DeFi in Ether: $34 in DeFi, Compound v3 is live, KyberSwap integrates Chainlink Price Feeds, Loopring Layer 2 ETH staking has arrived, dYdX V4 milestones, Dai bridge live on Arbitrum Nova, 1inch integrates with Aurora, Alexey Pertsev pre-trial detention extended by up to 90 days, Yearn rebranded, and more!

Published in
10 min readAug 30, 2022

Biweekly update on the Ethereum DeFi ecosystem vol.59, 16th August — 30th August


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Total Value Locked in DeFi

$34.3B in DeFi this week, currently at ~ $34.35B, with Maker dominance 22.99%.


Top DeFi Tokens by Market Capitalization

Total Market Cap: $92,930,729,087


DeFi Aggregators


Yearn Finance:



  • Latest Aave News: Claim your reputation-based NFT from Orange Protocol & apply to lead events at AGD. Current votes include: ETHPoW Stance, Adding MAI and LUSD, Risk Updates, FEI Market Parameters & Converting aFEI.
  • Follow the Aave governance forum.
  • The Aave V3 retroactive funding snapshot vote is live.


Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai Chain):

-The Graph, a blockchain indexing protocol, selected Gnosis Chain this week as their first new supported chain.

-DeNet added Gnosis

-Hopr created an RPC setup for Gnosis Chain featuring two Nethermind nodes

-FoxWallet integrated Gnosis Chain

Derivatives, Swaps and Prediction Markets


  • V4 Milestones: The dYdX team has split the development of the blockchain into several milestones so that they can test early-and-often, allowing them to validate the assumptions, find bottlenecks, fix bugs, and gather product feedback. Each of the milestones contains a set of features to be built. Each milestone also specifies the release of a new network, or a significant evolution of an existing network. This serves to expand the scope and quality of integration testing that the team will be able to perform.
  • Tornado Cash Update: dYdX has updated the compliance checks in partnership with their compliance partner to account for recent developments, and dYdX is currently blocking less than 0.1% of wallets connected to the exchange.
  • Employee Referral Program: dYdX’s employee referral program is now live. Send the team your high quality referrals and if they hire them, you will receive $15,000.


Fund Management

Enzyme Finance:

Securities, Insurance

Nexus Mutual:

Liquidity Relays




- Update Whitelist Requirements Proposal

- Analysis of Bancor and the ETH Merge

- UI Deposits Resumed

- DeFi Llama Integration Live

- Crown Capital Twitter Spaces



Payments Networks

Raiden Network:


More updates

This is not financial advice.

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