchase, reserves for property-related expenses, and project costs. The space aims to be a hub for CityDAO citizens, potentially hosting events and co-working opportunities. The decision-making process involves input from CityDAO citizens, with Scott Fitsimones coordinating property-related tasks. The discussion also includes various perspectives on the proposal’s merits, financial considerations, and alternative suggestions.

ENS: DAO Governance Dashboard: Karpatkey has introduced a new ENS DAO Governance Dashboard, built on Dune Analytics, to consolidate and improve the available governance data for the ENS community. The dashboard provides comprehensive metrics on general delegation stats, details about delegates, delegation variations, and information on non-delegated token holders, aiming to enhance transparency and the overall health of protocol governance.

Olympus: Swap between Redacted DAO and Olympus DAO: Olympus DAO proposes a swap of its BTRFLY holdings and future vesting for $3.75 million in gOHM from Redacted DAO. The swap aims to consolidate the Olympus treasury and simplify Redacted’s token structure due to the diverging strategic missions of both protocols. The terms include specific amounts of gOHM and BTRFLY to be exchanged, cancellation of future vesting, and mutual release of claims, with the proposal’s effectiveness contingent upon Redacted governance’s approval.

Nouns cancels proposal to upgrade and allow forking due to possible vulnerability: Nouns proposal 354, which put forward several upgrades including the ability to fork, was the subject of serious debate. The proposal was canceled, however, due to concerns that it would make the protocol vulnerable to attack, as noted by nounders in a tweet: ”Attacker gets 20%, doesn’t fork / Votes against all proposals, buys more Nouns / Gets 40%+, forks 20%, uses remaining 20% to block proposals / Repeat.” A new, identical proposal has been put on-chain, with the proposer claiming that “this prop is a statement of resilience, a pledge that will not be broken or canceled.”

Safe issues whitepaper for Safe{Core} Protocol: Safe has introduced a whitepaper for the Safe{Core} Protocol, a modular and open-source initiative aimed at advancing the transition to smart accounts in the Ethereum ecosystem. The protocol is designed to address the challenges associated with the current user experience of externally owned accounts (EOAs), which are simple but have significant usability issues. The Safe{Core} Protocol seeks to establish a unified standard for smart accounts that is vendor agnostic and promotes interoperability and security. It aims to solve the “wicked problem” of transitioning to smart accounts by addressing fragmentation through standardized modules, avoiding vendor lock-in to maintain account portability, and introducing registries to enhance security. Safe is releasing this whitepaper as an open invitation for community feedback and collaboration to refine the protocol and contribute to its development.

Silo: Swap 1m USDC to equivalent LUSD: This proposal aimed to swap one million USDC to the equivalent amount of LUSD (a decentralized ETH-backed stablecoin from Liquity). The proposed swap aims to reduce centralization risks and support decentralized stablecoin alternatives for the Silo dow. The Silo treasury holds $4.2 million in USDC, a centrally backed stablecoin. Voting ended on August 11th with nearly 100% voting in favor of the swap.

Frax: [FIP-278] Acquire CRV with DAO treasury funds: The FIP proposes the purchase of CRV tokens using 1 million FRAX from the Frax DAO treasury in an effort to strengthen Frax’s role in the DeFi space and enhance liquidity in various FRAX-related pairs. This acquisition opportunity has arisen due to a recent drop in CRV token price following an exploit within the Curve Finance ecosystem. The proposal recommends the OTC purchase of CRV tokens, which will subsequently be staked, with the intention of bolstering Frax’s position within the Curve Finance ecosystem for anticipated growth. The voting period closes on August 17th.

Cosmos: Request the ICF to add a new mandate: The post discusses the evolving role of the Cosmos Hub within the Interchain Foundation’s vision to “fund, steward, and responsibly advance the Cosmos ecosystem.” The author suggests that as the technological aspect of Cosmos reaches maturity, there should be a new mandate added: to “fund, steward, and responsibly advance the Atom Economic Zone.” The author expresses concern that the Cosmos Hub, transitioning to an ‘economic zone,’ may be outclassed by other hubs or economic zones if it does not adapt to the emerging Application Era. The post calls for the Interchain Foundation to play a more significant role in financially supporting teams and chains that work on products synergistic with the Cosmos Hub and its connected chains, beyond the current level of funding, which the author views as unsatisfactory.

KlimaDAO: Progressing KlimaDAO’s Governance Framework: KlimaDAO proposes a six-month governance trial to integrate Gitcoin Passports for Sybil Resistance and Snapshot’s Quadratic Voting feature, aiming to enhance stakeholder influence, engagement, and the resilience of the protocol. The proposal is motivated by the need to progress KlimaDAO’s governance framework to ensure it is scalable, anti-fragile, fair, and transparent, thereby minimizing vulnerabilities and downside risks while maximizing the protocol’s potential as a decentralized tool for environmental commodities markets. After the six-month trial, a vote will be conducted to either ratify or annul the integration, with the decision determining the future governance model of KlimaDAO.

Olympus: Towards a Fully Autonomous Olympus: Following the successful passing of TAP-28, the DAO proposes accelerating the automation of the Olympus protocol and making adjustments to its 2023 projects and current operations. This is aimed at facilitating the launch of Cooler Loans, a strategic initiative designed to protect network value and privatize the risk and reward associated with asset deployment activities. The proposal outlines a six-month path towards full protocol automation and autonomy, which includes the implementation of on-chain governance through a system named Parthenon. By the end of January 2024, the goal is for the protocol to require minimal human intervention, with governance functions activated when a certain threshold of total supply is deposited into the voting contract. The proposal also details the impact of these changes on various ongoing projects, categorizing them as Compatible, Incompatible, or Rescoped based on their alignment with the post-Cooler Loans vision for Olympus.

Illuvium: Peer & Self Evaluation for Council Members: This proposal aimed to introduce a peer and self-evaluation process within the Illuvium DAO to assess the performance of council members, promoting transparency, accountability, and alignment with the DAO’s values. The evaluation will occur twice during the epoch, with council members rating each other in various categories; aggregated scores will be publicly disclosed, and low scores could lead to a Vote of No Confidence process. The proposal passed on August 10th with 100% voting to approve.

Aztec: [Upgrade Proposal] — Balance of the Force: The proposal outlines a framework for upgrades to the Aztec network, aiming to balance social consensus with the ability to quickly resolve issues during the network’s development phase. Initially, a Security Council, composed of eight technical experts elected by token holders, is introduced to oversee upgrades, with the power to veto malicious upgrades and approve timelock overrides for urgent situations. Infrastructure providers play a key role in determining whether an upgrade is implemented, based on community feedback and a default 1000 block timelock that allows users to withdraw funds if they disagree with an upgrade. The proposal envisions phasing out the Security Council three years after the network’s launch, transitioning to a model where upgrades are determined by social consensus among network participants, similar to Ethereum’s EIP process.

RocketPool: Updating of Grants Management Committee: The proposal outlines the establishment and structure of a Grants and Bounties Management Committee (GMC) within the Rocket Pool community, which will handle the distribution of Grants and Bounties, retrospectively and prospectively, from the pDAO budget. The GMC’s role, responsibilities, and processes are defined, including the creation of an administrator role and the protocols for hiring, removal, and replacement of the administrator. Recent changes to the committee’s size, frequency of award rounds, and awards process are also highlighted, emphasizing flexibility, efficiency, and adherence to guiding principles and governance details. Voting on this proposal ended on August 18th.

DopeWars: Intellectual Property: The proposal suggests amending the DOPE DAO Operating Agreement to adopt a more permissive approach to intellectual property. Specifically, it recommends that all DOPE DAO and DopeWars code be licensed under the MIT software license, and all art or media assets be licensed as Creative Commons Zero (CC0), promoting open-source composability and decentralized community-driven purpose, while allowing for unencumbered growth and expansion of the DopeWars ecosystem. The voting period closed on August 11.

ApeCoin: Authorise Special Council to issue Directives for more efficient DAO operation: The proposal aims to streamline the administrative decision-making process within the ApeCoin DAO by authorizing a Special Council to issue Directives for administrative improvements without the need for repetitive AIP (ApeCoin Improvement Proposal) processes.

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That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated!👥 🐼

