DAOs: Uniswap Foundation proposal, Aragon multiple financial proposals, Aave proposal to commit to PoS Ethereum, MakerDAO discusses removing USDC exposure, GitcoinDAO continues treasury diversification efforts, Curve DNS exploit, PoolTogether PTIP 80 approved, Nouns experimenting with novel governance systems, and more!

30 min readAug 19, 2022


Biweekly report on decentralized autonomous organizations vol.31, 1st August — 19th August


  • Uniswap community members have submitted a governance proposal to create the Uniswap Foundation, an entity tasked with growing the decentralized crypto exchange’s ecosystem. The vote moves on-chain
  • Aragon launches How To Guides. Multiple financial proposals closed. A first public institution in Spain holds Vocdoni referendum
  • Aave DAO approves creating GHO stablecoin. The DAO weighs proposal to commit to PoS Ethereum. Messari shared a deep dive into the state of Aave in Q2 2022
  • MakerDAO discusses removing USDC exposure. The vDAO announces Governance Dashboard v2.
  • PoolTogether begins drafting its ‘Protocol Constitution’. PTIP 80 — Treasury assets management #2 accepted
  • Radicle // Gitcoin Public Goods Alliance proposal approved. GitcoinDAO continues treasury diversification efforts
  • Another MolochDAO Grants Round is brewing. The proposal to send 120 ETH to support the legal defense of Tornado.Cash
  • GnosisDAO’s GIPs 60 & 61 approved. Gnosis Guild launches the zodiac.wiki
  • Bancor’s proposal to increase trading liquidity to the maximum level for 18 whitelisted Bancor pools has passed
  • Curve DNS exploit resolved. Curve DAO turns 2 years
  • BadgerDAO BIP-96 passed, BIP-95 rejected
  • Compound proposal 115 was executed. The proposal to launch Compound III is ready for discussion
  • Balancer’s BIPs 38–42 passes
  • KyberSwap has submitted a proposal for Optimism grants
  • Colony hackathon announced
  • IdleDAO’s incentives distribution update proposal passed temperature check
  • Kleros KIP-52 to create in the xDai Chain a Spanish General Court & Spanish Curation Court accepted
  • mStable’s MCCP 23 & 24 closed. TreasuryDAO Charter to be carried out
  • Nexus Mutual’s proposal 172 approved
  • Yam Quarterly Treasury Report Q2 2022 is out. YIPs 112 & 113 passed, the vote for redemptions of the Treasury has ended with a “No”
  • Yearn’s new rebrand
  • Optimism’s Token House concludes Season 1
  • Nouns DAO experimenting with novel governance systems. Mandated Rounds: Nouns Governance proposal
  • Decentraland: Data Backpack proposal
  • BitDAO x AfricaDAO: Accelerating Web3 adoption across the fastest growing continent
  • Krause House Gitcoin DEI grant program sponsorship and participation proposal
  • Paladin’s Treasury management #1 proposal
  • BanklessDAO’s Season 5 Specification proposal
  • SuperRare: Formalize the relationship between SuperRare Labs Inc. and the RareDAO Foundation
  • CreatorDAO raises 20 million from investors including a16z, Paris Hilton and The Chainsmokers
  • Dragonfly Capital leads 3.5 million seed round for Debt DAO
  • Governance House and Llama team up
  • Webaverse has launched an open source where users can create a virtual home for their community or DAO
  • Guild has introduced infrastructure for portable social structures and platformless memberships
  • Active proposals: Aave, GitcoinDAO, Index Coop, LidoDAO, MakerDAO, Synthetix, Uniswap
  • New & ongoing discussions: Balancer, Compound, mStable, Yam Finance, Curve, Yearn Finance, Nexus Mutual, BancorDAO, Akropolis, GnosisDAO, PoolTogether, API3, Idle, KyberDAO, Kleros, Badger DAO, PieDAO
  • Podcasts on DAOs
  • And more!


Blockchain technology is already radically transforming the financial system. However, properties such as trustlessness and immutability aren’t only useful in monetary applications. Another potential application is governance. Blockchains could enable entirely new types of organizations that can run autonomously without the need for coordination by a central entity.

“Instead of a hierarchical structure managed by a set of humans interacting in person and controlling property via the legal system, a decentralized organization involves a set of humans interacting with each other according to a protocol specified in code, and enforced on the blockchain.”Vitalik Buterin

DAO stands for “decentralized autonomous organization” and can be described as an open-source blockchain protocol governed by a set of rules, created by its elected members, that automatically execute certain actions without the need for intermediaries.

In simple terms, a DAO is an organization that is governed by computer code and programs. As such, it has the ability to function autonomously, without the need for a central authority.

Like how DeFi is programmable money and how NFTs are programmable media, DAOs are programmable organizations of people.

DAOs Ecosystem Statistics


Top DAOs

Like two weeks ago, the rating is headed by Uniswap and BitDAO.


Global stats


Leading DAOs by votes


Read & Listen



Aragon launches How To Guides for DAO builders. Find the first batch of guides here:

Ended votes








Aave DAO Proposes Committing to Ethereum POS Chain: As the Ethereum merge approaches, discussions have emerged at a handful of protocols to confirm commitment to the new chain. Ethereum is scheduled to switch from the current Proof-of-Work consensus layer over to the new Proof-of-Stake consensus layer sometime between September 15 & 16. Some Ethereum-based DAOs are doubling down and signaling their commitment to the new POS chain. Aave DAO has introduced a governance proposal where it formalizes the recognition of the Ethereum POS chain as “the canonical” governance of Aave DAO & markets. Look for a vote to go live soon.


Aave DAO Approves Creating GHO Stablecoin: Aave continues pushing through its GHO stablecoin plans with no signs of stopping. The community passed the first of three proposals needed to launch GHO. The proposal had no trouble passing with an overwhelming 99.9% ‘Yae’ votes. The DAO will next look to vote on a genesis parameters proposal for GHO sometime next week with an AIP on-chain vote to follow if successful.

Active proposals

Closed proposals

On-chain votes

New and ongoing discussions

Latest governance topics on governance forum.

Messari shared a deep dive into the state of Aave in Q2 2022:

Badger DAO


Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions: Badger Discord

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



Recent blog posts and news


Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the forum.

Bancor Community Call — Aug 7, 2022:



Recent blog posts

Budgeting Season at Gitcoin DAO: It’s budget season for DAOs, including Gitcoin. The 6 workstreams at Gitcoin DAO have begun drafting their budget proposals for Season 15. These workstreams include DAO Ops, Moonshot Collective, Gitcoin Product Collective, Public Goods Funding, Fraud Detection & Defense, and Memes, Merch & Marketing. The proposals look to fund the different teams over the course of the next 90 days. Look for amendments, approval, and ratification to follow.

The DAO continues pushing forward its treasury diversification efforts. This time, $10M worth of GTC is being requested from the treasury to be sold to strategic partners. In July, the DAO exchanged $3M worth of GTC as one part of the diversification plan. The current proposal details selling the governance token and diversifying its ownership further. Terms include a 17.5% discount on a 30-day price average, and a 1-year lock up with a linear 1-year unlock thereafter.


Active proposals

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

DAOVibes Call — Aug 3rd:

LUKSO Build UP #1 Office Hours #3:



Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

HOW TO GROW DAO TREASURIES and AMM LIQUIDITY — Building DeFi Talks w/ Olympus and Idle DAO:



Recent blog posts

Closed proposals


To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.


MakerDAO Discusses Removing USDC Exposure: Following the sanctions from the U.S. Treasury Department on Tornado Cash, DAOs are rethinking their exposure and risk profiles. The sanction saw Circle, creators of USDC stablecoin, comply with regulators and blacklist a number of wallet addresses. USDC is currently the largest collateral backing DAI, the native stablecoin of MakerDAO. This ban prompted back and forth discussions on the best path forward at the DAO to maintain its decentralization and strengthen its censorship resistance. De-risking USDC exposure has long been a regular discussion at the DAO with recent news events resurfacing it.

MakerDAO announces Governance Dashboard v2:

Active Polls

1 Poll — ending Aug 18 2022

6 Polls — ending Aug 22 2022

3 Polls — ending Aug 29 2022


New and ongoing discussions

and many more!

Read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision.

Governance and Risk | Ep. 203:

Open Decentralized Voter Committee | Endgame v3:



Recent blog posts

PoolTogether: Treasury Assets Management #2: Following on a previous work that focused on stablecoins, this proposal looks to convert most non-stable assets to ETH in order to consolidate. Tokens to be converted to ETH include: AVAX, BADGER, COMP, GAL, SUSHI, TRIBE, and UNI. AAVE and MATIC will be staked. [proposal 100% voted for / discussion]


Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



Recent blog posts and news

Uniswap looks to form a foundation: Two Uniswap community members have submitted a governance proposal to create the Uniswap Foundation, an entity tasked with growing the decentralized crypto exchange’s ecosystem. The proposal calls for the entity to be given a $74 million budget to cover the first three years of its operations. The proposal also asked for 2.5 million UNI tokens for the Foundation to participate in governance votes.

Community members, Devin Walsh and Ken Ng published a proposal where they outline the creation of the Uniswap Foundation. The foundation would be set up as an independent Delaware C Corp to help steward the development of the protocol. UF looks to address the DEX’s lack of a clear unified vision, high operational overhead, and general governance sluggishness. Walsh and Ng would comprise the initial leadership team alongside advisors. The proposal requests a budget of $74M for operations and 2.5M UNI for governance participation.

Uniswap Foundation Vote Moves On-Chain: The proposal to form the Uniswap Foundation has successfully passed both a temperature and consensus check vote. As a reminder, the proposal would introduce a new centralized entity known as the Uniswap Foundation to help steward the protocol alongside the DAO. UNI holders have signaled strong support for the proposal thus far with a near 100% ‘For’ vote on prior votes. The vote now moves on-chain where it will be live until August 23rd. 40m ‘For’ votes are required for the proposal to pass. This on-chain vote is the last necessary step to form the Uniswap Foundation.


Active proposals

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

Yearn Finance


Recent blog posts


There were no active proposals these weeks.

Check out the latest YIPs discussions here.


Optimism’s Token House Concludes Season 1: Season 1 at Optimism’s Token House has come to a close. The Optimism Foundation has shared updates and reflections on the past 3 months of its governance experiment. A handful of updates and proposals are now up for discussion that looks to improve the governance process. Governance Committees have been introduced for Season 2 to help segment the large inbound of proposals by areas of expertise. Operating Manual v0.2 has also been drafted that changes the voting cadence from two weeks to three weeks, the need for two delegate approvals to move to a vote instead of one, and other operational improvements. The community will now enter a reflection period that lasts from August 4th through August 24th, with Season 2 kicking off on September 8th.

Bridge Hacks Spook DeFi Protocols: Recent bridge hacks have prompted new proposals at both Aave and Frax. The two DeFi protocols have introduced proposals that look to limit their exposure to other chains and bridges. Large bridge exploits at both Nomad and Harmony have spooked the protocols. Harmony Bridge was exploited for $100M in June. Nomad was exploited for $190M in August. Aave’s proposal outlines a plan to freeze all reserves of Aave V3 on Fantom. Frax’s proposal calls for the removal of all swaps on all chains and their respective bridges.

Krause House: Gitcoin DEI Grant Program Sponsorship and Participation Proposal: This proposal seeks to do three things: First, to gain approval to provide 20k $USDC to Gitcoin as a “matching partner” for the upcoming DEI Grant Stream; second, to get approval for funding to support the submission of one or more grant proposals to that Stream; and third, to demonstrate Krause House’s leadership in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Krause House DAO was “founded on the vision that team ownership shouldn’t be limited to a handful of billionaires, but rather that all fans of every professional franchise can collectively have real ownership. The intent of this vision is inclusivity across all forms of diversity.” Potential proposals for a Gitcoin grant include bringing Krause House to the WNBA and creating a Nouns-style community trust in support of women and sport. [92.47% voting to approve budget + initiative]

Decentraland: Data Backpack: This proposal asks for $240k to develop a data backpack to deploy in Decentraland. The backpack would contain “whatever data” a user needs to “drive a DCL application” while giving the user control over the data shared in each instance. The hope is to support “self-sovereign, decentralized data, and identity,” areas of increasing attention these days. The forum discussion reveals however that the proposal was too hastily put together and needs further vetting. [99.98% voting no / discussion]

Paladin: Treasury Management #1: Paladin describes itself as a “decentralized, non-custodial governance lending protocol” in which “users can either loan the voting power in their governance token or borrow some voting power.” While the TLDR for this proposal is stated as “deposit CRV in lockers, lock BAL in Aura and sell CVX for treasury expenditure,” the context provided is critical to understanding it. In order to stabilize itself and remain a sustainable enterprise, Paladin needs to reinvest in “scaling business lines,” accumulate stablecoins to combat market volatility, and begin to decentralize by “empowering high-value contributors” (e.g. a treasury manager). Those three goals can be effectively pursued by managing the treasury in the way the proposal suggests. [ proposal/ 100% voting yes / discussion]

BitDAO x AfricaDAO: Accelerating Web3 Adoption Across The Fastest Growing Continent: With this proposal, AfricaDAO seeks a partnership with BitDAO, which supports “builders of the decentralized economy” in part by allocating funds from its $1.58 billion treasury, to help move Africa, “one of the largest, fastest-growing, and most promising markets” into becoming “a hub for web3 innovation.” With $20m from BitDAO and more funding yet to be raised, AfricaDAO hopes to unfold its ambitious plan, detailed in full in their 23-page proposal. [100% voted yes / discussion]

Radicle: Radicle // Gitcoin Public Goods Alliance: The proposal is now on-chain. By exchanging a significant amount of tokens (500K GTC and an equivalent amount of RAD, vested for two years), each organization takes on an influential meta-governance role in the other DAO. Among other things, this will allow the DAOs to more formally “collaborate on shared visions” and “develop synergistic features and products” while modeling how such an alliance could work for other DAOs. The proposal itself comes from Llama, which will facilitate the process of carrying it out. [proposal /100% voting for / discussion]

BanklessDAO: Season 5 Specification: As with previous season specs, this one provides details on changes for the upcoming season, which runs from August 8 through October 30, 2022. Importantly, however, if this proposal passes the Governance Solutions Engineers will have the ability to implement the BanklessDAO Constitution & Community Handbook, which includes a new improvement proposal process/template (bDIP). [96.09% voted to approve / discussion]

Nouns: Mandated Rounds: Nouns Governance: This Nouns proposal, which follows a highly successful first “mandated round,” is a call for proposals from the wider community to improve the Nouns governance client — based in part on the results of the Nouns Governance Survey. Any team can submit proposals to be one of five teams funded at 20 ETH each to create promising alternatives to what currently exists. “While our classic nouns.wtf/vote gets the job done, there is a lot more to explore regarding Nouns governance.” [98.04 voted for / discussion]

SuperRare: Formalize the relationship between SuperRare Labs Inc. and the RareDAO Foundation: With this proposal, SuperRare Labs (the company that founded SuperRare) and the RareDAO (an independent nonprofit created to support the SuperRare DAO) seek approval to formalize their relationship through a year-long, renewable contract so that a sustainable funding mechanism can be created for the latter. Details on the relationship and the funding are spelled out with thoroughness and clarity in the proposal posted in the forum. [100% voted for / discussion]

CreatorDAO Raises $20M from a16z: CreatorDAO emerges out of stealth and announces a seed round led by a16z and Initialized Capital. The DAO looks to invest in creators and provide them with capital, technology, and community support. Creators can now apply to join CreatorDAO to help further grow their audience and also share a percentage of future earnings with the community treasury.

Dragonfly leads Debt DAO raise: Debt DAO announces a $3.6M seed raise from Dragonfly Capital, GSR, and other investors. The DAO self describes itself as the “Pipe for Crypto” and the one-stop shop for crypto native credit. Debt DAO previously facilitated the first DeFi debt financing round for Redacted, the Metagovernance protocol.

Governance House and Llama team up: The two governance teams make it official. Governance House and Llama are merging core teams to form a governance superteam. The teams have stewarded and worked closely with numerous protocols and DAOs such as Aave, Uniswap, dYdX, TribeDAO, just to name a few. The team specializes in protocol engineering, treasury allocations, and analytics and will look to help further shape their partner protocols.

  • Guild has introduced infrastructure for portable social structures and platformless memberships:
  • Webaverse has launched an open source, virtual world where users can create a virtual home for their community or DAO:

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That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated!👥
