DAOs: Optimism DeFi Committee proposal approved, Aave V3 retroactive funding proposal passed, PieDAO voted against front-end sanctions screening, Compound protocol upgrades face errors, Synthetix proposes a token cap, MakerDAO prepares for changes, TribeDAO drama continues, CityDAO proposal to establish the Network City approved, and more!

27 min readSep 2, 2022


Biweekly report on decentralized autonomous organizations vol.32, 19th August — 2d September


  • Aragon DAO’s quadratic signaling vote on TAO parameters closed. New timeline and details on treasury transfer announced. Voting is active for Financial Proposal: Intention to Honour ESD Committed Funds
  • The vote for the Aave DAO to commit to selecting the Ethereum Mainnet running under the POS consensus over any Ethereum fork passed. Furthermore, Aave V3 retroactive funding proposal was approved
  • Balancer’s BIPs 44–55 passed. Additional revenue mechanism introduced. Balancer will supply 100k BAL on Aave
  • Compound III is live. Following the deployment, a major code error was discovered in one of the protocol upgrades. Proposals 16 & 17 executed, 119 & 120 live. Proposal to deprecate FEI Market & proposal to adjust ETH Interest Rate Model are under discussion
  • PieDAO proposal to implement front-end sanctions screening tool failed
  • MakerDAO prepares for changes. Rune Christensen has posted the next steps to enact his Endgame Plan. While MakerDAO and Huntingdon Valley Bank announced the first commercial loan participation between a US-Regulated Financial Institution and a decentralized digital currency
  • Bancor’s proposal to increase BNT trading liquidity on the ACRE/BNT pool to 100K passed. A new proposal to update the whitelisting requirements is up for discussion
  • GnosisDAO’s GIPs 62 & 63 are under discussion
  • The Graph adds Gnosis Chain to Its decentralized blockchain indexing protocol
  • IdleDAO’s IIP-24: Reduce LM for Best Yield and Fund restructured leagues defeated
  • Kleros V2 is coming. Furthermore, applications are open for the third batch of the Kleros Incubator
  • Lido DAO proposal to engage Steakhouse Financial on the DAO finance workstream approved
  • MolochDAO vote is live to send 500 WETH / 33% of the treasury to Protocol Guild
  • Colony announced the launch of a new community initiative called Builder’s Spotlight
  • mStable’s MCCP 24: Reduce weekly MTA emissions has passed and to be executed
  • The Nexus Mutual’s community are voting to determine how members would like the mutual to use the proceeds of the ETH PoW sale
  • Synthetix proposes a token cap. SIP-252 approved, the draft implementations for SIPs 301–305 completed, and SIP-301 should be in audit
  • Uniswap community behind DEX establishes Foundation to support open-source development
  • Yam’s YIP-115 Updating Compensation Procedures closed. Yam Core Development — Phase #2 is active
  • CityDAO proposal to initiate the realization of a real-life “Network City” that uses Web3 community governance approved
  • Optimism’s Token House has officially kicked off its pre-season voting cycle intended to prepare for Season 2. The DeFi Committee proposal approved
  • FWB: Season 7 Operational Budget proposal
  • Curve founder says it’s ‘possible’ crvUSD stablecoin will launch next month
  • Coordinape launches decentralized compensation tool for DAOs
  • The new PoolTogether DAO & Protocol Constitution
  • Gitcoin GR15 starts Sept 7th
  • TribeDAO drama continues
  • Safe proposes airdrop for 22K users
  • NFT lender BendDAO begins vote to change protocol amid liquidity crisis
  • Slow ventures raises stakes on crypto governance with ‘Timber sDAO’
  • Gearbox protocol raises 4M dollars
  • Orca Protocol rebrands to Metropolis
  • Active proposals: Aragon, Moloch, Aave, Compound, Index Coop, Nexus Mutual, Yam Finance
  • New & ongoing discussions: Balancer, GitcoinDAO, Synthetix, PieDAO, Uniswap, mStable, MakerDAO, Curve, Yearn Finance, LidoDAO, BancorDAO, Akropolis, GnosisDAO, PoolTogether, API3, Idle, KyberDAO, Kleros, BadgerDAO
  • Podcasts on DAOs
  • And more!


Blockchain technology is already radically transforming the financial system. However, properties such as trustlessness and immutability aren’t only useful in monetary applications. Another potential application is governance. Blockchains could enable entirely new types of organizations that can run autonomously without the need for coordination by a central entity.

“Instead of a hierarchical structure managed by a set of humans interacting in person and controlling property via the legal system, a decentralized organization involves a set of humans interacting with each other according to a protocol specified in code, and enforced on the blockchain.”Vitalik Buterin

DAO stands for “decentralized autonomous organization” and can be described as an open-source blockchain protocol governed by a set of rules, created by its elected members, that automatically execute certain actions without the need for intermediaries.

In simple terms, a DAO is an organization that is governed by computer code and programs. As such, it has the ability to function autonomously, without the need for a central authority.

Like how DeFi is programmable money and how NFTs are programmable media, DAOs are programmable organizations of people.

DAOs Ecosystem Statistics


Top DAOs

Like two weeks ago, the rating is headed by Uniswap and BitDAO.


Global stats


Leading DAOs by votes


Read & Listen



Recent blog posts and news

Active votes


Other discussions


Active proposals





Recent blog posts and news

Aave: V3 Retroactive Funding: This proposal seeks to retroactively reward Aave Companies for the development and deployment of Aave V3. Aave DAO would compensate Aave Companies with $15M for incurred work plus an additional $1.3M for audits performed. The Aave V3 upgrade introduced important new features to the protocol that made it more efficient, reduced risk, and improved user experience. [99.9% voting ‘For’ / discussion]

Aave DAO: Stance on Ethereum POW Fork: This proposal asks the DAO to signal its full support for Ethereum’s upcoming mainnet shift from proof-of-work (POW) to proof-of-stake (POS) consensus — over against any alternative fork that might form. AAVE will be fully functional after the consensus change, as shown through extensive testing; and there is general agreement among the builders of the protocol that it is “effectively impossible to sustain a viable Aave Market on any Ethereum fork running an alternative consensus.” [proposal: 99.9% voting for / discussion]


Active proposals

Closed proposals

On-chain votes

New and ongoing discussions

Latest governance topics on governance forum.



There were no active proposals these weeks.

Latest governance topics on governance forum.

Badger DAO


Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions: Badger Discord

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



Recent blog posts

Compound has a messy upgrade: Following the deployment of Compound III, a major code error was discovered in one of the protocol upgrades. This error disrupts users looking to borrow and lend cETH, the protocol’s second largest market. Compound Labs and the relevant emergency teams responded by drafting a new governance proposal to revert and update the code. The code was previously audited and missed by three different firms. Compound’s current governance process includes a seven-day timelock before any proposed changes can occur. No funds look to be currently at risk.


Active proposals

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

Latest governance topics on governance forum.

Index Coop


Recent blog posts


Active proposals

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

Find latest Index Coop proposals here.

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

What to Expect From the Ethereum Merge?



Recent blog posts

There were no active KIPs these weeks.

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

Demo Day of Kleros Incubator — Second Cohort:


Recent blog posts

There were no active proposals these weeks.

Find out all proposals here. Check them out on GitHub.


Rune preps his proposals: Rune Christensen, the co-founder of Maker, has posted on the MakerDAO forums the necessary next steps to enact his Endgame Plan. The now infamous plan is Rune’s vision for a more resilient and self-sustained MakerDAO. The forum post articulates a more detailed, actionable plan with six “steps.” Each step in the plan comes in the form of MIPs (Maker Improvement Proposals). These proposals would slowly introduce the necessary changes needed to enact his plan. Some of the steps include the introduction of MetaDAOs, cleaning up MIPs and their voting period, swapping LDO for MKR, changing collateral onboarding, and more. These proposals will be submitted for inclusion in Maker’s October governance cycle.

On Friday, Rune also posted plans to make the DAI stablecoin a free-floating asset. This move contradicts the DAOs recent push into Real World Assets. Recent government sanctions and blacklists have resurfaced plans to remove the risk of government censorship. Rune argues that free-floating DAI away from its USD peg as well as limiting its RWA exposure provides Maker with more robust censorship resistance.

Ended Polls

2 Polls — ended Sep 01

3 Polls — ended Aug 29 2022

6 Polls — ended Aug 22 2022


New and ongoing discussions

and many more!

Read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision.

Governance and Risk | Ep. 205:

Open Decentralized Voter Committee | Endgame Approval MIP Set:



PieDAO: Implement front-end sanctions screening: Following the sanctioning of Tornado Cash by Treasury’s OFAC, PieDAO’s front-end provider Dexlab can no longer provide its hosting service unless specific sanctions-screening measures are put in place. This proposal asks the DAO to vote on whether the PieDAO front-end should implement sanction-screening measures (and thereby provide “the best UX to PieDAO applications”) or whether it should not implement those sanction-screening measures.[proposal: 50.36% voting against sanctions screening / discussion]


Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



Recent blog posts and news

Synthetix Proposes a Token Cap: A governance proposal to cap the supply of SNX tokens to 300M was introduced by Synthetix co-founder Kain Warwick. In the proposal, Warwick details a plan to remove the protocol’s current inflationary token model. Warwick argues that Synthetix no longer requires this token model as fees from its products are producing meaningful yields. Inflationary tokenomics are commonly used by early DeFi protocols to help bootstrap their networks.


Closed proposals

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

Yearn Finance


Recent blog posts


There were no active proposals these weeks.

Check out the latest YIPs discussions here.


Optimism: DeFi Committee [Group A]: This proposal introduces a DeFi governance committee for Season 2 at Optimism’s Token House. The proposed committee would consist of 5 delegates focused on covering, summarizing, and providing vote recommendations on DeFi-related proposals. Delegates in this committee include community members Katie Garcia as Lead, GFX Labs, Flipside Crypto, StableNode, and Linda Xie. Governance Committees are the latest experiment at Optimism introduced to offload the high number of proposals to specialized groups. [93.8% voting ‘For’ / discussion]

Pre-Season at Optimism: Optimism’s Token House has officially kicked off its pre-season voting cycle intended to prepare for Season 2. This voting cycle focuses on approving changes to the governance process. Governance Committees are being introduced for the new season to help streamline and specialize proposal oversight. A total of five governance committees are currently up for nomination. Committees include three DeFi committees, one tooling, and one NFT and gaming committee. Voting Cycle #5 runs now through September 7th.

FWB: Season 7 Operational Budget: This proposal outlines the operational budget for Season 7 at FWB. The budget includes a monthly spend of $331,536 for a season total of $1.6M. Monthly costs include $264k for recurring contributors, $28k for non-recurring contributors, $19k for operational spending, and $20k for marketing spending. The budget will fund Season 7 of operations from August through December 2022. [100% voting to ‘Approve Szn 7 Ops budget’]

CityDAO: The Network City: This ambitious proposal is meant to initiate the realization of a real-life “Network City” that uses Web3 community governance. It is inspired by the development of Marfa, Texas and the ideas of Glen Weyl, and will make use of Partial Common Ownership, Quadratic Voting, and Gitcoin’s Quadratic Funding approach. The focus will be on the creation of “positive-sum feedback loops that catalyze organic economic growth.” As stated in the full, nine-page proposal: “These systems provide the incentives necessary to create an equilibrium between cooperation and competition that will maximize the productive, fair and efficient allocation of capital and resources. Ultimately, we are creating the foundation of CityDAO’s future: an economic engine, situated in the real world, for Teams and Citizens to experiment, collaborate, compete, develop their ideas, and build.” [proposal: 95.93% voting to approve / discussion]

Tribe DAO looks for the exit: Fei Labs, creators of Fei Protocol and FEI stablecoin, published a proposal on August 19th detailing plans to wind down Tribe DAO. Tribe DAO was created in December of 2021 when Fei Protocol and Rari Capital joined forces in the largest DeFi merger. In late April, the Rari Fuse pools were hacked and drained in excess of $80m. The hack victims included other DeFi protocols and retail investors. Frax Finance lost $13m and OlympusDAO lost $9m. Following the hack, a snapshot vote was posted and passed that outlined plans to repay and make whole all hack victims. After over a month of waiting, an on-chain vote was finally held to confirm the previous snapshot vote. However, this time, ‘against’ votes prevailed supported in large part by the Fei team. Now, this recent proposal from Fei Labs only outlines preferential distribution to TRIBE holders and severely limits repayment to the hack victims. Controversy and heated discussions have ensued on the best path forward to properly make hack victims whole. Also as a result of this proposal, a number of affected DeFi protocols have introduced their own proposals to help victims or remove risk as Tribe DAO winds down. A snapshot vote is live that explores different paths to consolidate Tribe’s assets. The dissolving of a DAO is happening in real-time. Creditors or in this case tokenholders, may or may not be fully repaid. Look for an on-chain vote in the next month or two.

TribeDAO Drama Continues: After the announcement of a TribeDAO wind-down, a new proposal from OlympusDAO has been posted to the forum that outlines a new route to repay Fuse debt and its hack victims. On Tuesday, the first part of Fei’s controversial proposal passed an on-chain vote. This vote specified which treasury assets would be liquidated to repay the victims. In addition, a number of protocols have submitted proposals to purchase their respective tokens back from TribeDAO. The Tribal Council also initiated a clawback of the Rari team’s vested tokens and returned them to the DAO. This new proposal from OlympusDAO ignores FEI’s initial plans and provides a route to make the hack victims whole. Importantly, OlympusDAO is one of the affected protocols in the Fuse hack. The proposal also calls for delegation as things begin to heat up at TribeDAO.

Gearbox Protocol Raises $4M: The DeFi leverage protocol has announced a fundraising round of $4M, led by investors at Placeholder, Zee Prime, GCR, and others. Back in July, a Snapshot vote was passed with 99% approval to fund the DAO through strategic partnerships. Funds from the raise will reside within the DAOs treasury and be deployed to build V2 of the protocol as well as to continue its DAO growth. The upgrade looks to introduce new levered assets and integrations.

Safe Proposes Airdrop for 22K Users: SafeDAO, the spinoff DAO of Gnosis, has proposed a token airdrop for its early adopters. On August 18th, the proposal was introduced detailing plans to distribute 5% of the total supply of SAFE tokens to users. The airdrop looks to further decentralize the project, reward usage of the protocol, raise awareness, and provide ownership and governance rights to its community. Around 22,000 wallets currently qualify for the airdrop. Safe’s multisig product is widely adopted and used by various DAOs and organizations across the ecosystem.

NFT lender BendDAO begins vote to change protocol amid liquidity crisis: BendDAO is a collateralized lending protocol that provides NFT lending and borrowing. The DAO proposed emergency parameter changes after suffering from a sudden liquidity crisis. The nature of illiquid NFT assets in a bear market and existing poor protocol parameters prompted the crisis to unravel. The community quickly drafted an emergency governance proposal to help stop the bleeding. Now, a new proposal is live that looks to improve on the previous proposal and hopefully keep the protocol afloat.

Slow Ventures Raises Stakes on Crypto Governance with ‘Timber sDAO’: The venture capital firm’s first “legally compliant DAO” bought land, and the second so-called sDAO is buying more. But this time, land with trees.

The Graph Adds Gnosis Chain to Its Decentralized Blockchain Indexing Protocol: Gnosis Chain is the first chain after Ethereum to gain support on The Graph’s decentralized network, which will soon replace The Graph’s centralized “hosted” service.

Blockchain Company Mural, Founded by Palantir Alums, Raises $5.6M: The startup helps global brands manage the treasuries of their Web3 communities.

Web3 Workplace Platform Coordinape Launches Decentralized Compensation Tool for DAOs: Coordinape’s product, CoVaults, uses smart contracts to automate compensation for contributors to the decentralized workspace.

  • Developer DAO launches $CODE:
  • Orca Protocol rebrands to Metropolis:

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That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated!👥

