DAOs: Ethereum merges, Protocols pause ETH borrowing ahead of the Merge, GitcoinDAO elects Steward Council v2, Synthetix opens Council Elections, Coinbase pitches to MakerDAO, SushiSwap’s Head Chef compensation proposals, Uniswap considers deployment on zkSync and Aurora, KlimaDAO helps draft ‘DAO bill’, Optimism enters Season 2, PoolCollective Governance Committee approved, Bancor’s proposals regarding the Merge failed, and more!



Biweekly report on decentralized autonomous organizations vol.33, 2d September — 16th September


  • Ethereum has successfully merged to Proof-of-Stake. Protocols pause ETH borrowing ahead of the Merge: A proposal to pause ETH borrowing passed on the Aave. Furthermore, a proposal passed in Compound to mitigate merge risks for their v2 ETH market
  • Aave’s AIPs live for Retroactive v3 Funding & Adding stMATIC to Polygon v3. While Llama asks for 2.5M from Aave
  • Aragon DAO sponsors Kyiv Tech Summit. Voting on the proposal to “Honor ESD Commitments” has closed. Proposal on the future of AN DAO governance updated
  • Compound’s proposals 122, 123, 124 executed. Risk Parameter Changes for FEI proposal looks to adjust risk parameters for FEI at Compound. Compound Treasury launches borrowing for institutions
  • Balancer’s BIPs 56–68 closed. Messari presents the new report of Balancer LP annualized
  • MakerDAO Governance reduced the stability fee for WSTETH-B Vaults to 0%. Coinbase has posted a proposal to the MakerDAO forums that would have the DAO deposit 1.6B USDC into Prime — its institutional platform
  • Gitcoin GitcoinDAO elects Steward Council v2. GR15 kicks off and runs until Sept 22.
  • Bancor DAO voted to not take any action regarding the Merge. Bancor Simulator Tutorials is live
  • PoolTogether’s proposal that outlines the creation of the PoolCollective approved. PTIP 81: Extend ETH/POOL LP on Uniswap V2 for 60 days at a rate of 150 POOL per day approved
  • GnosisDAO’s GIPs 61 & 62 approved
  • PieDAO [Epoch-11] MerkleTree Notarization is vali
  • IdleDAO’s IIP-25 Reduce LM for Best Yield and Fund restructured leagues passed
  • Kleros KIP-55: Update Random Number Generator accepted. “How to Build in Web3” course launched
  • LidoDAO’s proposal to enable bridging wstETH to Arbitrum and Optimism approved
  • Protocol Guild are awarded 500 ETH, over 1/3 MolochDAO’s treasury
  • Colony announced Cohort 2 of DAO Club
  • mStable’s TDPs 48, 49 & 50 passed. MCCP 25: Increase Governance Fee Flow to Treasury approved
  • The Nexus Mutual’s proposal 180: Sell the mutual’s ETH PoW assets open for voting
  • Synthetix opens Council Elections. SIP-271: System Wide Suspension — Proof Of Stake approved. SCCP 230 that increase number of serving Ambassadors from three to five passed
  • Uniswap community considering deployment on zkSync and Aurora. Effective accountability for Uniswap governance report is out
  • Yam’s Yam Core Development — Phase #2 proposal declined
  • Index Coop’s IIP-163: Update Investment Account Multisig & Operations Account Multi-Sig approved
  • Hexens engineering team has completed an audit for api3.org.
  • SushiSwap: Head Chef Compensation proposals
  • KlimaDAO engaging with lawmakers in the United States
  • ApeCoin’s AIP-89: Improved Delegation Experience proposal looks to create a more robust and dedicated delegate experience
  • TribeDAO’s controversial TIP-121b: Fuse Hack Payment Process
  • Optimism Kicks Off Season 2. The Governance Fund resumes voting with Voting Cycle #6
  • NFT marketplace Sudoswap unveils governance token and retroactive airdrop
  • Near Protocol forms working group to promote DeFi governance
  • SyndicateDAO launches “Collectives”, their first social networking & community building primitive for web3
  • Active proposals: Compound, Index Coop, MakerDAO, Synthetix, Uniswap
  • New & ongoing discussions: Aave, Balancer, GitcoinDAO, PieDAO, mStable, Yam Finance, Curve, Yearn Finance, Nexus Mutual, LidoDAO, BancorDAO, Akropolis, GnosisDAO, PoolTogether, API3, Idle, KyberDAO, BadgerDAO, Kleros
  • Podcasts on DAOs
  • And more!


Blockchain technology is already radically transforming the financial system. However, properties such as trustlessness and immutability aren’t only useful in monetary applications. Another potential application is governance. Blockchains could enable entirely new types of organizations that can run autonomously without the need for coordination by a central entity.

“Instead of a hierarchical structure managed by a set of humans interacting in person and controlling property via the legal system, a decentralized organization involves a set of humans interacting with each other according to a protocol specified in code, and enforced on the blockchain.”Vitalik Buterin

DAO stands for “decentralized autonomous organization” and can be described as an open-source blockchain protocol governed by a set of rules, created by its elected members, that automatically execute certain actions without the need for intermediaries.

In simple terms, a DAO is an organization that is governed by computer code and programs. As such, it has the ability to function autonomously, without the need for a central authority.

Like how DeFi is programmable money and how NFTs are programmable media, DAOs are programmable organizations of people.

DAOs Ecosystem Statistics


Top DAOs

Like two weeks ago, the rating is headed by Uniswap and BitDAO.


Global stats


Leading DAOs by votes


Read & Listen




Recent blog posts and news

Closed votes


Other discussions


Builder’s Spotlight — PictureBookDAO — Episode 2:


DAOHaus v3 — Live @ MCon 2022 in Denver:


Active proposals

Closed proposals





Recent blog posts and news

Re-enable ETH Borrowing: This proposal looks to re-enable ETH borrowing on the Aave V2 Ethereum market. Proposal AIP-97 was previously passed to pause all ETH borrowing ahead of the Ethereum Merge. Pausing borrowing on the protocol helped mitigate insolvency risk caused by liquidation failures. This on-chain proposal would revert the pause and enable borrowing on the DeFi protocol while a set of protocol conditions will be monitored closely to ensure stability. A complete post-mortem with analytics and statistics will also be shared. [100% voting ‘Yae’/ discussion]

Llama asks for $2.5M from Aave: The Llama community has submitted a proposal to the DeFi protocol for the creation of a 12-month working agreement. This proposal would have Llama compensated $2.5M for 12 months of protocol work. KPI focus includes treasury and revenue growth, maintenance of data and analytics, and general protocol maintenance & integrity. Llama previously funded its work through Aave Grants but now seeks a longer-term deal as it matures its contributions.


Closed proposals

On-chain votes

New and ongoing discussions

Latest governance topics on governance forum.

Badger DAO


There were no active Badger Improvement Proposals (BIPs) these weeks.

New and ongoing discussions: Badger Discord

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



Recent blog posts

Compound: Risk Parameter Changes for FEI: This proposal looks to adjust risk parameters for FEI at Compound. Proposed changes include pausing FEI borrowing and setting the reserve factor to 99%. This proposal would deprecate the FEI market at Compound in light of TribeDAO entering a “terminal state”. [99.9% voting ‘For’ / discussion]


Active proposals

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

Latest governance topics on governance forum.



Recent blog posts

GitcoinDAO Elects Steward Council v2: The public goods DAO has announced a fresh round of elections for its Steward Council. A total of thirteen Stewards have been elected for the upcoming cycle. Members in this batch include Linda Xie, Simona Pop, Kyle Weiss, Lefteris Karapetsas, and many more. The idea of a Steward Council was first proposed in December 2021 to align the most engaged community members and drive responsible governance participation. Under this council structure, Stewards hold their role for 180 days. Community members require an 8/10 score under Gitcoin’s famous Steward Report Cards to be considered for nomination.


There were no active proposals these weeks.

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

From Grantee to Funder | GR15 DAOVibes:



Recent blog posts

Closed proposals

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

CODIFI — Blockchain-Based Dispute Settlement Mechanisms (1/3):

How to Build in Web3 — Lesson 2 — Strategy Design:


Coinbase’s Pitch to MakerDAO: Centralized exchange, Coinbase, has posted a proposal to the MakerDAO forums that would have the DAO deposit $1.6B USDC into Prime — its institutional platform. The proposal requests a third of Maker’s USDC reserve in exchange for an annual yield of 1.5%. Maker’s decentralized DAI stablecoin is primarily backed by over $4.8B USDC. The deal would generate an estimated $24M in annual revenue for MakerDAO. The deal has shocked many as the DAO holds discussions about removing its USDC exposure altogether. Co-founder of Maker, Rune Christensen, has come out in support of the proposal in the forums and sees it as the same as holding USDC and aligned with his Endgame Plan.

Active Polls

3 Polls — ending Sep 19

6 Polls — ending Sep 26


New and ongoing discussions

and many more!

Read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision.

Governance and Risk | Ep. 207:



Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



Recent blog posts

PoolTogether: PoolCollective Governance Committee: This proposal outlines the creation of the PoolCollective, a PoolTogether governance committee participating in Optimism’s governance. The committee would be comprised of three community members controlling a 2/3 multisig to execute votes. The proposal also calls for the delegation of $OP voting power from the protocol rewards. Motivations behind the proposal include increased participation in Optimism’s ecosystem, ensuring no voting power is lost, and learning from a PT meta governance experiment. [99.97% voting ‘For’ / discussion]


Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



Recent blog posts and news

Increase the Number of Serving Ambassadors: This proposal looks to increase the number of seats on the Synthetix Ambassador Council from three to five. An increased workload for the council has prompted the need for a larger council. The Ambassador Council serves to promote and advocate for the interests of Synthetix across the ecosystem. An increase in protocol partnerships, governance activity, and high-value Optimism integration warrants the change. Synthetix’s Council nomination window is now open. [100% voting ‘sYes’]


Active proposals

Closed proposals

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



Recent blog posts and news

Deploy Uniswap v3 on zksync: This proposal looks for the approval of a license exemption to deploy Uniswap v3 on zkSync, a layer 2 scaling solution on Ethereum. Penn Blockchain, in collaboration with Matter Labs, looks to enable the growth and mission of the Uniswap protocol to deploy on multiple chains. zkSync is an EVM-compatible ZK Rollup with a growing number of user activity and deployed protocols. The proposal looks to make Uniswap the largest DEX in the zkSync ecosystem. This is a temperature check vote with possible consensus and on-chain votes to follow. [100% voting ‘Yes’ / discussion]


Active proposals

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

Yearn Finance


There were no active proposals these weeks.

Check out the latest YIPs discussions here.


Ethereum Merges: Ethereum has successfully merged to Proof-of-Stake. At approximately 6:43 am UTC on September 15th, 2022 the merge was finalized. The merge marks a monumental moment for the Layer 1 blockchain. The move comes after years of hard work and collaboration from hundreds of Ethereum developers, builders, and evangelists. The merge stands as the largest upgrade in the network’s history. Ethereum is notably home to thousands of DAOs and protocols. Protocols that had paused activity in anticipation of the Merge now look to resume on-chain activities and governance on their new consensus layer. Ethereum continues on its path to being the global settlement layer.

Protocols Pause ETH Borrowing Ahead of Merge: A proposal to pause ETH borrowing in the period leading up to the Ethereum Merge passed on the Aave protocol. Ahead of the Merge, the Aave protocol faces the risk of high utilization in its ETH market — the proposal aimed to pause borrowing to mitigate this risk of high utilization. To do this, it will place a freeze on ETH borrowing and change the ETH variable borrow rate at max utilization from 103% to 1,000%. This comes just days after a proposal was passed and queued in Compound to mitigate merge risks for their v2 ETH market. The proposal set a borrow cap of 100,000 ETH and changed the interest rate model to a jump rate model with a 1,000% APR max rate. We’ll be closely tracking how other DAOs prepare for the upcoming merge.

TribeDAO Offers Full Repayment: The controversial TIP-121b: Fuse hack repayment saga continues at TribeDAO. On September 8th a snapshot vote to fully repay hack victims passed with 95% approval. The proposal details an exchange of cTokens from affected pools for FEI for which victims will be paid out in equal value of their bad debt (losses). A forum post now requests affected protocols to post their wallet addresses to receive repayment, and an on-chain binding vote is expected to start on September 16th. Separately, proposal TIP-123 was also posted which looks to deprecate both the Optimistic Governance and Tribal Council smart contracts. This would effectively dismantle two key governance processes set up by the DAO. TribeDAO nears its end.

SushiSwap: Head Chef Compensation: A series of six proposals have been posted as snapshot votes to determine the next Head Chef’s compensation. The six proposals include Base Salary, Sushi Price Targets, Total Sushi Roadmap & Price Targets, Initial Cliff for Sushi Compensation, Contract Length, and Severance Length. These proposals look to split up the compensation package for the future Head Chef and allow the DAO to vote on each parameter. The controversial proposal to nominate Jonathan Howard as Head Chef prompted a more granular approach to the compensation package. SushiSwap continues its Head Chef Search. [discussion]

SushiSwap narrows its Head Chef Search: Sushi’s search for a new Head Chef appears close. On September 12th, a snapshot vote was posted to approve a final schedule and process to appoint a Head Chef. The timeline is described as follows: first, hold a snapshot vote on the schedule itself, next, a two-week period of nominee campaigning and lobbying. Thereafter, a week of nominee debates, and finally a snapshot vote on September 26th to confirm a Head Chef. A total of five nominees are on the shortlist for Head Chef which includes Kenneth Hurley, Jared Grey, Jared Cohen, Pauly Walton, and Andy Forman. The coveted DeFi leadership role has been vacant since December 2021. The role appears to finally have a clear timeline.

Optimism Kicks Off Season 2: It’s officially Season 2 at Optimism’s Token House. After a brief off-season, the Governance Fund resumes voting with Voting Cycle #6. Voting Cycles are dedicated voting windows to streamline and consolidate proposals. Proposals in the GF mainly focus on building and incentivizing sustainable growth of the Optimism ecosystem. Updates for Season 2 include an updated Operating Manual, a new Grant Proposal Template, the introduction of Governance Committees, and a new Committee Formation Template. Four governance committees have been introduced to help offload proposal filtering to more specialized groups including two DeFi committees, one for Tooling, and one for NFTs and Gaming. Proposers of grant proposals now need to specify which governance committee they’d like to review their proposal. Importantly, governance committees can only make recommendations and not any final decisions. Season 2 runs from September 8th through November 9th.

ApeCoin AIP-89: Improved Delegation Experience: This proposal looks to create a more robust and dedicated delegate experience directly on the ApeCoin site. The proposal would fund a dedicated team of engineers with $150k APE. Four improvements are outlined: 1) Process For Delegate Applications; 2) Dedicated UI/UX for Delegation; 3) Creation of Governance Leaderboard; 4) Open Sourcing the tech. ApeCoin DAO looks to benefit from improving its delegation model due to low governance participation. [99.26% voting ‘In favor’ / discussion]

NFT marketplace Sudoswap unveils governance token and retroactive airdrop: Automated NFT market maker, Sudoswap, has outlined plans to airdrop its governance token. The airdrop introduces SUDO as a governance token to help govern the marketplace as they decentralize. There will be an initial supply of 60M SUDO tokens. Tokens will be distributed to XMON holders, 0xmons NFT holders, a retroactive LP airdrop, DAO treasury, initial team members, and SudoRandom Labs. SUDO will not be immediately transferrable until a governance proposal changes this parameter. This parameter hopes to drive early governance participation at the DAO.

KlimaDAO engaging with lawmakers in the United States: The DeFi carbon credit protocol has collaborated with U.S. legislators on a proposed ‘DAO Bill’. The ‘Lummis-Gillibrand Responsible Financial Innovation Act’ is a piece of legislation that looks to define key terms in crypto, digital assets, and more importantly DAOs. Since May, the DAO has been working closely with staff members from Sens. Cynthia Lummis and Kirstin Gillibrand’s office to draft a comprehensive and legitimate DAO bill. Under this proposed bill, DAOs would be classified as business entities.

Near Protocol Forms Working Group to Promote DeFi Governance: The Near Digital Collective is a self-governance initiative aimed at further decentralizing the Near ecosystem’s decision-making by moving it to a blockchain.

SyndicateDAO launches “Collectives”, their first social networking & community building primitive for web3:

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That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated!👥

