Dragonchain: The core commercial platform has been released as open source, The end of EAP, Rebrand, Interview with Hester Peirce from the U.S. SEC, Bounties are coming

Published in
12 min readAug 9, 2019

Biweekly update 26th July — 9th August

Hello, Dragonchain fans! These weeks, the core commercial platform has been released as open source. This long awaited move marks an important milestone for Dragonchain as it will help drive adoption among both enterprises and developers alike. The open source code has seen considerable internal development since released from Disney in 2016. Releasing this latest version enables developers to access innovations made by the team, whilst giving them the resources to add to that innovation by contributing their own code. An additional step promote the platform to developers is the upcoming launch of several Bounties.
August 1st also marks the end of Dragonchain’s Early Access Program. Many Dragonchain supporters have long been awaiting this one. This will include Node runners officially leaving testing phase and entering the Matchmaking pool for actual rewards. Community members who have been running nodes as part of EAP will soon be credited for their participation. In a change to previous expectations every active and eligible node will have an equal chance of being selected by the matchmaker to verify a transaction. Rewards will be directly proportional to the TIME (formally DDSS) applied to that node relative to other nodes selected for the same transaction. Additionally, Community Pooled nodes go live so that anyone, whatever their TIME score has the opportunity to apply their score to earn rewards. This means passive income is available to everyone.
As for the social side, check out Episode 4 of Dragonchain brand new weekly Super Happy Dragon Lucky show and find out more about the SEC and the current regulatory environment in the exclusive interview with Commissioner Hester Peirce, by Nicole Lim, Dragonchain’s Business Development Manager.
And last but not least, the Dragonchain community continues to grow. Registration for Dragonchain Academy’s first developer course and certification is still open. Absolutely thrilled to see that all of Crypto Twitter is beyond excited about the logo change. Jojo is now holding a treasure chest instead of a Book! Great tweets everywhere about the best rebrand in CT history. Keep track of updates by Paradigm. Time is too valuable to waste!


GitHub metrics:

Also there are private repositories (~100 private repositories on commercial GitHub).

“Dragonchain, Inc. began in 2017 and has been developing the enterprise and scalable platform on multiple private and proprietary repositories.
We’ve stated from the beginning that we intend to make the open source codebase network compatible with the commercial platform. We expect to do that sometime in 2019, and will involve an update to the open source codebase.”

Dragonchain CEO Joe Roets in Official Telegram group:

Developer activity (from Coinlib.io):

Dragonchain Open Sources Its Blockchain Platform:

Dragonchain recently released their core blockchain platform under an open source license. With this release, the Dragon company will be able to drive adoption among enterprises and developers looking to build their own blockchain based applications. The open source code gives both enterprises and developers access to blockchain innovations, along with resources to continue innovating with them by contributing code. Dragonchain believes this is a necessary step to further drive adoption and understanding of blockchain technology around the world.

“Releasing the source code to the public was always part of our plan. With this release, we believe the potential impact can be maximized by the blockchain community, offering opportunities for developers and driving blockchain adoption”

Joe Roets, Founder and CEO of Dragonchain

“As a developer, I understand the importance and value of an open source project. We are excited about this big step and can’t wait to let people see how easy and fast they can build powerful blockchain solutions on Dragonchain.”

Dean Shelton, Director of Engineering at Dragonchain

Core Platform Development Updates, August 2019:

Dragonchain’s developers are almost ready to completely relaunch the new console UI & UX. Learn about some of the core developer’s current and future focus points; Interchain management overhaul, changing of the indexing system to Redisearch, optimizing dragonchain creation, lowering resource requirements (eg RAM), and the open source of library smart contracts. Glimpse some of their coming improvements for the platform.

The End of EAP: Pooled Nodes, Applying TIME, Console Updates, and Effects of Open Source:

August 1st marked the first day of a new beginning for Dragonchain as a leader in blockchain technology, re-emphasizing our intention to position ourselves in the blockchain world.

This led to the blockchain platform officially released as open-source code, live during the Super Happy Dragon Lucky episode 3. Not only did they release years of work to the community as open source software, the team also ended their Early Access Program (EAP). As a part of this, pooled nodes are now available to everyone. Pooled nodes, for the time being, are hosted and managed by Dragonchain. The team expects to soon release more information documenting the process to run nodes on a user’s own hardware devices. No matter the amount of TIME that a user has, they believe everyone should feel welcome to participate in Dragon Net.

What is TIME?

Changing Dragon Days of Slumber Score (DDSS) to TIME was part of the Dragonchain rebrand, in which they changed the ledger in the old logo to a treasure chest in the new logo. This has always been the plan since the beginning, and the team is happy that this small but important change finally occurred.

DDSS was always about TIME, and this change makes it easier for everyone to explain. For the community, TIME equals the amount of Dragons held in a wallet multiplied by the number of days held. Other than the name, the formula itself remains unchanged. Every Dragon held in a wallet gains 1 TIME per day, with a “last-in-first-out” accounting method. It is a loyalty score now usable in pooled nodes to earn rewards in Dragons. This only marks the beginning of TIME, as users will be able to apply this loyalty score in various ways. Another way is now available, applying TIME to pooled nodes. Other ways to use hard-earned TIME, such as the devotion of TIME to projects competing in Dragonscale competitions, will be available shortly. Dragonchain will continue to roll out additional TIME products, giving users full freedom to ‘spend’ or ‘use’ TIME when and where they want. TIME is a critical part of the full Dragonchain ecosystem, and they aim to include the community’s TIME everywhere they can. Another example further demonstrating this is the Captured Time Lending Contracts, also known as CTLC. Yet another exists in a user’s ability to spin up their own L1 dragonchain, and pay a transaction fee proportional to their TIME for each transaction broadcast through Net. Inside the community console account, users may lend TIME to developers and enterprises via CTLC, allowing them to decrease transaction costs significantly. After the end of the contract, the full amount of TIME lent returns, along with an additional reward in Dragons. As adoption of Dragonchain platform grows, the team expects more community members to take advantage of this feature.

A large portion of the Dragonchain community had great questions. There were many long-time supporters doing their best to answer any and all questions. At this time, the team is able to provide official answers to some of the most pressing questions, enabling users to begin applying TIME to pooled nodes.

  • What are pooled nodes?
  • How do I create my account and claim my wallet?
  • How do I apply TIME to a node?
  • What are the rewards for applying TIME to nodes, how are they calculated?
  • Can I run verification nodes on my own hardware (unmanaged, on-premise)?
  • Where do I see my rewards within the console?
  • How do I withdraw my rewards from the accounting wallet to my own wallet?
  • What is the Dragon Net Federation?
  • What bounties will be available?

Read the answers here>>>

A Snapshot of Current Dragon Net Statistics:

Interoperability with a Private Ethereum blockchain network using Interchain:

Dean Shelton, director of engineering, shows how to use smart contracts on Dragonchain to perform business logic on a blockchain. In this demo he shows how to do this with software such as Docker, and Dragonchain technology innovation Interchain, enabling interoperability between Dragonchain and a private Ethereum network.

How to create an oracle for your own blockchain, with a cron smart contract on Dragonchain

Adam Crowder, software engineer, explains how to create an oracle for your own blockchain, with a cron smart contract on Dragonchain. The cron schedule feature can automatically envoke a smart contract to contact an oracle and selectively share data on a blockchain. With Dragonchain this capability is essentially built right in the platform.

Social encounters

Exclusive interview with Commissioner Hester Peirce from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

All views represent Commissioner Hester Peirce’s own personal views, not those of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Find out more about the SEC and the current regulatory environment in this exclusive interview with Commissioner Hester Peirce, by Nicole Lim, Dragonchain’s Business Development Manager.

Read more >>>

Super Happy Dragon Lucky Episode 4

Episode 4 of Dragonchain brand new weekly Super Happy Dragon Lucky show.

This week the team will feature an exclusive interview with SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce by Nicole Lim, a Dragon Factor demo for healthcare, & more!


Dragonchain: Exclusive Interview with Joe Roets, CEO and Founder — The Daily Chain.

Upcoming events:

No updates.

Dragonchain Academy

Sieng Van Tran‏ @sieng on Twitter on Aug 7:

Dragonchain Academy’s first developer course and certification released at the end of the February: Learn how to write and deploy smart contracts on the Dragonchain platform. Sign up to Daragonchain Academy mailing list to get first access to this course.


Token holders and the number of transactions dynamics (from Etherscan.io):

There is a slight decrease in the number of token holders these weeks.

Information from Coinmarketcap.com:

A Snapshot of Current Dragon Net Statistics:


The first installment of the Dragonchain 2019 Roadmap:


  • Time Products — Marketplace listing
  • Marketplace — vendor enrollment features
  • DragonDen — launch
  • Patent — licensing standardization
  • Commercial Platform — expanded dashboard features
  • Privacy Products — Launch
  • Dragon Factor — expanded features
  • Commercial Platform — multi-cloud capabilities

Q2 Roadmap Goals

Time Products — Marketplace listing

Captured Time Lending Contracts (CTLC) payments have now been further developed to payout rewards automatically at midnight GMT, after the end of your contract.

Marketplace — vendor enrollment features

This quarter the marketplace turned out to be less of a priority due to developing business opportunities. And on top of that, the team had their recent switch to Kubernetes to further enhance their blockchain platform for developers and customers building on Dragonchain.

Dragon Den — launch

Dragon Den further expanded the beta and had major updates in both the frontend and backend. The blue paper for Dragon Den has also been updated with new information. Development of their crypto aware social platform is ongoing and expected to be spun off and launched this year.

A Lair ownership process is expected to roll out soon to beta participants, which will allow users to propose and own Lairs in various subject areas.

Patent — licensing standardization

Dragonchain loyalty on blockchain systems patent was granted and will be included in the process of further standardizing their licenses. They are in legal review for patent licensing which is expected to be integrated into the Tokenized Micro-license itself.

Commercial Platform — expanded dashboard features

Extended account services have been released. Work on the console is ongoing and will undergo a full transformation within 8 weeks.

Privacy Products and Dragon Factor — expanded features

Dragonchain showcased the Dragon Factor Consent Demo at an invite-only event on June 13th in Napa, CA. The team now has integration of biometric factors. In addition, they have partnerships lined up for further adoption of Dragon Factor.

Commercial Platform — multi-cloud capabilities

Together with their on-premises solution, the team is able to deliver Dragonchain to multiple clouds and data centers. Check out Dean’s demo about Blockchain as a Service at scale for Enterprises.

Partnerships and team members

Fellowship of the Order of Dragons:

The Fellowship of the Order of Dragons is Dragonchain’s global ambassador program. It all started as a small private group with pilot testers on Dragonchain platform, and has grown into this Fellowship. Dragonchain will be starting to grow the fellowship and transition its pilot group here. The Order of Dragons is an exclusive membership giving members early access to projects, events, and chances to earn rewards. As soon as Dragon Den is ready, members will have access to the restricted Fellowship Lair on Dragon Den. They will continue to build things out and include more benefits for the fellowship. The team appreciates everyone’s contributions and hard work in the pilot group, and they would like to open up the group for more Fellows.

Read more >>>


Dragonchain Rebrand

On August 1st, the team revealed a corporate rebrand.

#DragonchainRebrand Giveaway

What’s better than a Tesla worth of TRON ($TRX)?

10 winners will receive an exclusive rebrand merchandise package.

1 winner will be featured on the Super Happy Dragon Lucky talk show and will also receive a set of all Jojo t-shirts.

1 winner will get an NDAAMA (Ask Me Anything) session with Joe. Joe will answer any questions you have in private.

1 winner will get a 10-minute Q&A with Joe on camera.


All Good Things Come to an End

In branding and in life, nothing is constant but change. Throughout July, the team released limited edition (mostly Jojo) merch leading up to the rebrand.

Feeling creative? Envision your own Jojo and send it to the team. If the team likes what they see, they’ll consider it for an official merch design.

Dragonchain Limited Edition Merchandise:


Discussions on Reddit:

Dragonchain Reboots.

The End of EAP: Pooled Nodes and Applying TIME.

Dragon Chain Console — link my ether wallet.


Jonel (admin): “Don’t pay attention to rumors. There’s too many in this industry guys. Pay attention to our fundamentals. Pay attention to what we are doing. What we have public that’s public. What we don’t have public is because of legal NDAs.”

Social media metrics

Social media activity:

Social media dynamics:

Dragonchain community continues to grow. Despite the fact of growth in other social media, there is a slight decrease in the number of subscribers of Dragonchain Telegram channels these weeks.

Facebook — Announcements, publications with 25–50 likes, 5–10 shares.

Twitter — Average number of retweets is 50–100 for one post.

Other media:

Bitcointalk.org: since August 17th, 2017. Discussion on latest news, price, etc.

Dragonchain also has Kakao talk for koreans.

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Dragonchain Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

This is not financial advice.

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