Enigma: New “Decentralize This!” episodes with Max Brody and Tony Sheng and first Twitter AMA

Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2019

Biweekly update 12th February- 26th February

This is not financial advice.

During the last two weeks Enigma showed little activity in media landscape. The main keynote of Enigma’s activity was an interview with Max Brody, the co-founder and CEO of Cent, who talks with Tor Bair about why he started Cent, his team, the future of the Cent platform and whether he sees Facebook as a competitor — or as a danger to society. To continue, Tony Sheng, a prolific writer in the decentralization space, talks with Tor Bair, Head of Growth at EnigmaMPC, about setting and valuing metrics for early-stage decentralized projects — and how growth, ownership, VR, and games are all interconnected. Finally, Enigma launched its first Twitter AMA.


Github metrics
Developer activity (from Coinlib.io)

Social encounters

Enigma’s podcast “Decentralize This!” features Max Brody, the co-founder and CEO of Cent, a social network built on Ethereum that aims to get creators paid directly for sharing their work and wisdom. On this episode Max talks with Tor about why he started Cent, how his team has chosen what parts of the product to decentralize, why he believes art and artists will proliferate on the Cent platform, and whether he sees Facebook as a competitor — or as a danger to society.

Ainsley Sutherland, explores how a “Dead Man’s Switch” could be created using Enigma’s protocol and examines some existing implementations. This can be a key building block for many powerful applications.

Enigma’s latest episode of Decentralize This! features @tonysheng of @decentraland. Tony talks with @TorBair about setting and valuing metrics for early-stage, decentralized projects — and how growth, ownership, VR, and games are all interconnected.

Source: blog.enigma.co

Enigma’s first Twitter AMA

On Tuesday, Feb 26th, 8AM Pacific, the Enigma team and Ambassadors will answer the most liked/reweeted questions tweeted with the #whyenigma tag.

Source: @EnigmaMPC

Upcoming events:

Reddit discussions:

The earliest that will happen is 2020. “Something that people tend to miss is that we will have a blockchain in 2019 (before Defiant), but it’d still be pegged to Ethereum so we don’t need a token swap yet. The swap comes in 2020, but it’s the least interesting part of the technical roadmap IMHO” ~ Enigma Project Official.


Token holders and the number of transactions (information from Etherscan.io)


Source: t.me/EnigmaProject


  • Token swap in 2020
Source: https: //t.me/EnigmaProject
  • Enigma is just an interesting concept but without substance
Source: https: //t.me/EnigmaProject
  • Enigma’s mainnet
Source: https: //t.me/EnigmaProject

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

There is a slight decline in Enigma community over time. The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Telegram, Discord and Medium followers.

The information is taken from Coingecko.com

This is not a financial advice.

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